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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quality of Life Suggestions


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It does not ignore that restriction.. If Player A mails 100k to his scoundrel from his bounty hunter and drops subscription, Player A can still pull the 100k from their mailbox. The restriction of not being able to transfer credits is bypassed because the credits existed in the mailbox prior to Player A dropping subscription.


Player A can send 3-4 mails to himself from his bounty hunter with 350k credits in each mail before he drops subscription, and withdraw those credits after his subscription ends (till they expire in 30 days). Once again, Player A has bypassed the F2P restrictions under the current system.


In the case of a legacy wide bank that takes credit, the same thing is done, but with more risk that Player A is going to exceed their escrow limits and will see the lion's share of those credits shoved into escrow not to be seen again till they resub or until they buy escrow unlocks. Just like as if they'd done something as a subscriber like mailing 5mil over to that scoundrel and not collecting till after subscription ends.


They don't need to track where credits came from - they just need to track how many are there and return it to the first character who either claims it by hitting the claim all button (which does not allow you to pick amounts and drops the full credits into their character's ledger) or to the first character that accesses legacy bank.


Legacy credit storage and the mail system are two entirely different systems.


Once a player puts credits in the mail, those credits have been transferred to the other character,even if that character chooses to leave those credits in the mail. This is why a subscriber can mail credits between characters and a preferred player cannot. The credit transfer happens when the credits are mailed, not when they are received and taken from the mailbox.


A legacy credit storage would not be transferring credits until those credits are removed from legacy storage.

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Not only no, but hell no. Way to invade privacy. Just because I talk to someone on one of my characters doesnt mean they get the option to know who every single one of my alts is. Pass.


Someone decides they dont like you and starts harassing you so you log out, then they add you to friends to harass you on all your characters? Some creeper takes a shine to you and cant take the hint your not interested and follows you around til you log out, so he adds you and stalks you on any char you try to play? F that.



So this. Got one-way friended by someone who I spoke to for a few minutes. Every time I then logged in on that character for the next couple of days they were there, trying to chat. Luckily I just logged in to a different character. If they were able to see that one too, my god. :eek:

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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Legacy credit storage and the mail system are two entirely different systems.


Once a player puts credits in the mail, those credits have been transferred to the other character,even if that character chooses to leave those credits in the mail. This is why a subscriber can mail credits between characters and a preferred player cannot. The credit transfer happens when the credits are mailed, not when they are received and taken from the mailbox.


A legacy credit storage would not be transferring credits until those credits are removed from legacy storage.


Which is fine.


They are two different systems as you said.


It is a one time one shot way around the credit transfer for one character in the legacy. In essence the transfer is done... prior to the character's subscription ending, the difference is the method used.


I'd rather see the continuous benefit for subscribers added in than worry about a one time circumvention of the system for one character when the player takes their credits from a shared bank after subscription ends - knowing that they cannot deposit anymore, and will take all credits from shared bank on that transaction regardless of if the credits will all go into escrow or not.


In this case, it's a difference of philosophy and I don't think either of us will budge on our opinion regarding this, but it is food for thought;


Do you give subscribers who are paying you a constant benefit of a QoL improvement, or do you hamstring what you can give your paying customers because there is the chance someone is going to benefit from being a subscriber at one time as another one shot bonus after they drop subscription?

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Which would be fine. But TOR does not work that way.


Of course not. SWtOR does't have any sort of global friends system, so it doesn't work at all, let alone similarly to CoX's :p That's why I was explaining how it worked. Not everyone had the great pleasure of playing CoX and therefor don't know the ins and outs of it's well designed global friends system, one that avoided some of the issues they are worried about should one be implemented here.


Since SWtOR doesn't have a global friends system, should Bioware ever decide to add one in, they could have it work similarly if they wished.

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Not only no, but hell no. Way to invade privacy. Just because I talk to someone on one of my characters doesnt mean they get the option to know who every single one of my alts is. Pass.


Someone decides they dont like you and starts harassing you so you log out, then they add you to friends to harass you on all your characters? Some creeper takes a shine to you and cant take the hint your not interested and follows you around til you log out, so he adds you and stalks you on any char you try to play? F that.




I agree, there is no way in hell I want any one person knowing all my alts. Everyone deserves their privacy, and sometimes, you just want to noodle around by yourself, without having to be social or nice or polite or do whatever everyone else wants to do. And then there is the creep aspect. I've had to delete toons a couple of times owing to weirdos who take a shine to me for whatever reason. So definitely no account wide friending.


Account wide ignoring? That part is okay.

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Which is fine.


They are two different systems as you said.


It is a one time one shot way around the credit transfer for one character in the legacy. In essence the transfer is done... prior to the character's subscription ending, the difference is the method used.


I'd rather see the continuous benefit for subscribers added in than worry about a one time circumvention of the system for one character when the player takes their credits from a shared bank after subscription ends - knowing that they cannot deposit anymore, and will take all credits from shared bank on that transaction regardless of if the credits will all go into escrow or not.


In this case, it's a difference of philosophy and I don't think either of us will budge on our opinion regarding this, but it is food for thought;


Do you give subscribers who are paying you a constant benefit of a QoL improvement, or do you hamstring what you can give your paying customers because there is the chance someone is going to benefit from being a subscriber at one time as another one shot bonus after they drop subscription?


I'd like to see a legacy storage as much as the next guy, PROVIDED it can be done in such a way as to maintain ALL credit restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred players while not holding any credits in legacy storage hostage should a player drop to preferred.


As I said, BW stated well before the legacy storage was introduced that they would NOT be implementing a legacy credit storage. I am only guessing, but I am guessing that it might well be due to the credit restrictions and a concern about how to handle credits in legacy storage if a player drops to preferred.


Ultimately, BW is the one making the decision to keep credits at the character level.


It doesn't take long to transfer credits.


I use one character as a "banker" and that character holds all the "extra" credits, so I always know which character has the credits to send and I am not spending time looking to see which character has the credits to send. I also enclose a piece of legacy gear every time I send credits or items within my legacy to ensure that those credits or items stay within my legacy.

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Problem is diminishing returns, if you notice, the higher your companions affection is, the less they get from gift. Just remove the cast time for gift giving that will help a lot.


If diminishing returns is the problem then at least make the giving of a gift none channel-able and instant, I would do away with the companions response for even half the normal gift giving time.


While I love the idea of legacy bank I can also see it being abused or going against F2P or preferred policy, I don't know if you could make it similar to a guild bank rather than legacy credits, which is only available to subs and when your sub lapses you simply can't access the bank anymore and that money goes into escrow?? I don't even know if thats possible?

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  • 2 weeks later...
As a Guild Master of a guild that has a lot of members or at least characters for it's members, one of the biggest things I would like to see is key management upgrades for guild strongholds and ships. It is quite time consuming first of all remembering who's characters are who and sifting through let's say 37 pages of character names with no rhyme or reason to the listing. Alphabetical, legacy, even by rank would be nice just to clump all of those names into an easier to work with format. I personally have 19 characters so giving myself the required keys for each character is quite simply a pain. Please help us Guild Masters with no time to do anything to ease this time sync.
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Make /friend and /ignore be account wide for both me AND that person. What I mean is this:

If I add Bigbadsith to my friends list, all of his characters would appear in my friends list any time he logged on with any of his characters on that account. But ALSO... it would be a legacy-wide global friends list for me, so that if I had someone on my friends list for my character Halfmint, they would also appear when I logged on any other of my characters in my legacy (and on either faction!). Same for /ignore. Don't make me /ignore the same person on every character I have, make it Legacy wide, and make that /ignore apply to any characters on the offender's account.


I'm all for this with the caveat that it's an opt-in thing, and that some of my toons can remain private.


Account-wide ignore lists are a complete no-brainer though, and I can't even fathom why they aren't a thing in this game since launch. There are no privacy issues here because you don't have to see all the other toons a person has being blocked, they just are.

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/ignore can be abused the same as /friend can - if a troll wanted to follow you through all your alts, /ignore and then check the list to see which characters have been added. Legacy name would be no good since they aren't unique, and not being able to see who is on your own ignore list would make it pretty tricky to manage - how do you remove someone if you can't see who is on it?


For adding friends - You want to be their friend, but you don't want to spend 3 seconds typing their name in to add them to the list? Some friend you are.

Edited by CrazyCT
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