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Thank You For Trying To Get It Right BW.


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Hey folks,


We have been doing a lot of internal playtesting on the Eternal Championship and it is currently not at a level that we believe our players deserve. In keeping with our commitment to offer the highest quality experience possible with our latest expansion, we have decided to delay the launch of the Eternal Championship. We are focusing on overall balance, ensuring each boss fight is challenging, endeavoring to exceed quality expectations, and most of all, making sure it is a fun experience. Please note Bowdaar will also be delayed, but will continue to launch alongside the Eternal Championship.


To help ensure we deliver on the deeper experience we promised, we have decided to make the Eternal Championship available on our Public Test Server (PTS) prior to releasing it. We are eager to make this feature as high quality as possible and would love to get your feedback as we work to strengthen it. Once we nail down the release schedule we will let you know how to get access on PTS.


I will provide more information as I have it; our goal is to have more information in the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you.




Thank for the update Eric much appreciated. I'm one of the people who has been very dissatisfied and has often complained about the QA of this game alot. I want to thank you guys for actually taking the time to test it out and making sure you put out the best quality content you can, your players deserve that much and it's nice to see you guys admit that you want to take some time. By all means test this out and even if this is released by May I will have no problem as long the QA is up to par. So again thank you BW for trying to get it right after a long time it's a relief to see this. :)

Edited by squirrelballz
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Thank you bioware.



Letting us test your content is how we fix bugs. Why it is called a test server.



I remember when we could also PTR test the new pack (when they first came out) and play around with them to get us excited for them prior to launch.



Hope we see Artifice fixed soon too. Black-Cyan and Black-White schematics weren't added to vendor and Cyan-black, Black-white, Cyan, and Purple war hero are missing from the pvp items vendors.

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While I agree with you fully on this OP, it really did not need a new thread about it, as everyone has put down there thoughts in the actual thread your quote was taken from. Be that in support or not. I just don't see the point about having two or more threads on about the same topic on the first page. Are we now going to get a third new thread condemning BW about this same issue? Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Wow, what will it take for some of you fanboys to finally understand that this game aint getting much attention from the devs anymore? Its dying so why would they spend money and hours on a game thats dying? Wake up people, we are in maintenance mode and have been for a long time now.
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Wow, what will it take for some of you fanboys to finally understand that this game aint getting much attention from the devs anymore? Its dying so why would they spend money and hours on a game thats dying? Wake up people, we are in maintenance mode and have been for a long time now.


Great conspirancy...



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While I do thank Eric for the update, this just proves that the current Dev team is inadequate and unable to perform there job. Its one thing to hold it back one time, but a second? and even maybe a possible third time??? seriously???? What's up with Bioware Austin management anyway.
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Absolutely the above!. Would much rather have a polished product than the multiple, rushed, catastrophe expansions we have witnessed recently. Looks like Bioware have remembered they have a PTS!


Thank you someone who gets it. Do you guys remember the utter garbage that was patch 4.1? Do you remember how terrible their QA was and how many bugs they trashed that patch with? Not to mention their garbage ISP networking issues that led to downtime fun time in order to avert people's attention from their garbage QA. I've been playing this game for years and I can't tell you what a relief it is to see the PTS up again and I hope they keep it that damn way.


So we're thanking them for deciding to actually do their jobs properly now? That's hilarious. Not to be rude, but we're paying our hard earned money for this, it damn well better be polished.


I'm thanking them for realizing they aren't good at their jobs or QA and acknowledging for once they are not ready to put content that probably has such stupid bugs it would annoy the living hell out of the player base. Of course we are paying for this with our money but let me ask you this do you want something polished or more new broken content. Just look at the state of OPS, PVP, Crafting, and Story bugs it's so shameful that they couldn't even get chapter 10 right and some people can't complete it because of the bugs. Maybe just maybe I want a working product and not scraps.


Thank you bioware.



Letting us test your content is how we fix bugs. Why it is called a test server.



I remember when we could also PTR test the new pack (when they first came out) and play around with them to get us excited for them prior to launch.



Hope we see Artifice fixed soon too. Black-Cyan and Black-White schematics weren't added to vendor and Cyan-black, Black-white, Cyan, and Purple war hero are missing from the pvp items vendors.


^^ This we know they are too damn lazy and inept at testing their own product. At the very least thankfully we have the PTS for now someone has to tell them how to fix the broken crap in this game.


While I agree with you fully on this OP, it really did not need a new thread about it, as everyone has put down there thoughts in the actual thread your quote was taken from. Be that in support or not. I just don't see the point about having two or more threads on about the same topic on the first page. Are we now going to get a third new thread condemning BW about this same issue?


Fair point I should've thought that through I haven't posted a new thread in awhile and I did this because for once I'm thankful. As to your second point yes BW deserves to be condemned for their QA and since 4.0 it's only become more abysmal. This is the first step I've seen in my opinion that may turn the tide in a good direction.


As always fanboiz lick every news from devs even if its fail. :rak_03:


Please read my post history and you will realize that not only is that statement stupid it's the furthest thing from the truth and I've been very critical of how they've handled several things.


Wow, what will it take for some of you fanboys to finally understand that this game aint getting much attention from the devs anymore? Its dying so why would they spend money and hours on a game thats dying? Wake up people, we are in maintenance mode and have been for a long time now.


We can argue how much the Dev's care but I'm pretty sure unless they come here and express that we will never know, personally I think they do the bare minimum to hit the quota given by EA/BW. Also what is it with people and the fanboy assumption? I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get new warzones or chapters/upcoming content if we are in maintenance mode, then again that's just my opinion.


While I do thank Eric for the update, this just proves that the current Dev team is inadequate and unable to perform there job. Its one thing to hold it back one time, but a second? and even maybe a possible third time??? seriously???? What's up with Bioware Austin management anyway.


Fair point but do we really want another patch 4.1 garbage fiasco to happen again, I don't. I don't pay for them to have such terrible patches and stupid maintenance times of 12 hours plus. Let's just say my expectations are not very high and I just want a fully working product which we haven't got with so many things broken right now.

Edited by squirrelballz
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Fair point but do we really want another patch 4.1 garbage fiasco to happen again, I don't. I don't pay for them to have such terrible patches and stupid maintenance times of 12 hours plus. Let's just say my expectations are not very high and I just want a fully working product which we haven't got with so many things broken right now.


I guess it is the choice of he lesser two evils, but that doesn't mean I have to be satisfied with this one. I still find it sad they never reimbursed people for there early access during that 12 hour patch, and no, those 1050 cartel coins didn't count as it only went to a portion of the sub base.

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I guess it is the choice of he lesser two evils, but that doesn't mean I have to be satisfied with this one. I still find it sad they never reimbursed people for there early access during that 12 hour patch, and no, those 1050 cartel coins didn't count as it only went to a portion of the sub base.


I'm with you 100 percent peter and I'm not asking anyone to be satisfied I'm just tired of new content being promised and turns out it's bugged to kingdom come. Like I said at this point my expectations are just wanting a fully working product. EA/BW's attempt at appeasing everyone was despicable and in very poor taste. Nonetheless I appreciated Eric trying to do something to hold the line so to speak.



Edited by squirrelballz
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Uh, and for a long time I thought that I was the grumpy one ...


Oh no, no, no. Some players have a degree in it. They have to put in at least 7 years of practise just to even attend the university, Then they have to show at least several thousand documents of actual proof of there grumpiness just in the first year. Six more years of that just to get the degree. Some even go on to get a masters degree.



Sorry bud, you don't even come close to being the grumpy one.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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