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Since I don't know if this is your first Character to get them or not:


Datacrons are Legacy wide now (you collect them once and every Character in your Legacy gets the State Boost), the only Datacrons you need to collect on each Character are the ones that give Matrix Shards.

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There seems to be a problem on Rishi, too. Spent a good 6+ hours yesterday killing the placeholder grophet on Horizon Island, but the elite, Straugh, never spawned. It never took that long, even when Rishi first became available and had multiple instances; in fact, the elites were spawning correctly last week, prior to the 4.1 patch. Still trying to get past the original bugs to get that last achievement! Edited by Yunikorn
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There seems to be a problem on Rishi, too. Spent a good 6+ hours yesterday killing the placeholder grophet on Horizon Island, but the elite, Straugh, never spawned.


I spent 2 days camping and killing the spawns at the three location 2 weeks ago. I agree the %rate of the elites needed has been reduced dramatically.

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I spent 2 days camping and killing the spawns at the three location 2 weeks ago. I agree the %rate of the elites needed has been reduced dramatically.

4 minute spawn rate for a 4% spawn chance... I hated that datacron run, especially since the end portion was "iffy" with bugs. That was back when the disc's would auto-sell with the rest of the trash too :)


Still, plenty of people have that datacron set. Besides, datacrons are "specials". If you really want them, you should have to spend the time and pain it takes to get them.


Running a "new" account on JC (still would love a transfer from the EU to US :mad:) Haven't had any datacron issue on the imp side from Korriban thru Nar Shadaa. My run so far has been all in 4.0.

Edited by FlyingUsPoo
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My character has been collecting Datacrons well over two years now, along with three other major characters of mine on the same server for approximately the same amount of time. So far, since the change, one on Corellia and several on Balmorra are not giving the credit due when opening the datacrons. I hope this is enough information to receive the attention needed in order to fix this bug.

Thank you for your time.

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