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I think this is why some Sentinels are failing...


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So, if you read the forums you hear of two types of people: People who say Sentinel is ****** and can kill anything. Then, people who say that it's weak and underpowered. Please note before I divulge this bit of fail (on my part) that your flaming of my stupidity will go unnoticed. I don't care, and have no pride in the matter...


Master Strike!!?!?!? Okay, Master Strike is strong. But if you are like me, you tend to watch the status bars on the bottom rather then the animation. The issue with Master Strike is that it hits TWICE and it takes a while, so long, that in my humble opinion it should have a channeled status bar. The second hit, is the strongest hit that the Sentinel even has. And what's more, is that it is VERY easy to interrupt this 2nd hit, especially when looking at the UI icon at the bottom of the screen which indicates the move has been completed.


So again, for those having trouble: Allow Master Strike for more time, to be certain to not interrupt the 2nd, most devastating blow even available to the class! I went almost to lvl 20 realizing that I was interrupting this move more often than not. Sure, noobish. But in my defense I am a caster usually in MMO's and am trying out this DPS melee class for the first time. I have found talking to other Sentinels that some, not all, also overlooked this making their Sentinel seemed gimp.


I haven't met many that have gone in the 20's like this. This sort of dumb-***-ness is reserved especially for me.

Edited by Back_Irie
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So, if you read the forums you hear of two types of people: People who say Sentinel is ****** and can kill anything. Then, people who say that it's weak and underpowered. Please note before I divulge this bit of fail (on my part) that your flaming of my stupidity will go unnoticed. I don't care, and have no pride in the matter...


Master Strike!!?!?!? Okay, Master Strike is strong. But if you are like me, you tend to watch the status bars on the bottom rather then the animation. The issue with Master Strike is that it hits TWICE and it takes a while, so long, that in my humble opinion it should have a channeled status bar. The second hit, is the strongest hit that the Sentinel even has. And what's more, is that it is VERY easy to interrupt this 2nd hit, especially when looking at the UI icon at the bottom of the screen which indicates the move has been completed.


So again, for those having trouble: Allow Master Strike for more time, to be certain to not interrupt the 2nd, most devastating blow even available to the class! I went almost to lvl 20 realizing that I was interrupting this move more often than not. Sure, noobish. But in my defense I am a caster usually in MMO's and am trying out this DPS melee class for the first time. I have found talking to other Sentinels that some, not all, also overlooked this making their Sentinel seemed gimp.


I haven't met many that have gone in the 20's like this. This sort of dumb-***-ness is reserved especially for me.


Master strike hits 3 times. The tooltip is the listing of its total over the 3s.

There are actually a number of moves that hit for larger chunks then that last hit.

And a few that hit for more then the entire channel.


It is interruptable yes. Although, timing its use makes up for that. As well as later in the game MS becomes less and less useful in relation to core moves.

MS is not effected by alacrity oddly.

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Ensuring that Master Strike does all it's potential damage is always a good idea... and that final strike does it rather hard... but that alone will not magically 'fix' those who are having problems with the class.


Also, we get substantially harder hits later on. Pommel Strike, Dispatch, Merciless Slash and others hit for maybe 75-85% of what Master Strike does, but do so on GCD, rather than being a 3 second channeled ability. Undoubtedly, Master Strike will be used just about every time it pops up... but it's certainly not our best source of DPS.




If you want my opinion... it's 100% the equipment. If you have ever looked at the tooltip damage numbers before and after equipping a new hilt, even small upgrades make a world of difference.


From levels 10 to 25 I didn't give a rip about my equipment, as I as too busy trying to make sure I always had companions out crafting and wanting to have money enough for my first mount. These levels were especially difficult between major upgrades from the commendation vendors.


From 25 to 40 I was better able to devote my savings towards gear, while still keeping my crafting top notch. Compared to my Guardian friend, my DPS was crazy. We would split up to do our class missions and I would typically be waiting 5 minutes at the end for him to catch up. Some fights still were a bit of a challenge, but not many.


From 40 to 48... well, I decided that saving up for my speeders was going to be an issue again, so I stopped being as religious about my upgrades. Levels were still coming quickly enough that I could afford to skip buying the level 40 speeder and keep saving for the 50, but in so doing I became unwilling to spend any money other than that I needed to for crafting. Now, at 48... a bubble from 49... I am simply unwilling to blow any money or commendations on upgrades that wont be 50-appropraite. My lightsabers are both rated at under 100, whereas recommended for my level is 115-120, I believe. It is pure torture! I can't even progress through my class missions right now. It'll be tough, but I'll grind out the last level and then get back to normal.


If you are having trouble with the class... please make sure your equipment is up to date first!

Edited by Fascion
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I think the equipment is a bigger issue than people realize. There's a reason why it was better to have a different main first in WoW before you rolled that rogue...


Somewhat squishy melee classes need to be decked out. It helps to have a sugardaddy.

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they are failing because they are bad players, that is the only reason.


Yeah I was reading the Darth Angral thread and just laughing at how people failed at it so hard. The fight was a joke if you just pay attention and use your damn abilities.


Too many WoW baddies who are used to facerolling ezmode content I suppose.

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