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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Empire ALWAYS wins Warzones?


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I am a Republic player and i win some and i lose some.

Maybe it is YOU that is the problem. Maybe your server has a ton of well organised Imp guilds.


Imp's are not OP in any way the question is what ARE YOU DOING that makes you lose all the time because other's of us can win.

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Huttball does seem to be our game though. when we face Repubs in Huttball, I think you guys don't understand that passing well is the key to winning ;)


Haha, this. I swear, I seem to be the only person that ever passes and it's almost not even worth it, 'cause then I just get to watch whoever I passed it to hold onto the ball for dear life until they eventually get mowed down. I usually try to keep them healed through it, but it's usually game over the second someone on the Empire side realizes I'm healing. You guys have a real talent for obliterating me in seconds once you realize I'm keeping the ball carrier on their feet. :p


Anywho, I still have a lot of fun, despite that fact that the team I'm on only wins about 1 in 4 of the matches we play, and I've never been on the winning team in Huttball. I'm just content to find a decent tank/dps that can cover me while I happily keep them hopped up on stims. As long as I top healing done in the match, I consider it a victory for me.

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The Republic gets more newer players AKA low levels and therefore more get filtered into the WZs meaning losses - hopefully this balances out once the initial surge of players dies down. However, the good thing about Republic is that it has, on average, lower queue times than the Sith. The exact same thing happened on Rift, Guardians in general lost more - unless they had more Pyros than the Defiant side =]
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I think the "Empire always wins" because there's a serious lack of class balance on the Empire side. It seems that every Warzone that I have been in has had nothing but Inquisitors and Warriors (eg. all saber-wielding classes). I have also seen this out in the PvP world as well. Rarely do I see a Bounty Hunter or an Imperial Agent. In fact, come to think of it, I haven't run across either of those classes at all that I can recollect in either the Warzones or any other area.


I really think they should consider class balance when building warzone teams instead of just slapping people together.

Edited by Ulderban
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What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?


Evil will always win because good is stupid. -Dark Helmet

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The reason Empire is *probably* dominant on many servers is because there's generally MUCH more Empire, thus much more Empire 50s.


This. Anytime my team is getting completely trashed I start looking at levels. Sure enough there will usually be large leveling differences. The bolstering system simply fails because of higher level talents and gear, particularly expertise gear.


Brackets need to be introduced and quickly.

Edited by matthrms
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My theory is--right or wrong--people who have natural inclinations to pvp go to the more aggressive side which is in this case the Empire. They find beating/killing their opponents exciting and therefore prefer the side which, at least story-wise, has that. Furthermore, the aggressive and dominant nature of the Empire appeals to those natural inclinations.


Those very people pvp often and perfect their skills. But in truth all games essentially appeal to those basic aggressive inclinations and that may explain why there are so many Sith in the first place.

Edited by AltusImperator
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My theory is--right or wrong--people who have natural inclinations to pvp go to the more aggressive side which is in this case the Empire. They find beating/killing their opponents exciting and therefore prefer the side which, at least story-wise, has that. Furthermore, the aggressive and dominant nature of the Empire appeals to those natural inclinations.



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Lets stop debating what causes this and how to solve it.


On "The Deadweight" I decided I wanted to win and to win we need coordination to obtain that I need the respect of the masses so repeat the following steps


1. Enter WZ, say hi to people you saw last game even if you hate their guts

2. praise your team for their gains and acknowledged but don't screwtitnize(not sure about that being a real word) their loses Exp. Gotta call for Incs guys(don't press the matter afterward)

3.At the end of each round yell something that is your own, personaly i yell ROWLAND 2012!! or VOTE ROWLAND 2012!


Results, i'm recognized in a lot of WZs; people tend to listen to me and the best part when i talk in trade people yell my phare :rolleyes:


You can win against higher levels you jsut gotta turn every WZ you enter into a premade

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I've played 22 games of PvP as a republic jedi sage healer. Know how many we've won?




22 games in a row, and not one, single, win.


This, coming from a hardened, dyed-in-the-wool WoW PvP'er who understands objectives and how to work as a team, and who's PvP'ed for the last seven years.


There are some *serious* balance issues going on in PvP right now, and it doesn't come from not knowing my class. It comes from melee having a HUGE advantage over non melee at the moment.


As a light armor healer, I almost NEVER get a heal off. I can't get a cast off because I'm constantly interrupted. Melee owns everything else in the face, hands down. Doesn't matter what melee, *everything* slices my sage apart in no time flat. Bubble, rejuv, sprint away, slow the enemy, using every ability I have in my arsenal, it doesn't matter. I can't kill anyone, and they easily wipe the floor with my face.


In the last map I played, the Sith had collectively 125 kills to the Republic's 42. Given the randomness of who's choosing to go which side coming in from other games, I can't believe that ALL the good PvPers chose to go Sith, and all the PvE'ing spanks who have no clue chose to go Republic.


No, there seems to be some major balance issues happening, and it is NOT fun. The state of PvP from the Republic standpoint is completely broken in my view. If this is going to be the state of things, and there's not going to be significant balancing occuring, and soon, I guarantee you this is my first and last month of TOR. WoW is currently the only viable, balanced, semi-decent PvP experience out there at the moment in the MMO space. TOR is *miles* behind.


BALANCE the game, Bio, and hurry, or the PvP crowd is going to drop this game like a hot potato.

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As a light armor healer, I almost NEVER get a heal off. I can't get a cast off because I'm constantly interrupted. Melee owns everything else in the face, hands down. Doesn't matter what melee, *everything* slices my sage apart in no time flat. Bubble, rejuv, sprint away, slow the enemy, using every ability I have in my arsenal, it doesn't matter. I can't kill anyone, and they easily wipe the floor with my face.




No, there seems to be some major balance issues happening, and it is NOT fun.



I play a sage healer as well in PVP and I feel the same way. We have long cast time and channeled spells (shortest heal is 1.5s) and with the amount of CC/stuns/interupts/knockbacks classes have it's very easy to bring a healer down without getting a cast off.


As a healer, I understand that I will be focused and die a lot more than a DPS in a warzone, but right now I feel that I have no survivability.


Also if you are complaining about force speed you are doing it wrong.

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To the OP (Orig Poster)


So Much Whining, Envy and Jelousy you have...

Classes balanced they are, mirrored they be, Sage and Sorcerers fate(and powersets) intertwined they are.


A nerf to one would be a nerf to all... much suffering will this cause to many.


path to the dark side it is ..





Basically your either losing because your bad and making your team worse off... or just unlucky.


My experience is totally different.. Republic premades dominate a good part of the day on Jekk Jekk Tarr... they more than hold their own.. at other times the Empire wins.


But thats because they are good players who work together... 1 good player cant do much if they have 7 terrible team mates.


The common thread for PVP success is teamwork... get 3-4 GOOD players who know what to do and when, and its a different game.

As has been said many many times.. the classes are mirrored, if the SI is overpowered , the Sage is too because they share the same powersets.

Edited by blackadda
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Yes, Empire Always wins, 100% of the time across all servers and why shouldn't they? The classes are mirrored and 100% equal, so that a big reason for them to always win. In WZ's both sides always have equal numbers nullifying the Empires # superiority so thats another reason why they always win.


Honestly though, if you Always lose (since your Republic and Empire always wins) and all things are equal in WZ's shouldn't you be asking "h'rmmm maybe its me?"

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It's ridiculous! I know exactly what this thread is talking about. I proudly play republic, and out of the warzones I've played, the Empire has won the supermajority of them. It's kind of frustrating when you're trying to complete a daily quest.


I also have massive LAG problems with entering warzones, despite having a strong connection and having more than optimal computer specs for the game. At least every other warzone I queue up for ends up kicking me out because it took me too long to load.


I play on Vornskr.

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WoW was the first ( I maybe wrong), the rest copied it. It makes sense thou and would be a easy win for Bioware.


PvP ranges have been around since MUDs in the early 1990's and probably even earlier than that. Getting tired of every feature that's been around for 20 years being accused of a WoW copy.

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What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?


empire only allways wins in huttball if its empire vs. empire....voidstar and alderaan are fine

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My server it's republic who always wins as Empire are just brainless -.-


Huttball - there's 6 in the pit killing a low life guy while 5 enemies are running the ball over the line. I'm knocking people into pit, stunning, mezzing solo -.-


Voidstar - 6 people covering one door leaving me to cover 2nd door -.-


Capture and Hold - 6 People charing middle one at a time getting picked out by the 3 enemies covering it and ignoring the sides.


I can literallly name the players I've enjoyed pvp with on Empire.


Lord Cal ftw


It's server and player based, nothing to do with faction.

Edited by Zutha
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My experiences on The Swiftsure...


Hutball - I've had one win from around 20 or so games(maybe more).


The other 2 would probably be more favoured to republic overall with the only bad losses coming when we are up against a pre made of level 50's which is fair enough. I expect it will be closer when the republics get more higher level guys, it seems there is alot more Empire at 50(but then probably alot more playing on that side also)


This is from levelling from 12 to 26 95% of the time in Warzones.

Edited by KyussPC
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