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Characters Unavailable due to maintenance - Ebon Hawk


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This started yesterday, about 7 am. I attempted to log on my character, and after about five to seven min of a loading screen i was kicked back to the Server Select Screen, and received the error "This character is unavailable due to maintenance" At first I thought it was a normal thing, but reading the forums and looking over i found no alerts or threads suggesting the Ebon Hawk was in maintenance, so i tried a different character. With the same effect, repeating the process with the "Main" characters i play and normally log on to. All seemed to be locked.


Finally i called Swtor support - (ticket number 23696221) and was told by the tech that this was a "in-game" issue and that i should try logging into a Republic Character - after successfully getting into one character, I was told that my previous characters, who were logged out in my guild's Stronghold, were most likely "stuck" and to open a ticket in game, and reference this ticket, and should get fixed promptly.


This was well over 24 hours ago, Normally this would not be a issue, however - I log most of my characters out in our guild stronghold, so it encompasses nearly ALL my characters that I play, thus I have not really been able to access the game since early Saturday morning, and now though Sunday afternoon, a good chunk of playtime. I find it normally understandable that a issue might take up to 24 hours to fix, but considering the tech had told me it should be solved withing hours, and now its been well over a day, for something he seemed to find to be a simple fix.


I have 4 of my 8 characters known to be "stuck" in the Tatooine stronghold. I have received no word on my ticket, or in my email that this is even being worked on, so figured i best post here as well. Without attempting to sound like too much of a "unfriendly" subscriber, I find this lack of help disturbing - had the SWTOR support i talked to not assured me this was more or less a simple issue and at least one or two of my chars should be available in the following hours, i would not be so upset at this. Either the tech on the phone did not understand the issue, or the techs "in game" are having multiple issues like this that need to be addressed, which I would think would prompt a message to stir clear of places this can happen. Either way I am still currently unable to access my characters. Any advice or info would be helpful.

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This has been going on with our guild since Friday afternoon. It's very frustrating for us too.


The only work around we have found is that if someone with gkick - reinvite privileges is on, have them kick your char. You will be moved to the fleet. Then they can reinvite to the guild.



We are still waiting on responses with our tickets to. It's very frustrating.

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At first i wondered if it was the Tattoine SH, but then someone in my guild said the Flagship was having issues as well., i know a few people who said they can't go to tattoine., they try and get to the planet and get kicked outta the game. For some of my chars the /gkick might work, sadly I am the GM and the GM spot guy is "stuck" as well.


and yes, I do not know why its talking so long on any response from Swtor, even a "we are looking into it" or something would be useful , as of right now, it just seems that they kinda ignored it. Nice to see that Im not the only one though so its not a isolated case.


Thank you for the help on freeing some of my alts though, appericate the help more then you can imagine.

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