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Chapter X: Too Many Stuns/Slows - Needs Fixed


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This has been posted before, but frankly, it's a 'bug' that needs fixing. Nearly every single NPC that is encountered in Chapter X is buggy as hell (appearing 60-90m away and constant aggro being one). The biggest issue that makes this Chapter more annoying than anything else and absolutely not worth doing on alts are the stuns.


Right now, standard/weak Skytroopers have a single target slow. A good number of the Skytroopers that run up to players have the slow grenade that last an annoying 15 seconds or so (and since they are everywhere, you're always slowed by these).


Now, the golds? Well, I hope this is a bug, because as it stands they have a knockdown that stuns a player for 4 seconds and then immediately have a backhand that stuns for an addition 4 seconds after that. And there are a dozen of these golds a the tail end of the chapter.


Please fix this. This isn't content. The chapter would be decent if we did not have to putz around with CONSTANT slows/stuns. Some, sure, no problem. Every single pack of enemies? Complete waste of time.

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