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One thing that's been confusing me is the nature of Pureblood Sith and "Red Zabrak", and their relation to both the Sith and Jedi. Ideally, I'd like to be able to play a Pureblood Sith or "Red Zabrak"(I think they're called Nightbrothers, but I dunno if that only applies to Dathomirians or what).


That said, be it because my knowledge is lacking, or because there simply isn't any precedence for it, I can't come up with a way to justify a light-sided Pureblood or "Red Zabrak", least of all one that's a Padawan(a close friend of mine wanted to do some kind of padawan/master thing). As per my understanding, the term Pureblood is actually somewhat faulty, given that they've all got some human blood in 'em, but I was more concerned with the upbringing of a Pureblood.


While I'm rambling, I'd also be interested in knowing a little more about Jedi selection. They're brought in really young, aren't they? Wouldn't that interfere with a Zabrak's challenge-things? Any resources you guys could point me to would be great.


TL;DR: I'm dumb, someone help me explain the idea of a Pureblood Jedi/"Red Zabrak" Jedi.

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While I'm rambling, I'd also be interested in knowing a little more about Jedi selection. They're brought in really young, aren't they?

Not really. Many of them are, but actually, especially at the period described, that rule is not near as strict as before the Palpatine times. In-game examples are:

- Kira Carsen, who was already a teenager when noticed (and with previous Force training, but it's another thing);

- Nadia Grell, already a grown-up;

- Guss Tuno, if I am not mistaken - he failed the training, and spent not much time in the Order, but wasn't an infant.

If we go a few centuries back, we'll get Nomi Sunrider, amnesiac Revan, Juhani... and these are just who came to my mind without thinking.

About red Zabrak - correct me if I am mistaken, but that skin colour occurs among usual, Iridonian Zabrak too, so I do not see much problem here.

About Pureblood Jedi... Well, that topic has been discussed lots of time. The ideas supposed were:

- his/her family defected during the war, or fled because of failed political struggle;

- he/she was converted by a Jedi - see Jedi Knight storyline for examples;

- he/she was among small number of Sith who fled the Old Empire, but did not join the new...

And so on.

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