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I think removing "Bronze" from packs just made Silver a lower quality. and then some.


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and that they have a hidden secret gold rarity thats a 1 in 1000$USD


5 credits the exiled masters set (look alike of Luke's from EP7 it seems) will be in this list, or at least the upper body will.



Got my tax return, pissed it away, figured why not, since the pack released merging in the packs I bought with credits.


20 Hypercrates worth of packs(USD/Credits bought total), seen:


1 Zakuul Lux speeder

3 spas

12 MH Vibroswords

0 Unstable Arbiter MH

0 Unstable Arbither Double.



math wise, at the going current rate of packs of 600k a pop on Ebon Hawk, I could have boughten a Unstable Arbiter if I just sold the individual packs themselves on the GTN. If the fact of the Drop Rate Ratio is so low I kinda feel like I want a refund, Obviously that wont happen, but if that is the level of disappointment we can expect in the future to leech off players, I pity you guys. A single cartel pack item shouldn't cost a entire guild flagship.


I wont be buying packs for a good long time, Not because I hate the game, or all the other whiny reasons, But its just, you know, disappointing and depressing that the RNG would be what it seems .00001%



I at least hope the maybe 3 thousand dollars I have given to this game from launch C.E. edition to now will at least give more story, and items people want from my list that wont cost them thousands to get.



Not sad, not mad, just dissapointed.


I want bioware to post how many sabers have been seen per server along with how many packs have been purchased per server.

Edited by Magnusheart
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So you spent the equivalent of around 360 MILLION credits on a pack that has been acknowledged by most to have crappy drop values just so you could get items that are worth, at most, like 65 million, if you straight up just bought them all off the GTN?


I'd be depressed, too, if I'd done something that foolish.


Myself, I spent the approx. 65 million and got every new item in the pack directly from the GTN, including the decos.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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So you spent the equivalent of around 360 MILLION credits on a pack that has been acknowledged by most to have crappy drop values just so you could get items that are worth, at most, like 65 million, if you straight up just bought them all off the GTN?


I'd be depressed, too, if I'd done something that foolish.


Myself, I spent the approx. 65 million and got every new item in the pack directly from the GTN, including the decos.




Technically, thats if I bought all the packs off the GTN straight. like I said, it was a mix of credits and USD. at the rate of the items I sold in the packs to buy more packs kept it floating, I never had more than 15mill at me at once, and it was since the pack came out, not all one huge transaction.



But if I never bought any packs on the GTN/sold all the packs I bought with USD, I could have made about 70million.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Technically, thats if I bought all the packs off the GTN straight. like I said, it was a mix of credits and USD. at the rate of the items I sold in the packs to buy more packs kept it floating, I never had more than 15mill at me at once, and it was since the pack came out, not all one huge transaction.



But if I never bought any packs on the GTN/sold all the packs I bought with USD, I could have made about 70million.


Yeah... see that's the problem. Every few days we get a new thread made by someone who spent too much money on cartel packs just to be able to tell us that the drop rate is crap. The problem is not that we'd be annoyed by someone letting us know, but that those of us who don't spend large or any amount of money on packs already do know, but people like you don't!


If everyone had stayed away from those packs the moment the lousy drop rate became known, things might have changed, but the opposite is the case. With the amount of packs being sold, these were probably a bigger success than the KotFE launch finacially, and that is all Bioware cares about, not about whether or not you threaten to spend less now, because they figure "he'll be back, like every other gambler we have". And because those packs were such a success, you can be sure that any item that might be as desired as the lightsabers of this one surely will NOT have a better drop rate.


Oh btw... want to know when I saw such a thread for the first time on this forum? It was the day this game went FTP and the Cartel Market went live, people complained in the forum that they've spent 200 USD on the packs and didn't get their hovering Sith Throne. That's how much threads like this do to change the situation.

Edited by trueKieran
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I agree with the topic though the post itself reeks of just being upset you didn't get a saber.


I've bought slightly more crates now ( 22 + however many random packs n supercrates ) mostly from credits but also from referral CC and also didn't get a saber to drop from the pack itself ( I funnily enough got one from the chance cube though ) however I'm not bothered because the chance cubes have dropped items to easily make me more credits than I've spent ... few white crystals, various top end mounts, tons of armour sets - heck the revan reborn I sold I got just shy of 50 mill for.

Yes there is a lot of more junkier items from the chance cubes but funnily enough the majority of them are worth more than the silver items from the current pack are worth. :)


However in saying that the silver items should increase in value quite nicely over time once the pack embargoes as many do seem quite decent and long term desirable.

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