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Dual wielding in cutscenes fixed?


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Didn't play since 4.1b was released but for the first time since 4.0 my merc again wears two guns in the bounty contract event conversations (or rather one on each side, apparently both were on the right side but you didn't note when you had two identical weapons).


Slingers and dual glowsticks fine too?


Thank you Bioware for fixing this minor but most annoying bug, and you know, you could mention such things in the patchnotes sometimes ;)

Edited by Mubrak
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Yeah there was no patch note associated with the fix, it just happened and I noticed I could see the offhand on my companions in a cutscene.


Bioware are actually doing themselves a disservice by not including every fix in a patch note. Either that or it got fixed by accident and Bioware did not intend to fix it but it happened anyway.

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