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Unable to launch game


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As the title says I cannot launch the game from the launcher. The launcher patches just fine, The "Repair" button is grayed out because there were no errors detected, I punch in my username password and security key, click log in and then it just sits there and does nothing for over an hour now. My internet connection is fine, I am obviously connected or I would not be able to make a post, and I am getting 0% packet ,loss on a general ping test and my speeds are exactly what they should be. I had no issue yesterday with the same setup I am running with now and I have made no changes to anything on my end as far as my network connectivity or hardware. I would try to run a tracert or a pathping but I can't find the info since the old launcher troubleshooting forum that is linked in the most recent thread I found about this problem now point to a dead page.


No general connectivity issues through my ISP.

Edited by Zenshu
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Having the same problem all day, I woke to Windows 10 having restarted my computer for updates, I played last night and everything was fine. Assuming Windows 10 broke something? It doesn't seem to be connecting to the internet at all, I make up passwords and it doesn't say they are wrong
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That's the same issue I am seeing. Nothing else seems to be having any problems for me though other than SWTOR. Steam and all its games updated and restarted and are launching just fine, as are my battle.net games. I did get to the point of clicking Play once and the game just didn't launch at all, since that point I put in my password and everything and it just sits there without ever going forward to the patch screen and play button. Also running windows 10 and restarted from an update this morning. Would love some feedback on what to do to help lock down what is causing this since the thread for TSing launcher issues appears to not exist anymore. Edited by Zenshu
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Having the same problem all day, I woke to Windows 10 having restarted my computer for updates, I played last night and everything was fine. Assuming Windows 10 broke something? It doesn't seem to be connecting to the internet at all, I make up passwords and it doesn't say they are wrong


I'm having the same problem under Windows 7 64-bit.

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Something like that is happening to me, i can open my launcher its downloading the new patch but it wont go past 94.57% and its downloading at 512.00KB/s (its been that way for 4hr's now) ( i know thats really slow but i dont know why its like that, i have restarted the pc and restarted my net but thats not fixed it.)

Would love some feedback as idk what to do.




Edited by AlexNautolan
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same issue here, can't log in


Same issue here. Launcher loads as soon as I hit "play" closes the game. I'm getting pretty tired of having to uninstall and redownload. Can we get a DIFFERENT launcher that actually works consistently and doesn't screw up you computer?

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I too, am having issues. The launcher will come up, I am able to punch in my password and security key, but once I hit "launch" when it becomes available, nothing happens. Been like this since I have downloaded the patch.


(Game worked just fine this morning)


Same. Though when I hit launch it shuts the entire thing down. Worked fine yesterday but not since the patch this morning.

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Sure would love to at least get some kind of response with Troubleshooting steps to narrow down what is causing this garbage. I mean its only been going on ALL DAY and so far no one I know has heard anything from EA/Bioware about any possible fixes or workarounds or even any form or pathping tests or anything to help them figure out why this crap wont connect properly. As a follow Up guys, I have tried rebooting my computer, running the launcher in compatibility mode, and force closing it in the middle of its patch deal to force an error code so that I can use the repair option. Nothing has worked for me so far. Still investigating the issue to see if I can narrow down something to make it work.I am on windows 10 and Compatibility mode (Win 7) has gotten me back to being stuck at the launcher without ever reaching the play button so that was a step in reverse. All other compatibility modes have the same effect as not using compatibility. Edited by Zenshu
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Im stuck here.... I can get to the PLAY button. When I press it, it looks as if its launching but when I look in Task Manager, it basically just closes out. Awesome! Love it! I was able to log in earlier this morning and right before the new patch, but since the new patch, can't even log in. GFG


Me too. I hit play then nothing. Launcher just stops. :rak_04:

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Same with me.


I was playing this morning before being told SERVERS WILL SHUT DOWN IN 1 MINUTE......


then the patch fiasco....


then I did all the little tricks they said do in General - and uninstall/reinstall


reboot your PC




The result is that every time I press PLAY - the app shuts down with so much as a "Go **** yourself" message. I am a subscriber - I pay to play. SOMEONE please respond...


.. even if it IS just a "Go **** yourself - we'll get around to it".

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Many of us are having the same issue. Worked great last night but now it gets to about 30% download completion and it stops, giving a network 310 error.


I am guessing the Launcher isn't pointing to the Object ( Server ) or doing so intermittently. In short, the Host IP isn't working for the downloading. It could be temporarily fixed by manually editing your Host files, provided BW gives an alternate IP, however in doing so once BW fixes the issue the Host file needs to be restored to it's previous state. If not then serious issues will occur.

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Quote: Originally Posted by TaitWatson View Post

Hey everyone,


I don't have any updates as of yet, but teams internally and externally are still working diligently on the issues. There has been an increase in players getting onto servers, but we are still seeing problems. When I find out anything further, I will let you all know!



They are working on trying to fix the problem. I called customer service earlier today and was told that they were aware of the errors and had teams on them.


A few other threads had some solutions, one that seemed to work was to log in with the wrong password and when it asks you for your correct one to log in properly and it gets you into the game. This worked for several of my guild mates, but not for all of us.

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