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companion gift mission NERF


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so with 4.0 we now need alot more comp gifts

yet since 4.1 we get 3 lvl 5 gift missions as opposed to pre 4.1 where we got 6


come on bh with is totaly counter intuative,

now we need lot more affection, yet you cut the number of gift missions availible


nice job at failing boys


personaly iv had to change my crew skills

i now have scav diplomacy and treasure hunting so i can still send 6 gift missions at a time on my collection alt

this solution is ok for an alt but for crafting mains and alts its no good


why not just give us back 6 gift missions for each crafting lvl

or how about giving crew mission lvl 6 7 8 and 9 lvl 6 7 8 9 gift missions

making us grind comp affection like this isnt winning the game any fans

tbh iv spoken to many ppl on the issue ingame and they all agree its a stupid state to be in


please sort out comp gift crew missions

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Unless I missed something, the missions don't give green no more now, but necessarily blue or purple one ^^

Mission Crew Skill changes

  • Companion Gift Missions are now only available in Grade 1-5, in order to be consistent with the Companion Gift Ranks. Example, Companion Gifts of Rank 4 are only available from Grade 4 Missions
  • Companion Gift Missions no longer reward Premium (green) Quality. These Missions now reward Prototype (blue) quality, or Artifact (purple) quality on a critical result.

Reference : http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/282016/game-update-4.1-anarchy-paradise-patch-notes


As a result, they are twice as profitable in term of affection...

So i don't really see where is the problem ;)

Edited by Goldorhino
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The grade 5 and 6 missions (prior to 4.0) Never gave green gifts anyway. Even after 4.0 they only gave grade 5 Blue, or purple Companion gifts, so the OP is correct. they have now reduced the number of Companion missions we can send out for.


PS: Tho I think it was done intentionally to get everyone to farm Heroics, and SM Operations to get basic comms to get the grade 6 gifts.

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Getting high enough companion influence for either crafting or soloing stuff is kinda hard now. On higher influence level we need lots of grade 5 later grade 6 gifts and its really hard getting enough gifts with "large affection" for companions. I know time for crew skills has been really reduced but only 3 crew missions for gifts for 1-5 grades is really annoying. Now I have to learn new crew skill to get more gift crew missions or get along with only 3 and running lots of stuff for basic crystals for grade 6 gifts...That said I prefered old status quo. I am no hard core crafter but please bring back more gift crew missions...
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  • 2 months later...
The grind to influence 50 is long and annoying.


It's a valuable lesson in when to say "Oh. Never mind, then."


I wholeheartedly agree with that! Please reserve such for your main char and there for your main companion. For all others a little math done by yourselves might convince you quickly:

Rank 50 = 75% time efficiency, but already Rank 34 = 50% time efficiency. Are the remaining 16 additional ranks which have to be bought at high costs really worth a mere 50% increase in time efficiency - and that for loads of alts und their companions? You will have to decide that question for yourselves - for me all around Rank 34 is just fine.

Edited by realArkira
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The grind to influence 50 is long and annoying.


It's a valuable lesson in when to say "Oh. Never mind, then."


Right? I play hardly any of what 4.0 has to offer. If the influence grind was legacy wide, I'd grind out old heroics until I had max influence with everyone. Having to do this on every character? Well, now I've got one main I play with and one companion. Good job BW.

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The grade 5 and 6 missions (prior to 4.0) Never gave green gifts anyway. Even after 4.0 they only gave grade 5 Blue, or purple Companion gifts, so the OP is correct. they have now reduced the number of Companion missions we can send out for.


PS: Tho I think it was done intentionally to get everyone to farm Heroics, and SM Operations to get basic comms to get the grade 6 gifts.


100% agree.


With 4.0 release, they were pretty clear about the fact that they changed how they expected players to ramp up companion influence. And frankly in the first months of 4.0, you literally could not swing a virtual chicken at a mob without the mob dropping companion gifts. They have toned that down some and switched the mix of how and what drops for companion gifts..... but they are still quite plentiful.


To the OP.... MMOs change... all the freaking time. with 4.0 they radically changed how companions work, and how you boost their effective power with gifts. And with that, they spread out the methods for how gifts are gained... because a lot more of them are needed. Of course random drops of gifts being plentiful did not guarantee you got the ones you wanted... but that was also true before 4.0. Crew mission are NOT the main way to gain high grade companion gifts anymore. So, we as players adapt to change.. right?

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My companion has a first name!

It's B-o-w-d-a-a-r!

My companion, erm, has, well, maybe a second name

or he'll tear you apart limb from limb


I give my companion gifts everyday!

If you ask me, why? I'll just say!

I'd rather not be torn apart limb from limb!

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Getting high enough companion influence for either crafting or soloing stuff is kinda hard now. On higher influence level we need lots of grade 5 later grade 6 gifts and its really hard getting enough gifts with "large affection" for companions. I know time for crew skills has been really reduced but only 3 crew missions for gifts for 1-5 grades is really annoying. Now I have to learn new crew skill to get more gift crew missions or get along with only 3 and running lots of stuff for basic crystals for grade 6 gifts...That said I prefered old status quo. I am no hard core crafter but please bring back more gift crew missions...


I'm not seeing this. Playing a BH from 1 to 30something now, Mako is already higher than some of my comps on 65s. Ironically, all w/out spending time at the Legacy cargo hold showering her with gifts. In fact, I don't think I've given her any gifts.

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I didn't specifically pay attention to or care about the overall number of gift missions, but what stood out as weird for me was the loss of gift missions from grade 6 missions. We used to have grade 5 gift missions listed in with both the crew skill's grade 5 and grade 6 missions. Now they're only in grade 5, and grades 6-9 have no gift missions... Well, with the exception of when you use a mission discovery. Those special missions will bring back grade 5 gifts along with the blue/purple grade 6/7/8/9 materials.


It just seems like there ought to be some way they can rearrange the gift missions to better distribute them across all levels of missions without relying on mission discoveries.


Brainstorming here...


I kind of want to see them introduce a set of randomized gift boxes to use as rewards / drops instead of giving the gifts directly. (More comparable to slicing lockboxes than the material satchels. Need to distinguish them by grade and quality, not just quality.) Each box contains a random gift of the designated grade and quality. These could be used as possible loot drops and as possible security chest contents as well.


Perhaps they could revamp the mission lists so that:

* There are gift missions that can give 1-3 prototype grade 1 gift boxes, plus 1-2 artifact grade 1 gift box when the mission crits. List these with the skill's grade 1 and 2 materials missions.

* There are gift missions that can give 1-3 prototype grade 2 gift boxes, plus 1-2 artifact grade 2 gift box when the mission crits. List these with the skill's grade 2 and 3 materials missions.

* There are gift missions that can give 1-3 prototype grade 3 gift boxes, plus 1-2 artifact grade 3 gift box when the mission crits. List these with the skill's grade 4 and 5 materials missions.

* There are gift missions that can give 1-3 prototype grade 4 gift boxes, plus 1-2 artifact grade 4 gift box when the mission crits. List these with the skill's grade 5 and 6 materials missions.

* There are gift missions that can give 1-3 prototype grade 5 gift boxes, plus 1-2 artifact grade 5 gift box when the mission crits. List these with the skill's grade 7 and 8 materials missions.

* There are gift missions that can give 1-3 prototype grade 6 gift boxes, plus 1-2 artifact grade 6 gift box when the mission crits. (Note: Grade 6 gifts purchased on Odessen are legendary quality, which is better than what I'm proposing adding here.) List these with the skill's grade 8 and 9 materials missions.

* In all of those, where I suggested listing missions with grades X and Y: The missions in grade X would actually be expected to drop less than what I described. Only 1-2 prototype boxes and only 1 artifact box.

* Also, the mission discoveries would be tweaked to have gift boxes in line with the above outline instead of their current setup. Probably guaranteeing 2 prototype and 1 artifact box of the highest grade available in missions at that level.


Premium (green) variants of all 6 grades of gift box could be added as well, to be used as possible items to loot from enemies (scale grade of drop to be appropriate for the planet's level). And maybe security chests would have a chance to contain a premium or prototype gift box of a grade appropriate for the planet's level in addition to the current contents.


They could also add the boxes to a vendor somewhere. Like there could be someone on Nar Shaddaa, on Rishi, and in the Zakuul undercity. (I'm thinking of them as "black market traders".) Prices would be a slight discount per gift compared to the pricing for buying prototype/premium grade 5 gifts for crystals on fleet and for buying legendary grade 6 gifts for crystals on Odessen. It's just that you're paying less to get a randomized drop instead of picking up something specific. And the trader would have all grades and all qualities of gift boxes, including legendary quality in grades 1-5. Maybe also add the material satchels to these guys (although those would probably get pretty pricey since they can be anything of any grade and they give quite a few units of whatever they give you).

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