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If the heroes did not leave Corelia to do their own thing............


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Could the Republic have been able to take the planet back? I mean in the end we know that Corelia was taken because of the BH as he forced the leadersof Corelia to join the empire.

My question is could they have taken it back if they stayed on the planet longer with the Wrath continuing his slaughter of Republic and Corelian troops Darth Nox well killing imperial troops it seems and Chipher 9 not giving a crap because he has bigger fish to fry?

What do you think could these heroes have stopped Corelia from being captured or just inflict more damage but still losing it?

Edited by adormitul
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The Republic already had the advantage in the first place, Cypher 9 finds out that the whole battle was rigged in the republic's favor by the Star Cabal, who purposely lured the empire to a battle they couldn't win. The Imperial PC's were what turned the tide of the battle on the planet.
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The Republic already had the advantage in the first place, Cypher 9 finds out that the whole battle was rigged in the republic's favor by the Star Cabal, who purposely lured the empire to a battle they couldn't win. The Imperial PC's were what turned the tide of the battle on the planet.


The Republic still wins in the end.


The world stories for the Empire characters occur before those for the Republic side. Basically as Republic characters you're undoing the damage inflicted by your Empire characters.


Corellia is the equivalent of a Stalingrad or Kursk for the Empire. In the Corellia campaign it loses 10% of it's entire military and three Dark Council members are killed by the Republic / Jedi heroes. Considering the appalling casualties among the rank and file, and the fact that three of the most high-ranking Sith die during the campaign, casualties among the Sith Apprentices and Lords must have also been quite high.


For comparison, Nazi Germany lost about 7% of it's forces on the Eastern Front at Stalingrad. Corellia is actually a slightly more severe defeat for the Empire than Stalingrad was for Nazi Germany.


...and it was unquestionably a defeat for the Sith Empire. The Empire comes out of the campaign with nothing to show for having wrecked its military, with the Republic maintaining a hold over the planet and Imperial forces being evacuated. Darth Decimus' victory speech was premature. The Republic counterattack succeeds and he dies during it.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I doubt very much the Imperial PCs could have made a differance



the Wraith if he had remained on world would have certainly been deployed against the hero of Tython. (and no matter which of them won it wouldn't have been good for the Empire)


the inqusitor he he/she stayed woulda likely been tied up in a counter attack from Thanaton.


the agent sd BH both could make a differance but likely would be unable to turn victory into defeat.

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I doubt very much the Imperial PCs could have made a differance



the Wraith if he had remained on world would have certainly been deployed against the hero of Tython. (and no matter which of them won it wouldn't have been good for the Empire)


the inqusitor he he/she stayed woulda likely been tied up in a counter attack from Thanaton.


the agent sd BH both could make a differance but likely would be unable to turn victory into defeat.


I am surprised the Wrath was not called to help defend the emperors forces for the ritual but hey he was new and had other business to take care of.

I guess the agent and the BH could give a ton of damage to the Republic also after all while the empire lost 10% of its forces there I bet the Republic lost about 3% also.

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Chapter 4 explains pretty much why the Empire just couldn't win during the first 3 chapters.


The Sith love to infight. I think only the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter actively do things for the Imperial forces, but the Warrior and Inquisitor? Killing their own leaders here, there, and everywhere.


While the Republic forces are rescuing/converting/winning.

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Chapter 4 explains pretty much why the Empire just couldn't win during the first 3 chapters.


The Sith love to infight. I think only the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter actively do things for the Imperial forces, but the Warrior and Inquisitor? Killing their own leaders here, there, and everywhere.


While the Republic forces are rescuing/converting/winning.


To be fair, chapter two of the warrior is all about him killing high ranking republic officers and in chapter 3 he's going after someone who is actively hurting the empire. And the Inquisitor's situation is really the Dark Council's fault for not calling Thanaton out on his bullcrap when it started actually hurting the empire.

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To be fair, chapter two of the warrior is all about him killing high ranking republic officers and in chapter 3 he's going after someone who is actively hurting the empire. And the Inquisitor's situation is really the Dark Council's fault for not calling Thanaton out on his bullcrap when it started actually hurting the empire.


Ok, PC sith are nice. Still the rest are short-visioned idiots. Marr agrees.

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