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I'm just sharing some thoughts I have on some aspects of GSF. Some of these are related to the game, and some to the players.



  • Strafe - sometimes I will hit a node/asteroid if I strafed earlier on, even if I stopped before I hit it, and even if I changed direction. For some reason the momentum strafing grants is slower to disperse than regular flying, and it seems to work in a fixed direction relative to the ship (and not the map, as you would expect).



  • Ticking - this has been extensively covered, but I've recently witnessed a new tactic: a tensor flies under a node and ticks with his repair drone, while friendly gunships prevent bombers from mining him. Basically, they stall, hoping to kill the opposition. Ignoring all the flaws in this tactic, it annoyes me even more than regular ticking because it's a team tactic. In other words, a group of players decide to prey on new players.



  • Strafing gunships - I see more and more of them. Gunship pilots who will fire while strafing. This makes my blood boil, and I'm not even kidding. Not because they're hard to kill (usually they're easier), but because the whole point of this maneuver seems to be to throw players of target. Obviously, experienced players dont lose target to that slow strafe, so new players suffer...


That's it for me ranting. Feel free to comment on any of the above.

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Strafe has been a bit odd, or maybe buggy, for a long time now.


As for the rest, well, might as well complain about T2 scouts using TT, BLCs, and Distortion field. Not exactly sporting to new players either, eh?


The boundaries of PvP are really imposed by the way the game is coded/scripted, and within those boundaries there's no reason not to use the entire envelope of performance (unless maybe the devs say, "this is broken and using it is an exploit," about some feature).


So while I think that there are valid complaints to be had about how bad the default builds of most of the ships are, and how the dominant meta ships/components aren't nearly as well balanced as they could be, I don't think it's really all that reasonable to gripe about how people are using those unbalanced game aspects.


Gripe about how the developers can't get their act together when it comes to fixing blatantly off-kilter balance. It's not like they lacked large volumes of feedback on what was wrong with GSF before their last major content/mechanics patch.


If there's an announced theme event, and people are deliberately showing up to mess with it, sure, go ahead and boil your blood then vent the steam blast in their direction.


Otherwise, well if a scout with GS support is holding off more than one bomber, that's fairly good flying.

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  • Strafing gunships - I see more and more of them. Gunship pilots who will fire while strafing. This makes my blood boil, and I'm not even kidding. Not because they're hard to kill (usually they're easier), but because the whole point of this maneuver seems to be to throw players of target. Obviously, experienced players dont lose target to that slow strafe, so new players suffer...

What's wrong with this method of dodging possible incoming damage? I think Alterego will disagree with that highly.

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  • Strafing gunships - I see more and more of them. Gunship pilots who will fire while strafing. This makes my blood boil, and I'm not even kidding. Not because they're hard to kill (usually they're easier), but because the whole point of this maneuver seems to be to throw players of target. Obviously, experienced players dont lose target to that slow strafe, so new players suffer...



I don't really agree with the bolded, unless I'm misunderstanding you. Personally I strafe to create or break LOS, i.e. to slide into or out of cover, depending on the situation. And when I do this, typically it's versus another experienced GS that's doing exactly the same thing. There generally isn't a need to strafe against new pilots.

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Strafe has been a bit odd, or maybe buggy, for a long time now.


As for the rest, well, might as well complain about T2 scouts using TT, BLCs, and Distortion field. Not exactly sporting to new players either, eh?


The boundaries of PvP are really imposed by the way the game is coded/scripted, and within those boundaries there's no reason not to use the entire envelope of performance (unless maybe the devs say, "this is broken and using it is an exploit," about some feature).


So while I think that there are valid complaints to be had about how bad the default builds of most of the ships are, and how the dominant meta ships/components aren't nearly as well balanced as they could be, I don't think it's really all that reasonable to gripe about how people are using those unbalanced game aspects.


Gripe about how the developers can't get their act together when it comes to fixing blatantly off-kilter balance. It's not like they lacked large volumes of feedback on what was wrong with GSF before their last major content/mechanics patch.


If there's an announced theme event, and people are deliberately showing up to mess with it, sure, go ahead and boil your blood then vent the steam blast in their direction.


I'm just letting off some steam here, that's all. And taking advantage of mechanics to kill new players isn't "wrong", in the sense that it isn't cheating or exploiting. It is "wrong" in the sense that there is no reason to do so, other than to grief new players. I do try to vent it in their general direction, but I need a break from GSF after a couple of matches against people who do that.


Like I said, it was sitting on my mind so I dumped it here.


As for

if a scout with GS support is holding off more than one bomber, that's fairly good flying.


That's like saying "well, if a bomber isn't killed while ticking, he's a good bomber"... It actually says more about the opposing team than the bomber's skills. Hiding beneath a node without moving is not flying, certainly not good flying.


By the way, the scout in question padded my sting kills quite nicely that match, so no. He didn't hold the node.


What's wrong with this method of dodging possible incoming damage? I think Alterego will disagree with that highly.


There's nothing wrong with that technique. I'd like to see him (or any other gunship) pull that off against any competent scout or gunship, though. If they can't, that proves my point.

Edited by Greezt
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I don't really agree with the bolded, unless I'm misunderstanding you. Personally I strafe to create or break LOS, i.e. to slide into or out of cover, depending on the situation. And when I do this, typically it's versus another experienced GS that's doing exactly the same thing. There generally isn't a need to strafe against new pilots.


That method is perfectly viable, in my opinion. What I'm talking about is strafing while shooting. I mean a gunship who will strafe out in the open, without any cover, just to create some sort of movement.

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That method is perfectly viable, in my opinion. What I'm talking about is strafing while shooting. I mean a gunship who will strafe out in the open, without any cover, just to create some sort of movement.


I strafe all the time! It's more common for me to strafe than not, but I think you misunderstand why I do it. Yes, it does throw off players who are less experienced because they aren't expecting it, and that's a plus, but it's not the reason for it. There are two reasons I'll strafe even in the open:


1. I want to keep a target closer to center so I'm more likely to make the shot. This is the biggest reason for it.

2. I want to make it harder for whoever is shooting at me to keep me centered or under their crosshairs. It's a small benefit, but it matters.


There's nothing wrong with that technique. I'd like to see him (or any other gunship) pull that off against any competent scout or gunship, though. If they can't, that proves my point.


It's almost purely RNG so I can't promise it made a difference, but I've done it against some decent opposition. Like I said, though, it's a small benefit.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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  • Ticking - this has been extensively covered, but I've recently witnessed a new tactic: a tensor flies under a node and ticks with his repair drone, while friendly gunships prevent bombers from mining him. Basically, they stall, hoping to kill the opposition. Ignoring all the flaws in this tactic, it annoyes me even more than regular ticking because it's a team tactic. In other words, a group of players decide to prey on new players.



  • Strafing gunships - I see more and more of them. Gunship pilots who will fire while strafing. This makes my blood boil, and I'm not even kidding. Not because they're hard to kill (usually they're easier), but because the whole point of this maneuver seems to be to throw players of target. Obviously, experienced players dont lose target to that slow strafe, so new players suffer...


That's it for me ranting. Feel free to comment on any of the above.



What the heck is wrong with you man. First of all ion railguins deal with that little stupid weak spearpoints ticking dont u know how to shoot repair drones and turrets for splah damage??? I read this to be a joke TBH


second, strafeing is annoying? why do u hate game depth? do you hate that stuff needs to be shot center of the target too?? do you hate that you have to manage cooldowns and energies too? if so lets all switch to playing call of duty ok? if u arent strafing u arent doing it right period.



Strafe has been a bit odd, or maybe buggy, for a long time now..


what is this post an idiot covention? whats wrong with strafeing? maybe you are referring to internet LAGS. honestyl who even reads this guys posts any more.




What's wrong with this method of dodging possible incoming damage? I think Alterego will disagree with that highly.


since when is alterego the holy grail of gunship strafing mechanics. ive never heard of this guy and Im pretty sure no one cares about him aside from TRE scrubs TBH.



I don't really agree with the bolded, unless I'm misunderstanding you. Personally I strafe to create or break LOS, i.e. to slide into or out of cover, depending on the situation. And when I do this, typically it's versus another experienced GS that's doing exactly the same thing. There generally isn't a need to strafe against new pilots.


UM hate to brake it to U but U arent doing it right if thats yur idea of strafeing.



I strafe all the time! It's more common for me to strafe than not, but I think you misunderstand why I do it. Yes, it does throw off players who are less experienced because they aren't expecting it, and that's a plus, but it's not the reason for it. There are two reasons I'll strafe even in the open:


1. I want to keep a target closer to center so I'm more likely to make the shot. This is the biggest reason for it.

2. I want to make it harder for whoever is shooting at me to keep me centered or under their crosshairs. It's a small benefit, but it matters.


It's almost purely RNG so I can't promise it made a difference, but I've done it against some decent opposition. Like I said, though, it's a small benefit.


WOW finally someone sprays some sense onto this pile of elogical fecal post thank U sir/maddam

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I strafe all the time! It's more common for me to strafe than not, but I think you misunderstand why I do it. Yes, it does throw off players who are less experienced because they aren't expecting it, and that's a plus, but it's not the reason for it. There are two reasons I'll strafe even in the open:


1. I want to keep a target closer to center so I'm more likely to make the shot. This is the biggest reason for it.

2. I want to make it harder for whoever is shooting at me to keep me centered or under their crosshairs. It's a small benefit, but it matters.




It's almost purely RNG so I can't promise it made a difference, but I've done it against some decent opposition. Like I said, though, it's a small benefit.


Keeping a target centered, sliding into/out of cover etc. are ok in my opinion, because they give you an advantage over a skilled player as well as the newer ones. Strafing out in the open doesn't give you any real advantage over an experienced player, though. Like you say, it only gives you RNG (and a very small amount of that against a BLC scout, or a gunship with wingman up). It DOES give a huge advantage against new players, though, because they don't understand what's happening and don't know how to cope with it. That's why it annoys me so much.


The people I am talking about only begin strafing when they are being shot at, so that's definitely not one of those.




You just took the words out of my mouth :rolleyes:

Edited by Greezt
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what is this post an idiot covention? whats wrong with strafeing? maybe you are referring to internet LAGS. honestyl who even reads this guys posts any more.



In the past there has been a bug where strafing doesn't always turn off when you release the key bound to the strafe command. It's not lag related and it's inconsistent enough that a casual observer may not even notice it since it doesn't always happen. Strafing in the opposite direction usually fixes it. I haven't bothered to keep track of whether it has been patched or not. I don't believe it's been mentioned in any patch notes, but that doesn't mean much with GSF.


It would appear that you read my posts, though to be honest, I'd sort of hoped for a more upmarket readership. Readership that is more intelligent, more polite, and with writing that doesn't have embarrassingly poor grammar and spelling. Of course, that would sort of preclude the fun of poking at the readership with a stick just to see how much of an explosion of vitriol results. Though in your case, it's always a bit hard to tell if explosions are the result of disturbance or if it's just a random spontaneous detonation.


My popcorn is ready, don't disappoint eh? :p

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What's wrong with this method of dodging possible incoming damage? I think Alterego will disagree with that highly.


You mean the guy who suspiciously (and repeatedly) lands a shot on you at the same time your own gets stopped by a rock he is hiding behind?


Nothing dodgy about that at all...


There's nothing wrong with that technique. I'd like to see him (or any other gunship) pull that off against any competent scout or gunship, though. If they can't, that proves my point.


He's pretty easy kill if caught without a rock to hug. Especially since last time I flown against him he was using Feedback shield.

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I don't really agree with the bolded, unless I'm misunderstanding you. Personally I strafe to create or break LOS, i.e. to slide into or out of cover, depending on the situation. And when I do this, typically it's versus another experienced GS that's doing exactly the same thing. There generally isn't a need to strafe against new pilots.


I'm with you on this one Max. Lord knows we've done that plenty of times to each other.


And I guess I've used it to keep a target centered, never really thought about it tho. Always seemed a quick way to get a shot off and duck back in cover.

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I'm with you on this one Max. Lord knows we've done that plenty of times to each other.


Truth - but I can't remember the last time. Where the holy hell have you been, man? /gsf on JC has been missing "greetings, starfighters" for way too long.


And I guess I've used it to keep a target centered, never really thought about it tho. Always seemed a quick way to get a shot off and duck back in cover.


Since I posted above, I've paid more attention to when/why I strafe - and actually I do it a lot more than I thought. Sort of second nature at this point, I guess. So, yes, apparently I do it to better center a target too. I even found myself doing it on a scout to get in better position to dislodge a tick bomber. It's funny because I didn't do it at all for my first full year of GSF. Old dog can learn new tricks, I suppose.

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