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Alliance recruits and main story


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I know that the main focus at the moment regarding our Alliances is building up influence with the specialists and the particular recruits we want to join our party. Higher influence equals better crating, gathering, mission skills and rewards in general. But, has anyone noticed if there has been any difference in the main story with regards to the influence, or do you think its basically just a larger scale version of our previous companions window?
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Honestly if I find some of the alliance quests, the recruiting companions of the other classes window, too difficult I simply trash them and don't do them. Many of them need at least 2 players (specific heroics) and im more of a solo player. Some heroics that can be done alone don't give me any kinds of coordinates so it confuses me and i don't know where to go, I hope bioware fixes this :/ I mainly concentrate on the chapters that get released or when some of the alliance quests are doable alone. I don't know if this will affect me later, but i take the risk. I just think that the alliance quests are a choice since they are not considered main quests, they are side quests (yellow colored). So im good :) I don't worry about them much ;3
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Many of them need at least 2 players (specific heroics) and im more of a solo player.

I'm a habitually-solo player as well. I have *all* the companions that have been released (except the CM Probe Droid), and I did nothing grouped to get them. (OK, I cheated: that includes no PvP, because I'm a trooper, so M1-4X just came back to work for his old commander.)


All the H2 Heroic "Destroying the Star Fortress" missions can be done solo (with just you and your companion in Heroic mode, no other players present). I did it that way. They say that some of them (Voss in particular) are very hard if you run a healer character, but there are no heal-only classes, so re-spec as DPS to do them.


Dr Lokin is annoying because he can only be retrieved during a one-week-a-month event, but you don't need to group up for it.

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I play solo as well, and have done all the alerts solo -- some can be annoying, and I have only gotten 2 of the PvP ones so far; but I only have 216 gear for the most part ( and some even lower);

with a good strong companion of reasonable influence, in healer stance ( my two best are 41 and 42 -- others are 25 and 14 .. ), I've never had problems ... haven't even tried the heroic Star Fortresses yet though; waiting to get one companion up to 50 before I try that

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I play solo as well, and have done all the alerts solo -- some can be annoying, and I have only gotten 2 of the PvP ones so far; but I only have 216 gear for the most part ( and some even lower);

with a good strong companion of reasonable influence, in healer stance ( my two best are 41 and 42 -- others are 25 and 14 .. ), I've never had problems ... haven't even tried the heroic Star Fortresses yet though; waiting to get one companion up to 50 before I try that

If you have 216-rated gear, a low-to-mid 30s healing companion is more than enough. I use a *melee* healer companion, ffs!

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Well my character who plays KOTFE is a jump level 60 one. So I have zero influence with any companions which makes it harder for me. I know that the more influence you have the better your companion becomes but since my character is level 60 jump it's a challenge. I tried one of +2 heroics and ether my companion died even when they were set to heal or tank which then ends up in me dying. Had enough of all the deaths so I choose only ones that can be done alone easily. Guess il just stick with what I'm doing, I seem to be all good till now ;3 hope it stays so ~
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Well my character who plays KOTFE is a jump level 60 one. So I have zero influence with any companions which makes it harder for me. I know that the more influence you have the better your companion becomes but since my character is level 60 jump it's a challenge. I tried one of +2 heroics and ether my companion died even when they were set to heal or tank which then ends up in me dying. Had enough of all the deaths so I choose only ones that can be done alone easily. Guess il just stick with what I'm doing, I seem to be all good till now ;3 hope it stays so ~


Ahhh, so that's what I may have been missing when I was reading the influence guides that Bioware posted when KOTFE was released. It sounds as if the new game setup is only effected by companions related to said main story line like: Lana, Koth, Theron and probably important characters from class stories like LIs. That's aside from your character's decisions of course. Side characters outside of that spectrum are more like companion dressing. Something for people to work on in between new game content and garner better gear/rewards for the extra effort to get as many of your companions up to 50.


Personally, the highest lvl of influence for any of my companions is Aric Jorgan at 30 for my Commando. The rest are at about 10. That's where most of my focus has been since early release is tomorrow for the return of Havoc Squad. Of course I'm only at Chapter 8, but by the time I hit Chapter 11 all the kinks will probably been worked out.:rolleyes:

Edited by h_weber
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Well my character who plays KOTFE is a jump level 60 one. So I have zero influence with any companions which makes it harder for me. I know that the more influence you have the better your companion becomes but since my character is level 60 jump it's a challenge. I tried one of +2 heroics and ether my companion died even when they were set to heal or tank which then ends up in me dying. Had enough of all the deaths so I choose only ones that can be done alone easily. Guess il just stick with what I'm doing, I seem to be all good till now ;3 hope it stays so ~

Sounds like you need to crank some influence points onto whichever KotFE companion you like.


My DSF mission soloing was done with Lana, so I started in the same boat as you. For my pre-nerf visit to the Voss SF, she was around infl 21, and for the last one (Belsavis, I think), she was Infl 34 or 35. The key there is that in fact, aside from the handful of companions that are already back - trooper only has three, for example, and smuggler has *none* except the ship droid - you have no influence with any companion once you start KotFE.


You do planetary heroics to get the crates for the alliance specialists (Oggy, Aygo, Hylo, and Sana-Rae), and you hand the dropped gifts over to whichever companions will take them. If you pick the right type for the right companion, you can (at low levels of Influence) get over 2000 points per gift for dark-purple grade 6 gifts, which goes up to over 2600 if you have the top level of the relevant legacy panel character perk.

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Sounds like you need to crank some influence points onto whichever KotFE companion you like.


My DSF mission soloing was done with Lana, so I started in the same boat as you. For my pre-nerf visit to the Voss SF, she was around infl 21, and for the last one (Belsavis, I think), she was Infl 34 or 35. The key there is that in fact, aside from the handful of companions that are already back - trooper only has three, for example, and smuggler has *none* except the ship droid - you have no influence with any companion once you start KotFE.


You do planetary heroics to get the crates for the alliance specialists (Oggy, Aygo, Hylo, and Sana-Rae), and you hand the dropped gifts over to whichever companions will take them. If you pick the right type for the right companion, you can (at low levels of Influence) get over 2000 points per gift for dark-purple grade 6 gifts, which goes up to over 2600 if you have the top level of the relevant legacy panel character perk.

Yes i know ;3 Favorite companion on KOTFE ? Theron Shan 100% I love this man lol I managed to reach i think like 8 influence with him now maybe less but still its not so easy since to get companion gifts that give influence you have to complete side missions which again, for heroics, need 2 players at least cuz when i tried i died x.x I will just try i guess, just hope BW makes this kinda stuff a bit easier in the future

Edited by JessicaWolf
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Yes i know ;3 Favorite companion on KOTFE ? Theron Shan 100% I love this man lol I managed to reach i think like 8 influence with him now maybe less but still its not so easy since to get companion gifts that give influence you have to complete side missions which again, for heroics, need 2 players at least cuz when i tried i died x.x I will just try i guess, just hope BW makes this kinda stuff a bit easier in the future

Wait? You died doing heroics on a level 60+ character? How? (Scratch that. You have Theron. That means you've finished Chapter IX at least, so you're level 65. How did you die doing heroics on a level 65 character?)


Do the one(s) on the lowbie-est planets. For troopers and smugglers, that means Ord Mantell and Coruscant, then Taris, then Nar Shaddaa. Up to that point, you should have no issues even *without* a companion. You'll get very, very tired of killing savrips and the republic's most wanted, or some jedi equivalent, but you'll get crystals and alliance crates. Every alliance crate contains a commander's share that in turn contains a companion gift and a legacy-bound orange armour shell. Vendor it unless you like the look or need more of them.

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Theron does not go into any of the Star Fortresses with you, so best to level up an alternative until you get those H2 Star Fortresses done. I had him up to 25 or so before I realized my blunder. I did Voss first with a friend and actually leveled Rokuss up. I tend to like companions that don't say much. Lana, Senya, Koth and even Theron drive me nuts sometimes with their constant chatter.
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Theron does not go into any of the Star Fortresses with you, so best to level up an alternative until you get those H2 Star Fortresses done. I had him up to 25 or so before I realized my blunder. I did Voss first with a friend and actually leveled Rokuss up. I tend to like companions that don't say much. Lana, Senya, Koth and even Theron drive me nuts sometimes with their constant chatter.

"The Force serves me!" <= This one really is a Sith, not a Sith-coloured Jedi.

"A somewhat worthy opponent" <= danming with faint praise.

"Put up a good fight"


The last one is especially amusing when it's some trash mob on Ord Mantell who died before he had time to even blink when I shot him with my basic attack.

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Has anyone else noticed that pre-KOTFE companions say their lines less frequently now since the expansion then the others? i was doing a heroic with Yuun the other day and he only spoke 2 or 3 times during our entire fight. Edited by h_weber
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Has anyone else noticed that pre-KOTFE companions say their lines less frequently now since the expansion then the others? i was doing a heroic with Yuun the other day and he only spoke 2 or 3 times during our entire fight.


This is why I usually use the ship droids. They only talk when clicked on.

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I'm doing the story on 11 people. 8 are my mains (these were the original only 8 you were allowed to have in 1.0), 2 are males who are romancing Theron, and one is my dark side jugg.


Out of the companions we've gotten, all 9000 of them :rolleyes:, I have 10 who are rank 50. Now, before people have a heart attack, cause it takes a **** ton of companion gifts, I've been doing this since October 20th. I only max out my original companions such as Pierce, M1-4X, etc. The newer ones like Theron, Lana, etc I get to about 20-30, which is good since some companions can/will leave you.


The companions I've gotten to rank 50, who go with their original 'owners' are Pierce, M1-4X, Lokin, Scorpio, Xalek, Talos, Blizz, T7-O1, Qyzen and Yuun. Currently working on Kaliyo and Jorgan, but they both <3 weapons. I buy them from GTN, use my green crystals, had EIGHT people get to rank 20 with all four specialists and I'm turning in those crates for the star fortresses. So, gifts out the wazoo.


But, I haven't really seen anyone mention the specialists or who I've recruited alliance recruit wise. Kaliyo and Scorpio talk alot in the story, but they're considered main characters. The alerts, not so much.

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