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Help not Derision Please


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I purchased two toons...Trooper/BH...Mostly because I didn't like the play. HOWEVER now I actually love my commando and merc...here's my query: How do I go back and do my Class Quests? Presently I'm just roaming around Hutta and Ord Mantel and still can't find or figure out how to do this.


I had a commando up to 43 and a pryo also BUT I leveled uber quickly and had dreadful gear and absolutely no ability. I'd like to think I have ability - modicum - and find I like to play these two. I would like to get their story lines though, my commando was stuck on Voss for ever due to a lot of things, anyway I digress.


Does anyone/or will anyone tell me how to go back and get the Questline? Please?

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The class quest line is locked out on a level 60 toon that is purchased. You can however level your character easily enough by playing just the class story and doing dailies of just one of the following: GSF or Heroics. You might need a bit more ground PvP to keep up with the levels, but GSF certainly floods you with XP.


You can get all the gear you need if you decide to pick one of the abandoned characters by doing heroics, starting with Ord Mantel and Coruscant. It will even transfer you to the planet/starting point for free


I hope this helps.

Edited by DomiSotto
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You can't do the storyline quests with the insta-60s. You need to start toons from level 1 if you want to do the stories.


As the previous poster mentioned, if you are underleveled it is not a big deal, just run some fps and you'll be at an appropriate level in no time. Or run some heroics, that will also level you up and get you some level appropriate gear if you are worried about that (or buy some orange shells, and put mods purchased with basic comms on fleet in them).

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