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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing is boring.


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Healing always feels like I'm actually contributing and theres really not a rotation that you can just macro, playing dps is just really unfulfilling and repetetive. Especially in easier content, the derpier the people are, the more interesting the healing becomes. It is never boring or the same. As a dps I feel that I'm "just there", as a healer I feel like a sexy mofo.


You pretty well described me and tanking. PvE I tend toward tank. PvPing as a tank is the world's most thankless job as when MVP vote time comes around people just toss them at the healers and ignore the protection stat. It irks me when a healer that only did 200k healing gets 4 mvp votes and I'm sitting at 400k protection getting notta.

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  • 2 months later...
You pretty well described me and tanking. PvE I tend toward tank. PvPing as a tank is the world's most thankless job as when MVP vote time comes around people just toss them at the healers and ignore the protection stat. It irks me when a healer that only did 200k healing gets 4 mvp votes and I'm sitting at 400k protection getting notta.


Make a female character with a girly name and during warzone in chat use a lot of emoticons like ^_^ and (O_O) and <3 while communicating. You'll get a lot of MVP's even if you're not contributing to the team really. Works every time when I'm farming warzones.

Edited by Iffyluse
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you can heal every storymode operation alone, even with a random group.

you can heal the most hardmode operation alone, too. u just need a good group,

that reduces the incoming damage with their gameplay.


but as it was said, you have the second healer for safety with u. this one could

do dps all the time and only if it is necessary, you throw some heals into battle.


if you want some fun with a healing class, do pvp. it should be, that you are

the focus target, if they notice, you are the healer. since then, the fun begins.

hide and seek, while you heal your group.


or try the eternal championship with a low dps companion.

but u are right. storymode content is boring as a healer.

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I've been a healer since launch and love it but then again if I don't have to heal someone I do some dps but I always keep an eye on my teammates and my action bar. I will never do more dps that requires too much action to be lost in case a teammember health drops.


Sometimes playing a healer isn't for everyone, just like a tank. I will never play a tank as I don't like to be a tank. I do mostly healer but have a couple of dps but I do not also jump into things without the tanks setting the lead, but then again most flashpoints I do are hard modes.


I'm the same way. In groups, I'm the healer. It is my only function if the most experienced players say so. When I'm not healing, I may throw out some poison or a stun, but for the most part I wait for the chance to heal and protect while I move with the group. I keep my eyes on the health bars. I never heal more than 3 players.


If group is larger than 4 people (more than myself and 3 others), I insist that the extra person lends some heals. Any extra player(s) can also protect me (as the NPC often attacks the healer who is keeping his attackers alive). The healer should never over-extend his/herself. I never pour on more heals than what is required to keep the player active. If you over over-extend yourself, you'll lose FP (Force Power). The more people you have, and the more heals you lay down, the greater you extend yourself. You have to keep yourself healthy too. You have to learn how pace yourself.


I never get bored healing. I find it quite exciting when it's done right.

Edited by Darth_Krushya
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  • 3 months later...
I usually play either as tank or dps, but decided to give a go as healer with sith sorcerer. The result was that I got bored in first 10 minutes of the gameplay.

So I was wondering why not introduce a new healing spec, dps-heal. You heal your group members as you dps targets, and by using dps abilities you unlock your healing abilities. Obviously you wont do as much dps as nornal dps specs, but more flavour to healing is desperately needed.



When this game was first released, we had different skill trees insofar as a healer could've focused a bit more on dps output. There's a new system in place now, which is probably for the best.


You're either a healer or you are not. You can still do tons of dps if you play smart, but you'll never be a true dps.


Here's an idea: if you don't like to play as a healer, then don't play. No one's forcing you really.


However: respect a good healer and give him/her the due credit for keeping you and everyone else alive and at ease.

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