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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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Still waiting for the code. Cancel my sub


I'm considering it I really am, it may seem like a minor thing in the scheme of it all, but I think ignoring this sets a dangerous precedent. And sends them the message that if they screw us over and refuse to fix it whenever they want that we'll just take it and say nothing.


I'm pretty appalled by them right now and our community rep who hasn't even had the decency to speak to us Eric Musco, or represent us as he should. He should be ashamed.

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I'm pretty appalled by them right now and our community rep who hasn't even had the decency to speak to us Eric Musco, or represent us as he should. He should be ashamed.


*sigh* Feel free to flip back a couple of pages to where Eric did finally respond again. Or check the dev tracker.


Although it was to let us know that they gave up on this on 2/25.


Cancel my sub


Already did. The dot com that pays for my sub just sent me a couple 2 month codes. Not sure what I;m going to do.

Edited by dr_mike
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*sigh* Feel free to flip back a couple of pages to where Eric did finally respond again. Or check the dev tracker.


Although it was to let us know that they gave up on this on 2/25.


*sigh* if YOU flip backa couple of pages you'll see I responded to that, what I AM referring to is the fact he didn't keep us in the loop at all, he didn't look out for our interest in any regard as he should as OUR community rep. What he did is initially said he'd look into it and then WEEKS after the fact, well after the giveaway had concluded and they no longer had any intention of fulfilling it AND despite him knowing we qualified and then had the GALL to put the blame on US for their blunder he THEN informed us, tough luck.


I don not consider that looking out for our interests as a community rep at all. that's just errand boy stuff.


Already did. The dot com that pays for my sub just sent me a couple 2 month codes. Not sure what I;m going to do.


I may do also, I am far from impressed with their handling of this. Considering everyone they have screwed over with this is a PAYING customer, I think their response has been appalling. I know if the company was based in this country they would have government ombudsmen up their proverbial backsides analyzing every action they take as a result of something like this as this kind of crap doesn't fly in this country.

Edited by NeoWolf
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I'm pretty sure they arent ashamed of anything they do. They have proven that over and over and over.......... We arent customers, we are just pipelines of money. :(


Nonsense my good jawa! We care about you greatly, why else would we have a game with a plethora of bugs, wonderful chance cubes, no GSF, PVP, raiding content, and terrible CS?

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I still haven't gotten my code either.

Like they stated here :

Hey folks,


I apologize for the delay in responding to this thread as I wanted to ensure we had fully investigated the emails that we had sent. Here is what we have done up to this point. On 2/15 we sent an email which contained a code for both Cartel Coins, and a Chapter 1 trial. After sending this email we received reports of some folks had not received their email. To correct this, we did two things on 2/25. First, we resent the original email to all users who had received the email, but had never opened it. Two, we increased the grace period for the original cut-off by 10 days to ensure that we created a large buffer for those who qualified.


After investigating, we have confirmed that the email was sent to all users who qualified in and around that timeline (including the 10-day buffer). I realize, based on the volume of posts in this thread, that some of you still have not received that email. If this is the case then either the email was missed/deleted (I suspect all of you checked for this already) or our email was rejected by your email provider. I have seen some folks in this thread mention that they have been receiving the monthly Cartel Coin grant emails. Please know that those emails are sent from a different source than our newsletters. If you marked the newsletter as spam, etc. with your provider it is one of the possible reasons that you did not receive the email.


The sending of these promotional emails did conclude on 2/25. We do apologize for any confusion that was caused by this. In the future we will be more clear in communicating where, and when, this email will be sent.



So basically what they are saying is it is our fault and we aren't going to get what they promised so yeah you can pretty much bet that those so called cartel coins we will never get brother or "sister" :rolleyes:Its are fault according to BW so...

Edited by Legolose
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What's with the Cartel Coins that now we don't received them right away??? In February it was the 13 now is 15 and nothing?, should that be given to you after your monthly payment has been charge?.


It used to be that way so I wonder what's up with that now

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Just throwing this out there for people with gmail:


I assumed the email would come into the regular inbox, like the monthly coin emails they send us which are not filtered by gmail. But, nothing ever came (i thought). Also, when I checked our gmail trash/spam folders I did not see anything from BioWare in either location. It was all just garbage going back for months.


But, when I typed "swtor" into the search bar within the gmail inbox and hit search - the newsletter email came up in the results at the very top, with the link for the coin grant. Along with other newsletters and emails they've sent me which I never saw. It listed "inbox" as the location, but when I checked the inbox I never saw it so I have no idea where it actually put it or why it would apparently hide that but show the "your complimentary coins have been granted" emails. Maybe it has something to do with the link in some of their emails, but I have no idea.

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Just throwing this out there for people with gmail:


I assumed the email would come into the regular inbox, like the monthly coin emails they send us which are not filtered by gmail. But, nothing ever came (i thought). Also, when I checked our gmail trash/spam folders I did not see anything from BioWare in either location. It was all just garbage going back for months.


But, when I typed "swtor" into the search bar within the gmail inbox and hit search - the newsletter email came up in the results at the very top, with the link for the coin grant. Along with other newsletters and emails they've sent me which I never saw. It listed "inbox" as the location, but when I checked the inbox I never saw it so I have no idea where it actually put it or why it would apparently hide that but show the "your complimentary coins have been granted" emails. Maybe it has something to do with the link in some of their emails, but I have no idea.

I did the same thing you did, do you know what came up for me !?!?!? lets see in all of my folders I had 2 e-mails pop up one stating the one time password "which it gave me once I cleaned my cookies on the 14th of Feb" and one I got on the 11th of March which was my month 500cc but yet as you can see there was NOTHING about 1050cc BW just didn't send it out and is trying to blame it on us:rolleyes: plain & simple isn't it.... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Edited by Legolose
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