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Female vibroswirds misaligned


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After all the time I had to endure the mystery vanishing crossed swords on a marauders back (Cathar honor and Manaan Fira) I was so happy to see it finally done right when the classic vibroswords were released. Finally a pair of matching crossed swords on my back woot!! However imagine my dismay when I bought a set for a female marauder only to find they are off center on her back and misaligned. A small and petty issue Im sure, but a very annoying one at that... crossing my fingers someone might care to fix it but Im definitely not gonna get my hopes up :(



Edited by Greendragonbc
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Could be a body type issue. They sit properly on your male body type 3. They do the same misalignment thing on my male body type 2 toon that they're doing on your female body type 2.


A related issue: the Fira Vibroswords from Manaan are both sheathed over the shoulder on the right side so it looks like a dual-wielder just has one blade until they're drawn.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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