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Why do worthless recuits make you do so much to get them to join you.


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Throughout the knights of the fallen empire you can recruit other companions & a few of them are easy & no problem. However some of them want you to get them supplies or things which require a lot of time gathering these supplies & materials & in my opinion are not worth it.


Most of the recruits do not seem worth the time & effort to get them, & probably will not use if given a choice.


Just saying it should not be so hard or time consuming to get someone you probably wont use.

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I am not saying you should not have to do a mission for them. I realize that is part of the game. I am saying certain characters require much more in their missions to get them.


Example : To get Yuan you go through & pick up four things & then back to him & mission over. Quyzen Fess wants claws from beasts that are on many different planets, taking a lot of time & not worth the time or effort. Pierce wants 20 war zones & for someone who does not like the war zones & will not play, that character is not an option.


I am just saying why go through all of that for companions you will probably never even use.

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I understand the feeling. Luckily most of the toons that I want to have recruit certain characters haven't reached the expansion yet. What I find a bit frustrating is having to recruit one companion you don't want in order to recruit the one you do want. Hopefully later on Bioware will give us more control on removing certain companions.
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The Alliance recruits are not worthless. Remember when Darth Marr's ghost is talking to Satele Shan outside Odessen? He says many people will have to die, i imagine that's the purpose of Veeroa Denz, Deadeye Leyta and the other Star Fortresses companions.

Let's say you would be put to pick one to die ( or sacrifice for you, or absorb Emperor's spirit and get into a rakata box willingly) : of course you will ( for example) chose to let Veeroa Denz die instead of Ashara Zavros, am i right?

Edited by bluehufsa
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So true. Who the heck (Besides Agents) have the time to get all of those things for Lokin? I know I sure don't. Also, do I really need to complete a quest, get a bunch of crates, complete another quest, and then do a flashpoint to get a companion. Well, at least it isn't as bad as HK-51.
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I take it that bioware wanted to find a way to keep people busy while they are still in the process of releasing chapters. Since they release only 1 chapter every month, if it stays so hopefully, they had to find a way to keep people busy so they don't get bored for example. Unfortunately the way they put it is not easy at all, it takes a lot of time and effort leading it to be somewhat annoying. Wished they could just make these companion reqruiting quests easier, it will be a lot more enjoyable :3 one reason why I don't really do them. I only do ones that are easily done and mainly can be done alone because I'm a solo player ;3 Edited by JessicaWolf
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Agents don't have to give Lokin the crafting materials... which was somewhat amusing to me because my Agent is my Biochemist.


The Star Fortress companions... well, my main issue with trying to get those guys was how laggy the Sun Reactor rooms were for me. If I could see what I was doing, I might be able to solo it with T7 (rank 34) and the Alliance boosts. As it was, I needed very patient guildmates to get through those Heroics. Of the Star Fortress companions, I like the Ithorian Jedi, the Nautolan Sith, and... nope, that's it.


Qyzen seems to be the hardest old companion to get solo (I don't count the pvp companion as solo because pvp is always a team thing)

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I liked Talos's mission, It was just the right amount of running around and fighting stuff. (Doesn't hurt that Talos is one of my favorites.)


But the longer kotfe goes on for the less enchanted I am with playing companion pokemon, much less do the alerts on multiple characters. It's evolving into my characters only wanting to go get the specific ones from their original crews.


There's nothing inherently wrong with this content, it's just that I don't understand what the point of it is. I pick a favorite companion on each character, level them to 50 (eventually) and just use that one pretty much all the time. I'm not a completionist type of player, or one who needs busy work. *shrug*

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