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Cartel Coins


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I renew my subscription this week. Previously got my 500 cartel coin every month as my subcription reward. This time i didn't get any coin, Not a single one. I create a ticket ofc but i think this act was totally worthless. Last time i create a ticket the response time was MORE THAN A MONTH. The other option is make a phone call i know. XDDD

But i'm not living in the States. A phone call from my country costs more than the monthly fee. XD So it's a fantastic situation.


I know i NEVER get my cartel coins back. And i think this will happens next month too.


I'm a veteran player who returned to swtor after years. I think this game has grown and it provides a lot of things for its players so its a decent alternative of WoW nowdays. But last time when i had problems with my subsciption in WoW a Blizzard employee answered my ticket within 10 hours not 1 month. And he gave me 7 free days for compensation.


Shipyard amd Tanaan jungle is very boring but with this problems and with this EA customer support i think it's wiser to go back to Wow.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well You are not alone sweety. I'm waiting one week already, for my cc... Seems no one care from supports :)


If you open up an in game ticket, be polite and specific (like giving your anniversary date) you usually get back a quick response. First level support usually is able to quickly resolve that one. The time it happened to me, I got mine in about 30 minutes.

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