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Odds of Story NPCs coming back as companions in KOTFE


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I was wondering, what are the odds that Bioware make certain story NPCs into recruitable companions ? Like how they made Darth Marr your companion for the intro to KoTFE. If they do, I really would like to see:


Master Yuon Par


Bengal Morr

Jace Malcom

Gnost-Dural, Ostar-Gal or any Kel Dorian Jedi

Vanto Bazren

Darth Vowrown (I hope he's in hiding and not dead)

Moff Pyron

Bella Kiwiks


So which NPCs would you like to see as a possible future companio

Edited by Tyzx
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With the way they changed the companion system, they can easily insert ANYONE into companion role, I say chances are perfectly realistic for any character, as long as the story makes sense for him/her to be a companion.


I wouldn't want everyone to become one though. Companion clutter on mains is already getting big, with much more still on the way in next chapters. We don't want to scroll for an hour in the list to find 1 companion because there are 245 of them in the game, this ain't Pokemon.


So best to be rather selective and picky going forward.

Edited by Pietrastor
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With the way they changed the companion system, they can easily insert ANYONE into companion role, I say chances are perfectly realistic for any character, as long as the story makes sense for him/her to be a companion.


I wouldn't want everyone to become one though. Companion clutter on mains is already getting big, with much more still on the way in next chapters. We don't want to scroll for an hour in the list to find 1 companion because there are 245 of them in the game, this ain't Pokemon.


So best to be rather selective and picky going forward.


That's true, the companion list is becoming too long. I wanted to do crew skills mission the other day and I had to scroll down pretty long to reach the companion I wanted to send out. I think they should revamp the alliance system to be that there will be allies or companions that you can't use actively, but rather offer some sort of bonus to the alliance. To be honestly though, I don't think they would do something like that.

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My first thoughts regarding this are Jonas Balkar and Jakarro, both of whom would be great to have as companions (and can we get a scene of Bowdaar and Jakarro interacting?).


I would even love it if they brought in some characters from the books or something. We've heard Dantooine mentioned and we know that at the end of Deceived Zeerid and Aryn settled there. Give us a mission where we go to their homestead and recruit them (or even recruit Zeerid's daughter Arra, who'd be an adult by now). Get creative with the companions. The Star Fortress ones are nice enough, but bland.

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My first thoughts regarding this are Jonas Balkar and Jakarro, both of whom would be great to have as companions (and can we get a scene of Bowdaar and Jakarro interacting?).



I would love to have Jakarro and his droid be a part of the Alliance. To be specific, part of the main characters cast where they will get more screen time. I loved them in Shadow of Revan. I really wished we could have recruited them at the end of SoR, but alas we could not.

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I would love Aristocra Saganu back ( or any Chiss really ) -- we need some Chiss interaction and input -- after all, after Wild Space, comes the Unknown Regions --- and the Chiss MIGHT have some say in invaders coming into their space ( oh well, one can dream anyway ... )
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I would love Aristocra Saganu back ( or any Chiss really ) -- we need some Chiss interaction and input -- after all, after Wild Space, comes the Unknown Regions --- and the Chiss MIGHT have some say in invaders coming into their space ( oh well, one can dream anyway ... )


Well if you look at our alliance base, there are quite a number of Chiss actually. Especially in the military and science wing of the base, but I agree with you, a good Chiss companion be it male or female would be welcomed by me.

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Well if you look at our alliance base, there are quite a number of Chiss actually. Especially in the military and science wing of the base, but I agree with you, a good Chiss companion be it male or female would be welcomed by me.


yes I've noticed -- and 3 out of my 5 characters are Chiss -- so I'd love to be able to talk to them -- supposedly, I still have family on Scilla -- or at least my agent does

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Darth Vowrown (I hope he's in hiding and not dead)


I don't think he's dead. There's a scene in CH2 after the 'Dream World' stuff where Valkorion takes your 'spirit' back to the throne room and you watch on as 2 people kneel before Arcann. Pretty certain the Sith is Vowrawn and this takes place right before you're yanked out of carbonite so AFTER the missed 5 years. Or somewhere during at least. He might have gotten killed in between but I have very high hopes. ^^

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I'd love to see Jonas Balker back as a permanent person in my base. Really enjoyed his character (his VA was excellent) and I could see him and Theron working together in the Alliance base, two handsome SIS agents working together in my base yes please! ;) Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I don't think he's dead. There's a scene in CH2 after the 'Dream World' stuff where Valkorion takes your 'spirit' back to the throne room and you watch on as 2 people kneel before Arcann. Pretty certain the Sith is Vowrawn and this takes place right before you're yanked out of carbonite so AFTER the missed 5 years. Or somewhere during at least. He might have gotten killed in between but I have very high hopes. ^^


I too hope that he's hiding somewhere too, but Lana's statement to the PC when you guys are finding clean water kind of pours a bit of cold water on that hope. Remember she says that the only Dark Council member remaining is Darth Acina? Perhaps she was simplifying things, and I sincerely hope she was. Perhaps Vowrown lost in some power play to Acina and is in hiding, but I don't think someone who has seated on the Dark Council for decades, outlasting many of his peers can lose to a power play so easily.


Here's to hoping he's still alive somewhere in uncharted place.

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My first thoughts regarding this are Jonas Balkar and Jakarro, both of whom would be great to have as companions (and can we get a scene of Bowdaar and Jakarro interacting?).


I would even love it if they brought in some characters from the books or something. We've heard Dantooine mentioned and we know that at the end of Deceived Zeerid and Aryn settled there. Give us a mission where we go to their homestead and recruit them (or even recruit Zeerid's daughter Arra, who'd be an adult by now). Get creative with the companions. The Star Fortress ones are nice enough, but bland.


Are you sure you know whom Aryn is? Luke Skywalker met her 3,000 years later and she was the greatest Grandmother of the Daothomir Force Witches, whom created the Singing Mountain Clans.

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I would rather get old, favorite NPCs as companions than more Starfortress noobs that I have no attachment to. I'm hoping for some of the GSI companions!


If you don't mind me by asking, what are some GSI companions?

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