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BW Do Something About the SWTOR Subreddit


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I know a lot of people enjoy Reddit, but in a way, I feel that it takes away from these forums. I feel that the devs and Eric pay way too much attention to what goes on over there, to the detriment of this forum. It's a bit irritating to me that this is the official game forum, where people who play this game should congregate, and you hear the devs talking on Twitch about what they saw on reddit...and listening to people on reddit and quoting people...on reddit. I find it maddening and frustrating personally.. What about listening to the people HERE? This is the place that should be their focus, communicate with us HERE.


I feel like this place is the Empire and the Republic...and the devs are over at Reddit which is like their Zakuulan perfect refuge or something. I find it grating. Not sure how many/if any would agree with me, but I think a place like reddit shouldn't even be a concern to Eric or the devs. This is the game's forums...talk here, listen here, see here.


I don't want this place to become a ghost town like the old Empire...The Emperor feels it's better to hang on Zakuul (reddit). Stop it devs, deal with us first!

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I know a lot of people enjoy Reddit, but in a way, I feel that it takes away from these forums. I feel that the devs and Eric pay way too much attention to what goes on over there, to the detriment of this forum. It's a bit irritating to me that this is the official game forum, where people who play this game should congregate, and you hear the devs talking on Twitch about what they saw on reddit...and listening to people on reddit and quoting people...on reddit. I find it maddening and frustrating personally.. What about listening to the people HERE? This is the place that should be their focus, communicate with us HERE.


I feel like this place is the Empire and the Republic...and the devs are over at Reddit which is like their Zakuulan perfect refuge or something. I find it grating. Not sure how many/if any would agree with me, but I think a place like reddit shouldn't even be a concern to Eric or the devs. This is the game's forums...talk here, listen here, see here.


I don't want this place to become a ghost town like the old Empire...The Emperor feels it's better to hang on Zakuul (reddit). Stop it devs, deal with us first!


I hear what your saying Luna and I understand your frustration. Personally if I was the Dev's I would want my player base to use the forums I created. I also get upset sometimes when I see them mention Reddit and other sources for making a decision or whatever. However, I can't fault them for using a place where a good amount of players flock to in order to address issues and talk about the game.


As bad as Reddit and these forums can be I'm glad they exist because it's an outlet for players to express what they want about the game. Great games and great developers welcome constructive feedback and understand that more than anything its the information that should be important not where it comes from. I'm gonna be honest and say that I find myself holding back on alot of thoughts and posts on these forums because I honestly don't think I can truly express my dissent with decisions by the Devs and talking about some posts.


More than anything I understand free speech has consequences as it should but I don't think any player wants to worry about being banned just because they said something after all this is a game that I love and others do as well. However, on Reddit I can say what I want unabashedly and be blunt, now I'm not saying it's good or bad all I'm pointing out is the difference, this why In my opinion more people go there. Even when I'm extremely frustrated with an aspect of it I try to remind myself that just like I have flaws other things do as well. Yes at times I've said some things in anger and frustration and to anyone on the outside it would look really bad. In reality I really only say those things in my need to vent because I really do think this MMO has more potential than others to be the best not only because of Bioware's past capabilities but because it also has the star wars franchise behind it.



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He has done a pretty good job of being one of the better trolls on here. It is impressive how few people understand he is trolling. Well done, sir.


I'll admit I play mind games, but I am actually serious about every post I make.


It triggers people, but I'm not distracting from issues of the game and the community - I'm taking on the ones people don't speak up about.


The SWTOR subreddit is a bad joke across the board. Datamining and showing future story content ahead of time is disrespectful to the game they supposedly "love and support." If these people had any dignity or respect for the people working their butts off to make this stuff, they'd at least put some kind of disclaimer like "We have datamined this information for you, but we strongly encourage you to continue to support BioWare in making this awesome game."


That's too much for them to think of though. They are encouraging people to unsubscribe and just listen to the recordings.


That is theft. No other word for it.


The most sleazy thing about these dataminers is that they make sure they do just enough to make it look like they're "helping the game." If they report bugs then suddenly they're "heroes" and they "are so valuable for the community."


So yeah I'm going to speak up about that.

Edited by JMCA
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It triggers people, but I'm not distracting from issues of the game and the community - I'm taking on the ones people don't speak up about.

Speaking up for who exactly? I see you rag constantly on others for saying there speaking for a group, and in turn you do the same? You're one of the only people on these forums and in game, that I know of, who dislikes anything other than story content and wants anything else purged from it.


Yes, Reddit can be a toxic place at times, but as stated several times... Bioware themselves has little to no control of it.

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Speaking up for who exactly? I see you rag constantly on others for saying there speaking for a group, and in turn you do the same? You're one of the only people on these forums and in game, that I know of, who dislikes anything other than story content and wants anything else purged from it.


Dude, I've been here for about fifteen minutes and the only person I see attacking others is you LMAO.


Not to mention you're completely wrong, the population increased so much when KOTFE hit that the server caps had to be *********** expanded. Saying he's the only one who wants that is just wrong, go start a thread asking who wants just story content and be surprised. But I'm in there, as is the person in my signature, and many others.

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Speaking up for who exactly? I see you rag constantly on others for saying there speaking for a group, and in turn you do the same? You're one of the only people on these forums and in game, that I know of, who dislikes anything other than story content and wants anything else purged from it.


Yes, Reddit can be a toxic place at times, but as stated several times... Bioware themselves has little to no control of it.


Lol and you're demonstrating your total lack of reading comprehension.


I don't want anything purged from the game unless the metrics show that it should be. I want the awesome story to continue to be the main focus and with the MMO bits being reduced in emphasis to a support role.


Just like in FFXIV


FFXIV has a lot of group content, but it's because SE doesn't have to do the kind of storytelling BW does to please its fans. Final Fantasy games are supposed to be a rich, linear adventure and their fans accept it when there's a mix of text and voice acting. That leaves more time to make 4 and 8 man content than BW.


But they don't compromise on their storytelling. They know that would be suicide because Final Fantasy fans expect a great story. Just like BW fans do.


SWTOR comes with the expectation in my signature. That's a lot harder to make.


So yeah, if they're going to do BW storytelling it's going to cost more time and effort. And everyone getting "ignored" is going to have to get over it because that's what most people who are even interested in a BioWare game expect.

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Dude, I've been here for about fifteen minutes and the only person I see attacking others is you LMAO.


Not to mention you're completely wrong, the population increased so much when KOTFE hit that the server caps had to be *********** expanded. Saying he's the only one who wants that is just wrong, go start a thread asking who wants just story content and be surprised. But I'm in there, as is the person in my signature, and many others.


The population was due to multiple factors, firstly, the new movie which is a given, and of course, the new expansion. Seeing a new expansion is bound to attract new players regardless of how good it is, the real way to tell how good the game is, is how many people stay after. People come and go in masses, its only natural for a new expansion to attract as many people as it did, not to mention the star wars IP and the new movie.


Nothing is wrong with wanting story in a story focused game, in my post before this I started that we ALL came here for the star wars story, but multiple other factors contributed to use playing as long as we have. Most of these factors are now non existent, and even the story content itself isn't all that impressive for what the rest of the game is playing.

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The population was due to multiple factors, firstly, the new movie which is a given, and of course, the new expansion. Seeing a new expansion is bound to attract new players regardless of how good it is, the real way to tell how good the game is, is how many people stay after. People come and go in masses, its only natural for a new expansion to attract as many people as it did, not to mention the star wars IP and the new movie.


Nothing is wrong with wanting story in a story focused game, in my post before this I started that we ALL came here for the star wars story, but multiple other factors contributed to use playing as long as we have. Most of these factors are now non existent, and even the story content itself isn't all that impressive for what the rest of the game is playing.


Yes, they stopped existing because Bioware does them BADLY.

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Dude, I've been here for about fifteen minutes and the only person I see attacking others is you LMAO.


Not to mention you're completely wrong, the population increased so much when KOTFE hit that the server caps had to be *********** expanded. Saying he's the only one who wants that is just wrong, go start a thread asking who wants just story content and be surprised. But I'm in there, as is the person in my signature, and many others.


You have been here for 15 minutes like you said I would suggest you read DMCA's previous posts the guy does nothing but attack and trigger parts of the community. No one disagrees story is important but with story you need repeatable content something that will keep people in game. Story is flavor, content is substance at least in my opinion because once people do the story enough what's going to keep them around? Bioware can't just keep pumping out story that will only go so far. If you are saying story is more important I can agree with that but to say the rest of the communities shouldn't get content is disingenuous at the very least.



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I could get in trouble for saying this, but they cant moderate their own forums properly. I link screenshots of someone im trying to reports because of continuous harassment, but 6 months of tickets its just automated responses and nothing happening, and i got a warning for posting offensive pictures...


Not to mention they only respond to 1 in a 1000 threads and just hand out warnings but never ban on the forums, why the **** would they care about reddit if they're barely managing their own.

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Lol and you're demonstrating your total lack of reading comprehension.


I don't want anything purged from the game unless the metrics show that it should be.



I only advocate getting rid of raiding development if participation in it becomes like GSF.


Instead of purging the game because a "armchair analyst" said so perhaps they could shine that area up and more it more appealing. Give it some love, give it some new content, some new maps, skins, something, instead of utterly dropping it completely.

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You have been here for 15 minutes like you said I would suggest you read DMCA's previous posts the guy does nothing but attack and trigger parts of the community. No one disagrees story is important but with story you need repeatable content something that will keep people in game. Story is flavor, content is substance at least in my opinion because once people do the story enough what's going to keep them around. Bioware can't just keep pumping out story that will only go so far. If you are saying story is more important I can agree with that but to say the rest of the communities shouldn't get content is disingenuous at the very least.




Raiders have been over-represented and over-emphasized for 2 years and it failed on the bottom line. That they compromised the quality of Yavin 4 storytelling, with how much the initial videos pre-launch hyped up Naga Sadow, Exar Kun, and told the history of the planet....


It's tragic. That's the kind of thing that should NEVER happen again.


Thankfully, they appear to be expanding upon Yavin 4 through the Alliance system and hopefully in the main plot at some point.


The point being that there is no reason to waste time, money, and staffing on content that is proven to not be attractive enough for the game's financial health.


I don't care if the raiding community is triggered or feels attacked - you guys have been getting what YOU want at the game's expense and at the expense of what EVERYONE ELSE wants.

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I don't care if the raiding community is triggered or feels attacked - you guys have been getting what YOU want at the game's expense and at the expense of what EVERYONE ELSE wants.


Funny how you say this with raiding yet this is what the story of KOTFE did to everything else, assuming raiding was the downfall of story in the first place.

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Funny how you say this with raiding yet this is what the story of KOTFE did to everything else, assuming raiding was the downfall of story in the first place.


Do some basic research on how much it takes for WoW to make raids the way they make them.


They're quoted as needing 60% of the largest budget for an MMO in the world to make their raids at the "slow and ridiculous" pace they make them.


Raiders are by far the most spoiled, entitled, and juvenile group of gamers in the world.

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Do some basic research on how much it takes for WoW to make raids the way they make them.


They're quoted as needing 60% of the largest budget for an MMO in the world to make their raids at the "slow and ridiculous" pace they make them.


Raiders are by far the most spoiled, entitled, and juvenile group of gamers in the world.


Uh-huh and thats why we've only got like 2 in the last 4 years.


Idiot, maybe you do some basic research.

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Uh-huh and thats why we've only got like 2 in the last 4 years.


Idiot, maybe you do some basic research.


Maybe because they're so expensive to make.


You know, like I say in the post you're trying to debunk.


Who's the idiot again?

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Maybe because they're so expensive to make.


You know, like I say in the post you're trying to debunk.


Who's the idiot again?


Still you, remember we're talking about EA here.




Anyways i couldnt care less about raids, i just dont like seeing people talking about what they dont know. PvPers are the ones who should be complaining.

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