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LF raiding/HM/NiM guild


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I have 5 characters.

My main is Veng Jugg ,in all 220 besides two 216 tokens. 6 set.

also have tank gear 220/216.

I have a healer alt and 4 dps.

Looking for raiding guild that has 16 raid team.

I'm currently in a guild that no longer can support 16 man because this game is dying; and it would be nice to not switch in and out anymore every other night.

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Good luck finding one.


My Guild is predominately Pub focused but in semi-casual discussions about possibly expanding out to a 16m team Imp side. However, we're not quite at the point of pulling the trigger on that (and may not).


But I throw that out there in case you'd like to check us out anyway.

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I hate to say it, but I'm not sure that what you're looking for exists anymore. I'd be willing to help try to build it in a "build it and they will come" sense, especially if you'd be willing to give Pub side a whirl. I enjoy 16-man runs very much, so if you want to talk about ideas/options I'd be happy to help if I can, but if there's a guild out there actively fielding a 16-man team it's news to me.
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