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Proper Order for ALL Expansion content


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I am recently back after taking 3 years off of the game. I am subbed and recently finished a new toon through the main original story. I am now excited for my first run through on the Imperial side of the expansion content.


I am a bit confused by the order of everything though...


I am only really interested in the Story (Purple) quests. However, if there is cool content outside of that, I am willing, as long as it can be SOLO.


I completed the Makeb line, and when I went to complete Shadow of Revan and the other quests in my ship console, it had spoiler warnings for some other content....


Can someone give me some advice on what to run and the order to run it in, starting with immediate after Makeb? I am only interested in SOLO content, because of the time frames in which I am able to play, it is too difficult to group.


Any advice on what to complete and the order to complete it in, is greatly appreciated!

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Makeb => CZ198 => Oricon => Forged Alliances => Shadow of Revan => Ziost => KotFE


CZ 198 ends with 2 FPs, but those can be soloed as tacticals.

Oricon ends with 2 Ops, so you might want to skip it.

Forged Alliances consists of 4 flashpoints with a solo mode

SoR has 2 Flashpoints with a solo mode.

Edited by Mubrak
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Makeb => CZ198 => Oricon => Forged Alliances => Shadow of Revan => Ziost => KotFE


Isn't there a story line on Ilum in there?


I finally finished Chapter 3 last week on my last of my original 8 characters so I myself was looking for the next step.


Thank you

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Makeb => CZ198 => Oricon => Forged Alliances => Shadow of Revan => Ziost => KotFE


CZ 198 ends with 2 FPs, but those can be soloed as tacticals.

Oricon ends with 2 Ops, so you might want to skip it.

Forged Alliances connsists of 4 flashpoints with a solo mode

SoR has 2 Flashpoints with a solo mode.


I just went to CZ 198. Is there a story line, or is it just the Dailies picked up at the mission terminal and the FP you get from the droid after landing? Am I missing a quest giver somewhere?

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Isn't there a story line on Ilum in there?

That's before Makeb




Belsavis bonus series

Black Hole

Ops: Eternity Vault / Explosive Conflict / Karagga's Palace (Dread Masters start)

Section X


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I just went to CZ 198. Is there a story line, or is it just the Dailies picked up at the mission terminal and the FP you get from the droid after landing? Am I missing a quest giver somewhere?


CZ 198 has a quest giver somewhere on the fleet along with the other flashpoint/ops messenger droids, should be the same droid on CZ 198, he'll send you back to fleet to talk to the questgiver on the flagship.


Oricon has a messenger on fleet and Section X, the rest should start on your ship.

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CZ 198 has a quest giver somewhere on the fleet along with the other flashpoint/ops messenger droids, should be the same droid on CZ 198, he'll send you back to fleet to talk to the questgiver on the flagship.


Oricon has a messenger on fleet and Section X, the rest should start on your ship.


Looks like the FP that is for CZ-198 (Titans of Industry) is Tactical and HM only. I guess i will skip it and run Oricon up until the Ops.

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Looks like the FP that is for CZ-198 (Titans of Industry) is Tactical and HM only. I guess i will skip it and run Oricon up until the Ops.


CZ-198 is indpendent of the rest of the story, so you can just as well return at 65. The tactical versions can still be soloed at 65, they were originally designed as level 55 H2+ Flashpoints (like Esseles/Black Talon), quite a while before they started to call them "tactical flashpoints". Now scaled up to 65 they're challenging but not impossible to solo. (Of course for your Merc and Mara this will be more of a problem than for the Jugger and Guardian, let alone the assassin who can skip most of the fights in stealth.)


Try to dismiss the god-droid in a solo FP and ignore the kolto-stations and rely on your healer companion instead, when you manage this, you can just as well do the tactical version.

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CZ-198 is indpendent of the rest of the story, so you can just as well return at 65. The tactical versions can still be soloed at 65, they were originally designed as level 55 H2+ Flashpoints (like Esseles/Black Talon), quite a while before they started to call them "tactical flashpoints". Now scaled up to 65 they're challenging but not impossible to solo. (Of course for your Merc and Mara this will be more of a problem than for the Jugger and Guardian, let alone the assassin who can skip most of the fights in stealth.)


Try to dismiss the god-droid in a solo FP and ignore the kolto-stations and rely on your healer companion instead, when you manage this, you can just as well do the tactical version.


Thanks for the tip...So much of the mechanics have changed since I was playing regularly 3 years ago lol. I didnt think I would be able to solo the tacticals. But I will go back when I have some decent gear at 65 if that is enough to take them down. I did all the dailies and weekly on CZ 198 to get the data crystals so I can buy a good set of gear at 65.

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If you're in a rush, the core single-players stuff is Ilum -> Makeb (Rise of the Hutt Cartel) -> Forged Alliances Flashpoints (you can select solo-mode for all of them) -> Rishi / Yavin (Shadow of Revan) -> Ziost -> Knights of the Fallen Empire.


Oricon can be considered a 'core' story arc set between Makeb and Forged Alliances, but be aware it requires running two Operations (Dread Fortress & Dread Palace) to complete the quest line (basically, it works as a stand-alone story even if you make it your character's only involvement in the Dread War - but for full effect of that storyline you'll want to do EC, SecX, TfB, S&V and the Seeker Droid mission chain first).


If you want to see everything, here's a list of all the post-50 content in chronological order. Make sure you have the "Show Exploration Missions" option toggled On on your map screen or else there will be some missions that aren't available. (Some of the references to Operations being Level 55 or whatnot are now out of date since 4.0 changed how end-game Ops work - but the chronological order still stands.)

Here's a list of all the post-Class Story storylines, based on the chronological order that max-level content was released (which seems to track the in-universe progression). The game does not allow you to enter an Operation without an Ops Group formed, but you can make an Ops Group with as few as two players and Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace can probably be cleared with two level 60s at this point:


The Cold War and the Start of the Second Great Galactic War

  • Class & Planetary Quests up through Corellia and the end of your Class Story plus Flashpoints as they become available (all Flashpoints have one-time quests that can be picked up on Fleet as soon as you hit the level for that Flashpoint and most of these quests can also be picked up on the level-appropriate planets)


Ilum and the New Empire

  • Ilum Planetary Quests (starts with quest you should receive automatically once you finish your Class Story)
  • Battle of Ilum Flashpoint (continuing the Ilum quest line) [now available in solo-mode]
  • The False Emperor Flashpoint (concluding the Ilum quest line) [now available in solo-mode]


The Return of the Infernal One

  • Eternity Vault Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)


Prelude to the Hutt Cartel Conflict

  • Karagga's Palace Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)


The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak

  • Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)
  • The Lost Island Flashpoint (concluding the one-time quest that started with Kaon)


The Black Hole Crisis

  • Black Hole Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)


The Dread War Begins

  • Explosive Conflict Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)
  • Terror From Beyond Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet) [because this Operation has been adjusted to level 55 it's worth noting that nothing is glaringly out of order if you do this after Makeb, but it should be done before Scum and Villainy]
  • Section X Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)
  • HK-51 Quest Line (starts with quest picked up in Section X)


Conflict with the Hutt Cartel

  • Scum and Villainy Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet) [because it is a level 55 operation, this is something you'll probably end up running after Makeb. Other than a single line of dialogue on the Republic one-time quest (response to "But their leader is dead!" dialogue option), nothing is badly out of place if you do this content after Makeb. This Operation also ties in to The Dread War storyline and should definitely be run if you want to experience that full story.]
  • Makeb Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up on your ship's holo-terminal)
  • Shroud (Macrobinoculars) and Seeds of Rage (Seeker Droid) Quest Lines (each starts with a quest that can either be picked up on Makeb at around the halfway point of the planetary quest line, or on the Fleet once you hit level 52)[seeds of Rage questline also ties in to The Dread War storyline, should definitely be run if you want to experience that full story]


The Fall of Czerka

  • CZ-198 Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)
  • Czerka Corporate Labs Flashpoint (continuing the CZ-198 one-time quest)
  • Czerka Core Meltdown Flashpoint (concluding the CZ-198 one-time quest)


The Dread War Ends

  • Oricon Planetary Quest Chain (starts with quest that can be picked up either on Fleet or CZ-198)
  • Dread Fortress Operation (continuing the Oricon quest line)
  • Dread Palace Operation (concluding the Oricon quest line)


Forged Alliances

  • Assault on Tython and Korriban Incursion Flashpoints (order is determined based on your faction, one-time quest picked up on fleet)
  • Depths of Manaan Flashpoint (quest to continue the progression picked up on fleet from same droid who gave part I)
  • Rakata Prime Flashpoint (quest to continure the progression picked up on fleet from same droid who gave parts I and II)


Shadow of Revan

  • Rishi Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up from Forged Alliances Droid on Fleet or from terminal on your Ship)
  • Blood Hunt Flashpoint (Rishi Quest Line directs you to it)
  • Battle of Rishi Flashpoint (Rishi Quest Line directs you to it)
  • Yavin IV Planetary Quest Line and Daily Area
  • Temple of Sacrifice Operation (one of two options for how to finish the Yavin IV Quest Line)
  • Ravagers Operation (one-time quest outside the Operation entrance on Rishi) [separate from main quest line with stand-alone plot, can be done anytime after you hit 60 and have been to Rishi]


Rise of the Emperor

  • Ziost Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up on fleet)
  • Ziost Daily Area (planetary quest line leads into it)


Knights of the Fallen Empire

  • On-Going Quest Line [Chapters 1-10 currently available] (starts with quest picked up on your ship)
  • Star Fortress Flashpoints (on-going quest line leads into them)


With 4.0, the 'breadcrumb' missions to the Black Hole and to Section X seem to have been pruned it out as part of the 'streamlining' they did. All the missions in both areas are still there though, so you can still complete those and can still get HK-51 in SecX, you just have to head to the areas directly instead of picking up the "go there" mission from the Fleet.

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If you're in a rush, the core single-players stuff is Ilum -> Makeb (Rise of the Hutt Cartel) -> Forged Alliances Flashpoints (you can select solo-mode for all of them) -> Rishi / Yavin (Shadow of Revan) -> Ziost -> Knights of the Fallen Empire.


Oricon can be considered a 'core' story arc set between Makeb and Forged Alliances, but be aware it requires running two Operations (Dread Fortress & Dread Palace) to complete the quest line (basically, it works as a stand-alone story even if you make it your character's only involvement in the Dread War - but for full effect of that storyline you'll want to do EC, SecX, TfB, S&V and the Seeker Droid mission chain first).


If you want to see everything, here's a list of all the post-50 content in chronological order. Make sure you have the "Show Exploration Missions" option toggled On on your map screen or else there will be some missions that aren't available. (Some of the references to Operations being Level 55 or whatnot are now out of date since 4.0 changed how end-game Ops work - but the chronological order still stands.)



With 4.0, the 'breadcrumb' missions to the Black Hole and to Section X seem to have been pruned it out as part of the 'streamlining' they did. All the missions in both areas are still there though, so you can still complete those and can still get HK-51 in SecX, you just have to head to the areas directly instead of picking up the "go there" mission from the Fleet.


Thank you for this awesome list. I missed some content on this toon since coming back that I completely forgot about (black hole). I want to run all of the content that is soloable. So I know this rules out the Ops, but if anyone that is familiar can let me know which of the FPs are Group mode only?


I am up to 65 now, and have done all of the content on CZ 198 and Oricon (but not the Group FPs on CZ or OPS on Oricon). I had enough Common Data Crystals to buy 70% of a set of 208 gear from the fleet vendor. I will continue to grind out the dailies to get enough CDCs to buy the rest of the set. At that point I will try some group FPs, solo mode and see if I can manage.

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Thank you for this awesome list. I missed some content on this toon since coming back that I completely forgot about (black hole). I want to run all of the content that is soloable. So I know this rules out the Ops, but if anyone that is familiar can let me know which of the FPs are Group mode only?


I am up to 65 now, and have done all of the content on CZ 198 and Oricon (but not the Group FPs on CZ or OPS on Oricon). I had enough Common Data Crystals to buy 70% of a set of 208 gear from the fleet vendor. I will continue to grind out the dailies to get enough CDCs to buy the rest of the set. At that point I will try some group FPs, solo mode and see if I can manage.

The Rakghoul and CZ-198 FPs do not have actual "solo modes" the way that the Ilum, Forged Alliances, and Shadow of Revan ones do. Although, as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, the CZ ones might be solo-able in group mode. I don't think the Rakghoul ones can be done without a group, due to the level sync.

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The Rakghoul and CZ-198 FPs do not have actual "solo modes" the way that the Ilum, Forged Alliances, and Shadow of Revan ones do. Although, as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, the CZ ones might be solo-able in group mode. I don't think the Rakghoul ones can be done without a group, due to the level sync.
Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island don't have "solo" mode, but they do still have the old "normal" mode. (Choose "start" instead of "start hard mode" when you pick them up from the NPC). The mobs inside are all still level 50, and you don't get "level shifted" down, so definitely possible to solo. Just did them both today. Edited by Adric_the_Red
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This is informative. It would be interesting to know at which point during your questing do you break off and do the FPS, etc. Has anyone chronicled the storylines are they would have progressed. For example, after completing Korriban, do I proceed to the fleet and pick up Black Talon or do I talk to my advanced trainer, then do BT and proceed to Dromund Kaas? And what about the planetary quests (main story)? Do you do them simultaneously with your main class quest or do one before the other? it would be nice to see a movie ( of the cut scenes) according to how they would have progressed in real time.
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This is informative. It would be interesting to know at which point during your questing do you break off and do the FPS, etc. Has anyone chronicled the storylines are they would have progressed.


There are messenger droids on the planets that open a com to Malgus/Satele who ask you to come to the fleet ASAP and do the flashpoint, so the natural progress would be to go there after the planet is finished or when there are no more pressing matters on the planet you need to take care of first.


The image psandak posted shows all the flashpoints.


And what about the planetary quests (main story)? Do you do them simultaneously with your main class quest or do one before the other?

Yes, you do them simultaneously, first because they are in the same area and you'd have to go back if you did one quest line later, second many planetary quests are interwoven with the class stories, it doesn't make sense to be celebrated as the conqueror/liberator of a planet and then go back and do a class quest that claims to be a vital part of that struggle.


Some of the recent "QoL" changes removed the barriers that kept the story sequence intact. You level so fast that you can easily go to areas you aren't supposed to go yet. All taxi-points are unlocked right when you enter a planet so you can now reach some class-quest areas without doing the planetary quests that give you access to them. And you can queue for any flashpoint at any level, even if from your character's point of view, the events that lead to those flashpoints won't happen for another 3+ years. Ironically, all this was done under the banner of a "return to storytelling"

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All taxi-points are unlocked right when you enter a planet so you can now reach some class-quest areas without doing the planetary quests that give you access to them.
Planet areas and their taxi points were never unlocked based on completing class (or planetary) missions. You just had to travel to them manually (on foot or on your personal speeder) and then talk to the taxi droid to "unlock" the new destination. If you went to a new area and forgot to talk to the taxi droid, then continued on to a "more remote" area and did talk to the droid, you could get into a situation where that droid had no available destinations for you, because you missed the in-between one(s). And this could happen even if you were sticking to the "story progression" through the planet areas, if you simply forgot to talk to the taxi droid when you got to a "new" area. Unlocking all taxi points when you get to a planet keeps this from happening.
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