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Slicing nodes broken, giving way too many credits since 4.1


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Which supports the change 4.1 was a bug all along - not announced at all and now reverted back to where it was with 4.0


it doesn't support anything of the kind, if it was "reverted back to 4.0" we'd still be getting at least 2 blue chests... no, it's just a little bit more than prior to 4.0 when all that dropped was one green Credit Case and occasionaly a useless blueprint, and substantialy less than post-4.0, when greens stopped dropping altogether and 2-3 Blues became the normal loot... what it does support is, if a handfull of people cry loud and long enough Bioware will cave instead of going after the real problems...

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what it does support is, if a handfull of people cry loud and long enough Bioware will cave instead of going after the real problems...

Balderdash. Many more people were arguing to leave the slicing boxes the way they were.


Which is a more likely occurrence:


1. BW was planning on nerfing the 4.1 change to slicing boxes already.

2. BW reviewed the forums, read posts by a handful of people, ignored all the counter augments, then had a meeting and said, "LETS DO THAT!"

Edited by Khevar
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Balderdash. Many more people were arguing to leave the slicing boxes the way they were.


Which is a more likely occurrence:


1. BW was planning on nerfing the 4.1 change to slicing boxes already.

2. BW reviewed the forums, read posts by a handful of people, ignored all the counter augments, then had a meeting and said, "LETS DO THAT!"


I think it was because I posted ... I must be some sort of awesome, white knight, apologist so they thought "Well if MeNaCe-NZ says change it then we change it".


Could that be most likely? ;)

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that's assuming there was achange between 4.0 and 4.1 of which i noticed none, 2 blues dropped in 4.1 just as they did in 4.0... dunno how anyone could miss that unless those screaming for the nerf don't slice, then it comes down to the ideal of "i just noticed people making credits without fighting and don't like that they don't play the same way i do, nurf nao" snowball effect...

yeah i know i tossed out a bit of hyperbole in my last post but i really didn't want to say they just went for the lazy fix instead of going after the bots and the RMTs that run them... either way it's still a middle finger to the legitimate slicers while coddling the people that think the GTN is Wall St... not saying they're literaly saying "screw you" to the legit slicers but it sure the hell feels that way...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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stupid whiners. thanx for a fix, stupid morons



Ditto that Ship.


Slicing Nodes went from 3 blue lockboxes between 14 and 15K, or less than 5K with 2 mission discovery missions to FAIL green boxes with 1 to 3 boxes, each no more than 2500 credits a piece.


And for all the white knight derelict whiners, your gold spammers were not getting anywhere on Harbinger with me and a couple friends slicing away our slow times with our guild.

You want your "KILLER BOTS", try the Euro Servers, you ninnies!!!!


In the immortal words of Ren to Stimpy: "Stimpy, you bloody idiot!!!"


that's what you derelict whiners are.

they need to give you all that title for being GALACTICALLY STUPID. :eek:



Or that temple chair.

Better yet, go check out reddit because there's always some super hacker inventing an exploit and proclaiming their glory on reddit and/or Youtube.



Have a nice day.

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that's assuming there was achange between 4.0 and 4.1 of which i noticed none, 2 blues dropped in 4.1 just as they did in 4.0... dunno how anyone could miss that unless those


Uhm, of course there was a change. Did you not noticed that the lockboxes were simply named for their Grade instead of the old naming convention like small bejeweled lockbox and such? Nevermind that the patch notes specifically talked about slicing lock boxes getting changed.


The slicing nodes dropping the same lockboxes as the missions (the missions still reward blues) was likely a mistake. If you hadn't noticed, there were ALOT of mistakes regarding crafting in 4.1

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  • 2 weeks later...
Uhm, of course there was a change. Did you not noticed that the lockboxes were simply named for their Grade instead of the old naming convention like small bejeweled lockbox and such? Nevermind that the patch notes specifically talked about slicing lock boxes getting changed.


The slicing nodes dropping the same lockboxes as the missions (the missions still reward blues) was likely a mistake. If you hadn't noticed, there were ALOT of mistakes regarding crafting in 4.1


that 50% reduction didn't accomplish much. there are just too many of the botters. the credits need to be removed and replaced with mats or something.


also, the credit price is evidence of exploiting, could be this or could be this in addition to other vendor exploits. we know the devs are not capable of finding them on their own or the last vendor exploit wouldn't have existed for 6 weeks before it was fixed

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