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Question about Jaesa Willsaam


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I know that you can ether make her light or dark but my question is, if i make her light does she have the same likes and dislikes as the dark Jaesa ? (Likes: Random cruelty, secrets of the Force, murder and chaos. Dislikes: Honor, mercy, helping people) i could not find an answer to that question anywhere, most sites I checked showed the same likes and dislikes. And if she is different then could someone who has a light side Jaesa tell me what her likes and dislikes are ? I just wanna know this before making the choice. Thanks :)
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it's had been some time since I played the SW class story but from what I remember Light Jaesa has similar likes and dislikes to Kira and Ashara and which are the opposite of her Dark version since she will still be some kind of Jedi. So she will mostly like Honor, mercy, helping people and so on, and dislike Radom Cruelty, Murder, ...


I think the reason you mostly find info on Dark Jaesa is because she is somehow considered the "canon" version as seen on her page on wookipedia. Even the offical page on this site has only her likes and dislikes of Dark Jaesa. The only mention of her Light version is for the companions gifts.

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All my Warriors are light side, mainly because I'm weak, but light side Jaesa is a sweet girl who tries hard to help her master reform the Empire. She is a big fan of mercy(basically what the other reply on this thread said, think along the lines of Kira and Ashara), but I should note that


you can kill the Voice on Voss and she approves, mainly because it's who it is, and if you talk smack to him before the boss fight, she approves as well


I heard somewhere that if male Warriors don't marry Vette and they're light side,


you can talk with light side Jaesa about her having kids with you.


From what I have seen on YouTube and what a few of the people I played with have told me about dark side Jaesa, she's beyond axe crazy. The best way to gain affection with her is to act like a nutcase and kill because you can. If you're a male Warrior, you can only romance her when she's dark side.

I should also note that you can still recruit Jaesa as light side, even if you're dark side. A blogger I follow on Tumblr had her dark side Warrior get light side Jaesa, partially because the character wasn't completely dark side, and the arrangement fit the character better.

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I heard somewhere that if male Warriors don't marry Vette and they're light side,


you can talk with light side Jaesa about her having kids with you.


about that...


You are right. But you can do that even after marrying Vette. The choice is potrayed as purely pragmatical by both your character and Jaesa. There's no romance in it, just the benefit of passing her ability into your bloodline.


Edited by Deshiel
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Thanks for the replies guys :) I had a sith warrior and i got jeasa as dark side just because many people said that she is awesome as dark side but now i made another sith warrior for some reason lol and i wanted to try the light side of her. But if she is going to be too kind and does not like killing or dark choices then i might as well just get her dark again ;3 The thing is just dark jeasa was too crazy for me, too cruel, i don't like killing people all the time i have mercy at times and feel bad for people sometimes, thought i kill yes when i hate or have been betrayed or someone treats me like crap lol any notes on the light side jaesa ? is she going to be too fairy princess like ashara for example ? thx again ;P
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If she's Lightside she likes honor, secrets of the Force, mercy, helping people and dislikes random cruelty, murder and chaos.

If she's Darkside she likes random cruelty, secrets of the Force, murder and chaos and dislikes honor, mercy, helping people.


It's mostly reversed basically.


For gifts, she prefers Republic Memorabilia and Cultural Artifacts if she's Lightside, while if she is Darkside she prefers Trophies and Luxury.


Lightside Jaesa can be described as very calm and stoic, business-like and basically everything you would expect from a virtuous and chaste Jedi (Although if you play a male character and you don't romance Vette, she's open for 'procreation' if you ever feel the need to one day :D)

Edited by Lazproperty
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it's had been some time since I played the SW class story but from what I remember Light Jaesa has similar likes and dislikes to Kira and Ashara and which are the opposite of her Dark version since she will still be some kind of Jedi. So she will mostly like Honor, mercy, helping people and so on, and dislike Radom Cruelty, Murder, ...


I think the reason you mostly find info on Dark Jaesa is because she is somehow considered the "canon" version as seen on her page on wookipedia. Even the offical page on this site has only her likes and dislikes of Dark Jaesa. The only mention of her Light version is for the companions gifts.



Wookiepedia's judgement is hardly meaningful, their long standing policy in the cases of SW video games has been to assume light side choices by the main character, they decided that with the Imperial classes in SW:TOR, assuming all dark side choices is the best assumption. but that's purely an editorial policy of the wiki

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