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3 Hypercrates 2 Super filled with cubes and decos... No Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber


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The usual routine is to sell the stuff you don't want on the GTN and then use the credits to buy the item you want from the GTN.


Which is easier to do with the old items you get from chance cubes than the new bronze you would have gotten.


Out of the cubes from my 15 packs, I pulled a music therapy probe, fist pump and punt, which I could sell for millions. The least valuable things I pulled a title and traditional dance emote, are still over 100k on the GTN. A week or two into the most recent alliance pack, what was a bronze worth? 20k?

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Those of you who insist on using a "gambling" analogy are incorrect. In the past Cartel Market Hyper-crates always yielded one or two rare, or ultra rare items which made the purchase reasonable. Those days seems to be over. Not because of the actual value of the crates, but the perceived value.


If anything needs to change, it's the way the crates are marketed to the player base. Drop rates need to be quantified Example - Chance of... Gold items have a 1% drop rate regardless of pack, Silver 10%, and Bronze 50%. By not doing so BW is causing items on the GTN to be hyper inflated, which, based on past announcements, is something they've admitted is a problem that needs be corrected. -are they really interested?


People aren't gambling when they buy crates because they "always" get something out of them. However, spending 5400 CCs on "perceived value" and not receiving one Gold level item is ridiculous.


Just my two cents.

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It's a gamble and luck game. I bought 1 hyper crate and got tons of the new armor, tons of chance cubes, 7 mounts I didn't have, 5 pets, several titles, emotes and companion customization, a bunch of the new weapons (vibroswords and rifles), several power & expertise copies of the new color crystal and 1 Unstable Arbiter's Dualsaber.


This was my experience with it as well on one hypercrate and 5 extra boxes.


I guess I'm one of the few people who was happy.


I got the unstable saber (not the dual), and the vibroswords (main and off, again no dual), rifles, blasters, several of the armors... (both whole and half; because it was teasing me with 2/3 of the pieces), decorations from the current box, I got both pets, two of the mounts (One of which I got twice) and two of the crystals. And I only had one item out of 20+ chance cubes that was a repeat of something I already had (Imperial Banner). Everything else was titles, dyes, decorations, crystals, mounts and pets that I didn't have.


Will I buy another hyper crate? Probably not but not because I was dissatisfied. I only buy one a release anyway. I got what I wanted and I was happy with that. I can sell the extra crystals if I don't like their look, and some of the dyes (I got a black/black dye and a gold core crystal) and anything else I don't need/want.


Does this help anyone else? No, probably not. And no, I'm not a new player either.

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I know the feels.. i was going to spend $40.00 yesterday on these; but, after the feedback on the stupid-*** chance cube rate.. i spent $10.00. and got nothing but shieeeeeeaaat. F, these packs. :mad:

Yeah it is just about worthless to buy single packs like I used to, bought 3 or 4 packs during this game's life and had great luck. Not even going to test it with these things unless I dropped $50+ which given my budget aint gonna happen lol.

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I'll admit to being a bit salty about the amount of hypercrates I went through and still didn't get either of the sabers. I did get enough of the mounts to add one to my collection and have extras to sell but no sabers. That was my choice i spent the money, it wasnt more than I can afford etc...


I will agree with the many people posting that there was just to many chance cubes, and to many times the pack was nothing but chance cubes and the jawa junk/gift. Adding to that they're pretty much always lower rent bronze items. Rarely are the bronze even armor sets. I don't expect them to be a lootsplosion of golds but seems like the numbers need tweeked if they're staying. Opened literally hundreds of them and only saw 2 gold items (An armored mount and a Black efficiency scanner)

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I'll admit to being a bit salty about the amount of hypercrates I went through and still didn't get either of the sabers. I did get enough of the mounts to add one to my collection and have extras to sell but no sabers. That was my choice i spent the money, it wasnt more than I can afford etc...


I will agree with the many people posting that there was just to many chance cubes, and to many times the pack was nothing but chance cubes and the jawa junk/gift. Adding to that they're pretty much always lower rent bronze items. Rarely are the bronze even armor sets. I don't expect them to be a lootsplosion of golds but seems like the numbers need tweeked if they're staying. Opened literally hundreds of them and only saw 2 gold items (An armored mount and a Black efficiency scanner)


Thank you, most of us are not upset about the gamble packs, mostly just wish they would adjust the drop to grand chance cubes that is all. Opening a new pack and getting two grand chance cubes just does not seem to gel. I do not gel. Not sure why people keep going back to the whole thing you made the choice so you have no reason to complain or bring up fair points regarding the drop rate on the current chance cubes.

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Ya it is really a joke I did 6 Hyper crates and not a damn light saber. I only got 14 total weapons annd almost all were the Vibro Sword main and off hand.


This is what I did NOT get out of 180 crates! Not a single Zakuul Knight-Captain’s Armor Set, Unstable Arbiter’s Dualsaber, Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber, Classic Double-Bladed Vibrosword, Koensayr Revolution, Swamp Rancor. But I did get 17 Advanced Desert Green Crystal lol. So save your $$$$ and but them with credits when they hit the market.

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I bought two packs. Not hypercrates, packs...from my complimentary coins. All four drops? Were chance cubes. I opened them, and received, in order, an Antique Socorro Blaster Pistol Aurek, a Life Day Holotree (pink), an Unrelenting Agressor Lightsaber and lastly, an Advanced White Hawkeye crystal :eek:


...I think I'll quit while I'm ahead.

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You knew that packs are fully randomized. You knew that the latest change was a mere rip-off, further reducing your chance to get valuable items.


...and /STILL/ you blew ONEHUNDREDFIFTY DOLLARS on it? Holy cow. You're...wow. That's...a very...not smart...move.

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I bought two packs. Not hypercrates, packs...from my complimentary coins. All four drops? Were chance cubes. I opened them, and received, in order, an Antique Socorro Blaster Pistol Aurek, a Life Day Holotree (pink), an Unrelenting Agressor Lightsaber and lastly, an Advanced White Hawkeye crystal :eek:


...I think I'll quit while I'm ahead.

Congrats! :D I had to buy my White Hawkeye and Expertise Crystals.

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Congrats! :D I had to buy my White Hawkeye and Expertise Crystals.


Thanks! I'm keeping it, credits are nothing but these crystals are really tough to find even on the GTN. Still, doesn't excuse EaWare for the fact that I bought two packs that had 100 % old recycled stuff in them. As if the gambling packs were not enough.

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Yep, bought a hypercrate, pretty much 80% of what I opened was chance cubes, and from those, I only got 2 non-bronze items. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I'm fine with getting unlucky RNG, but this **** is stupid. Bioware, please adjust the drop rates of these chance cubes. They should have a 10% drop rate MAXIMUM. We buy packs for the new stuff, not to get old crappy bronze items. Additionally, it'd be nice to have 1 slot of the pack be guaranteed to be a new item, so you can only get 1 chance cube if you're unlucky enough to get one.


Previously the cube would be a guaranteed bronze item, no chance for a silver or gold - guaranteed bronze.


Why then should the drop rate of the cube be increased being that it's given you better odds than ever of increasing the amount of silver/gold you return?


Arguments like this should be aimed at the gold/silver drop rates overall, not the cubes themselves. The people who present valid arguments against the cubes are people who want more "new" items, seems they don't mind getting 10 of the exact same item because it's "new". *shrug*

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I boght 2 hypercrates, got way to much old stuff I will never use.


I want NEW items, especially decorations!


Why did you buy the packs then when they clearly stated how often these cubes would drop? You seem a forum regular ... you should have spoken up more when the changes were announced.

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its not like going to a casino, casinos have verifiable odds and cannot just change them at will. the odds of winning at a casino are much better than these packs. this thread has convinced me to not bother spending any money on these, and to ignore any new releases from bw


Lol what outrageous hyperbole you use.


The odds in a casino where you can literally win nothing and lose everything you decide to gamble ( and odds are most people will else casinos wouldn't make money ) are better than this where you are guaranteed to win something? Right ... that makes perfect sense heh. ;)

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You want the "super rare" category to occur in every pack? How would that be "super rare"?


I'd be cool with "one Platinum pack per hypercrate" like we had in the last few series before 4.0 came out, where there was an extra "platinum" pack in each hypercrate, and this pack contained ONE gold item.


But you know what? People would still whine about even that, because their Platinum pack didn't drop the gold item they wanted.


So I've changed my mind. No platinum pack. Devs: please leave them just as they are!


I liked the platinum pack, not sure why they got rid of it. Probably as you imply ... too many whingers not getting that exact one item they wanted from their 100 packs then decide the entire pack is crap and the sky is falling.

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i mean if people did not realize this has been reduced down to a money grab, I am not really sure what will show them this is purely a money grab. They put an item in that basically feeds off the movie knowing full well people will spend foolish money. but you had to know it would be a gold item and set to a very VERY small percentage chance to drop. i mean most of it now is just another chance to get old bronze and silver related items from packs long ago.
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I don't think some of you are getting what he is talking about. ALOT of us are pissed at this. It's not the "gambling" part or "rng is rng" that he is mad at, nor me or everyone else. What we are pissed at is that we barely got any thing from the pack itself, it was almost nothing but chance cubes.


I myself bought 2 hypercrates, hoping to get at least one of the gold sets or maybe the lightsaber. I was not expecting over 80% of my items to be these damned chance cubes. If i had known to begin with that the drop rate on them was so astronomically high, and the items from the pack was so skewed by this I would have never gotten any of these packs at all, nor do I think most of us whom have already bought them.


80% ... seriously? You got over 96 cubes from your 120 drops OR is this more hyperbole?


Also chance cubes aren't "nothing" they are a chance at ANY item within the game instead of the usual bronze junk.

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I liked the platinum pack, not sure why they got rid of it. Probably as you imply ... too many whingers not getting that exact one item they wanted from their 100 packs then decide the entire pack is crap and the sky is falling.


One thing is not getting the item they want from the platinum pack, another thing entirely IMO is how often you'd get a stinkin set of bracers from it. So much for buying packs with visual stuff / fancy pixels and getting stuff that you often won't be seeing on your outfit anyway.

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I think some people are missing the point, a lot of us are not complaining due to the fact we did not get the item we wanted, most are complaining since the likely hood of getting grand chance cubes is so high.


I idea behind the grand chance cube is awesome, but for someone likely myself who nearly has everything unlocked, and enjoys the gambling packs, this new system offers very little reason for me to buy hypercrates, which in turn support the game. I stand by the notion that you should be at the very least be guaranteed one new item per pack.


Yes. I know I can buy the stuff I want via credits, and with this pack I will be doing that, but prior to the change, I have bought three hypercrates with the release of each new pack as a means of supporting the game I enjoy, but not sure with the current setup, I will be doing that, since going based off the consumer feedback, one is more likely to get older items instead of new ones.


It replaced the old bronze junk ...it's not affecting the odds of you getting new silver/gold drops any worse than before ( in fact they say it's better ).


What these posts are showing to me is how utterly unobservant many people are. It took the replacement of a variety of generally garbage bronze items for 1 item that is the same for them to finally see the RNG of gold/silver and how low it is.


Bioware may have erred in removing the illusion.

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No the idea of the grand chance cube isn't awesome. They subbed the new shiny pack items for a random drop of old crap. It's only marginally better than when they only put one item in a pack.


If they sold the GCCs as separate items in the store and you bought them deliberately then perhaps they would be worth a punt. Perhaps.


New shiny pack items that can almost always be bought for sub 10K if not 2K ... why would people buy packs to get these items when they could buy them direct cheap of the GTN? Your worthless junk has been replaced with more valuable junk ( and a shot at some super non junk items worth a fortune ) ... junk is junk but I personally would prefer to get more credits for my junk.


For me my cubes value came out at 16 million current value ... even when this heavily drops as supply goes up it's going to be far better than I've ever done off any hypercrate bronze items ever.

I didn't even get that great of items I thought either but they're still worth quite a bit due to rarity.

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I said the idea, not execution. The idea behind the grand chance cube is solid, as it provides a means to get older items, but still you should be guaranteed at least one new item per pack, since it is fair to assume one buys new packs with the exception of getting the new items. I have ready some people end up with 35+ chance cubes, out of one crate, which means that you can get double cubes, which personally I think is wrong since the new pack should lean heavier towards the new items.


I support the idea behind the chance cube, the drop rate and limit should be put in place.




Most people who were pro the pack in the BW thread on it still agreed they should guarantee 1 new item per pack. Not sure why they didn't do this ... I assume to make the items more rare and gain more value on the GTN thus those that buy to turn cash to credits see more value in the packs than ever.


I would love to know if the cash to credits crowd are the majority of CM buyers or not ... metrics we'd never know but I would assume they are because you can buy unlimited amounts of packs to achieve this ( your budget allowing or until you get the credits you want ) where as to buy just for collecting purposes you're only really going to buy a finite amount until you have what you want.

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It's a gamble and luck game. I bought 1 hyper crate and got tons of the new armor, tons of chance cubes, 7 mounts I didn't have, 5 pets, several titles, emotes and companion customization, a bunch of the new weapons (vibroswords and rifles), several power & expertise copies of the new color crystal and 1 Unstable Arbiter's Dualsaber.


Wow grats on the saber, not many have mentioned getting those. :)

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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.


For $150 you could have bought a decent RL replica lightsaber instead of just :wea_03:

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