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Artifice - New Relics, Wrong Materials


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All the new 200 craft-able relics for artifice call for Armstech / Scavenging materials instead of Artifice / Archaeology.


For example, Artusian Relic of Focused Retribution requires 4 x Polished Aluminum Arms Assembly Component, should be Gleaming Phond Artifice Bonded Attachment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, this colossally messed up. Why does the 200 rating Artusian re to ONLY 208 rated Singing Stone ? That should be like 215 or something. They have a higher crafter lvl requirement then the Defiant Relics that are 212.

The older 178 Relics re'd to 186....Going from 200 to 208 is nothing, this is wrong.


Does Bioware actually look at this and think about this?

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