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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For pair healing, which is better: two sages or one sage and one scoundrel/commando?


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My advise, play what you like, you can't go wrong. However, sorc/sage as everyone is saying are pretty easy to play, lots of escapes, the burst healing they put out is very nice. Personally I never play my sage/sorc in pvp anymore, and I heal on my op/scoundrel. (I'm still waiting for merc/commando to be the OP healers of pvp. ;))

If you check out this link, http://imgur.com/nkp3co7 it shows a good combo of myself on Jaden and a sage named Blanc healing a Novare Coast together. It helped that are team had a lot of guardians, but still the combo of competent sage/scoundrel was pretty nice. And made the match feel like one of the old 8v8 ranked wz matches.

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Operatives not only had kolto probes nerfed in relation to health and damage in 4.0, they also got a relative nerf to burst heals. Imho operatives and mercs even more so are underpowered in a pvp healing context. Sorcs are the other end of the spectrum. Edited by Quarast
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I am asking this primarily in regards to 8 vs 8, not 4 vs 4. My girlfriend always plays a healing sage in warzones, and we frequently like to heal together. I have all three healers myself, but I am just wondering if the team already has one sage healer, what is the best healing class for the second healer to be? Another sage, or a scoundrel or commando?


In case anyone responding only plays on the Empire side:


sage = sorcerer

scoundrel = operative

commando = mercenary


Neither.. Too many healers running premades as it is on the rep side... Add your 2 healer premade to another rep healer premade and half your team is healers.. This happens in about 75% of matches at the moment

One of you should either tank or DPS, that way if you pop with another premade with a healer(s) your team will be more balanced...

Do your self and your team a favour, don't run double, triple or quad healer premades.. If you really want to help your teams, roll a DPS because the reps need them desperately

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Neither.. Too many healers running premades as it is on the rep side... Add your 2 healer premade to another rep healer premade and half your team is healers.. This happens in about 75% of matches at the moment

One of you should either tank or DPS, that way if you pop with another premade with a healer(s) your team will be more balanced...

Do your self and your team a favour, don't run double, triple or quad healer premades.. If you really want to help your teams, roll a DPS because the reps need them desperately


Run what you want. I imagine you probably will get bored running two sorcs, or two healers of any class especially if you play decently.


I loved sorc/sage healers was always my favorite to play. Then came 3.0, and 4.0.


I just can't stand playing it now because one sorc on a decent team is enough to keep them alive, having 2-5 healers (most of the time sorcs) makes healing redundant and for lack of a better word retarded.


When I try to play my sorc, and see 2-4 other healers spamming their heals preparing for the wz I just get sick. For a week now, I have not played my sorc healer and I imagine I won't unless I happen to group and we need heals.


If you want to impact a team best, imo well-played DPS is needed more in the present meta of swtor PVP. Ultilmately, you should play what you want though.


Two sorcs is the best route to go if you want to play the most effective, strongest healing combination at this time.

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