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My Hypercrate Loot and Grand Chance Cube Review.


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You seem to forget which company owns Bioware. Think on that for a second and think about that statement again.


To EA the only thing that matters is the bottom line, not making sure everything they put out is high quality and a great product. They monopolize on markets and thrive off people's gambling addictions and lust for packs. Though the only people to blame is the people who buy these gambling packs, people need to stop feeding their gambling metrics.



Edited by squirrelballz
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So that is the key point. You think that everyone should be equal no matter HOW hard they all tried to get this.


If, for example smn bought 10 hypercrates each month for 3 years he deresrves to have more then smn who bought a hypercrate last weekend.

The same is in everything else. If you train your body each day, with gold winner trainer who you met when he was like no one, you deserve to look better then those who just made 1 pushup a month.

It's not about what someone has earned, its about which market is bigger and thus potentially a larger source of revenue.


That being said, if you're releasing a product that is less attractive specifically to those who have already proven they will buy a lot of your stuff, then the size of the potential market might not offset the lost revenue from these high-intensity buyers (i.e., pissing off the whales you already had on the hook because you're hoping to get a lot of whole lot of new guppies and/or a few new whales might not work out in the end).

Edited by DarthDymond
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The chance cube was their worst decision ever, I bought three hypercrates and ended up with so much old junk.


All I wanted was new items, like usuall. Some new decorations and perhaps something else NEW cool to use.


Now I am stuck with bankslots of old items, it is depressing really :tran_frown:

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I find it funny reading with EACH new CM pack that comes out people spent hundreds of dollars or even eur to test the EA gambling machine.


Dont you really get already? It is not about how much value YOU as consumer get, but how much money EA will get from cartel market. It is so big now that i'm starting to doubt if subscription fees actually even matter anymore.


Some have already posted that they have spent overall thousands of dollars past years for this game mostly with CM. I mean wow just wow. Nothing will change unless majority will stop buying even if you have really hard to resist buying them. Few tycoons who dont care about real life money wont be able to make that much money for EA to make it profitable.


I stopped buying CM packs with real money long ago. Few times i used my monthly coins but thats about it.

Edited by Divona
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There is TOO much old stuff in those new packs.

I just opened 5 packs and I only got 2 new items.

Really bad chance on new items.


I dont like this change! As I said, just for making more money. But this is the wrong way..


In every new pack should be at least one new item, in my opinion!

Or change it, so that only new stuff in new packs and bring the cubes to the cartell market so that people can buy them directly if they want old stuff.

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Bro...I don't blame you. We're talking about virtual stuff here. Why would BW decide to be so stingy about giving out virtual stuff? I mean, they can't be that greedy...


Pretty ridiculous.


The blame probably rests squarely with the EA overlords.

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So that is the key point. You think that everyone should be equal no matter HOW hard they all tried to get this.


If, for example smn bought 10 hypercrates each month for 3 years he deresrves to have more then smn who bought a hypercrate last weekend.

The same is in everything else. If you train your body each day, with gold winner trainer who you met when he was like no one, you deserve to look better then those who just made 1 pushup a month.


Lol no he doesn't - he deserves to have the 10 hypercrates he bought for the past 3 years and that's ALLthey deserve as that's what they brought. It's not like your donating to charity here.


Conversely are they going to cater to say 100 people who buy 10 hypercrates each month for 3 years or 10,000 people who buy 1 each months for 3 years?


Not that either of us have these numbers but the casual buyer is always going to outweigh the excessive buyer in overall purchases game wise.


There is also the crowd who buys crates etc. purely to sell them on and that's another large buying market. If they get better prices than ever on the GTN for these packs or their items they'll buy more and more.


GTN is going to go a long way to dictating how successful this pack is also.


When you get down to it I would bet the "buy with CCs to collect everything new from each pack" crowd is really a small portion.

I also wonder how many of the "not spending any CC on this" will instead buy packs/crates with credits regardless of the price from the GTN ... that helps drive sales as much as spending the CC themselves were per my point above about the cash to credit sellers. The more you buy the more they buy.

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1.) I've already covered why I bought this hypercrate in my original post


You really didn't.


2.) Stop worrying about what other people are willing to buy.


I'm not worried, just sick of poor logic to try call these packs "trash" when they are really great. Just no for you and a few others.


3.) This is a new pack and as such it should only contain new items.


No it shouldn't, you don't make the rules on what it should or should not contain. BW do that, if you didn't like this you shouldn't have bought any.



4.) Yes they do. Having a pack open with double cubes is unacceptable when you buy a new pack for the new pack contents.


Again this was mentioned by BW before you bought it. Yet you stated you thought this was a good idea but would be poorly implemented? They implemented EXACTLY as they said they would so how did you then think it was a good idea if you think it should only contain new items? You contradict yourself far too easily.



6.) Have you seriously been blind to the changes of 4.0? They have changed things just to change things, don't pretend that they haven't.


Words - give examples or you're just talking trash. Don't pretend you're not.


7.) I already gave you my answer, learn to accept that not everyone agrees with you.


Your answer was wrong. Sorry.


8.) Your continued posts imply that you only care about making a profit.


Posting doesn't mean that in the slightest. Else we could argue you too are only concerned with profit because you keep posting .. .that would be a stupid argument to make though ... yet you're making it. ;)


Anyone can see this when they look at your posts concerning this change and how amazing you think this change is for selling w/e loot you'll get inside the cube vs. if the pack operated as normal in which you refer to new bronze items as trash that won't sell. Face it, you only care about making credits.


I care about getting unique items I don't have already or items that I can sell in place of the duplicate trash I got before. I want the most value to me personally be it in credits or useable goods. You might not be able to accept this because in your world people are only happy if it's a new item supposedly but that's really not the reality of the situation ( otherwise no one would be buying these packs and they're already flying off the GTN ).



9.) It's a terrible change for the community because it limits the amount of the new items that will be going onto the GTN for those to buy with credits. It lessens the value of packs for those who like to buy packs and turns them away


If a player doesn't have an item it's a new item to them. There are more players who don't have all the old stuff than do, thus more new stuff is being introduced into the community.


10.) The value is in the choice of picking your rarity and category instead of one big pool. When you limit the amount of RNG you have to deal with it increases the value and likely hood that you will buy said item. I know this from experience as I bought 4 gold deco packs int he hopes of getting a Gree Sphere and I was able to. If they were still around, I would feel tempted to try my luck at trying for something else from a specific category. At the same time if I wanted to try my luck at something in a pack, I had the luxury of buying that pack and knowing I was going to get something from it specifically and not a random grab bag.


That's why you like BSG packs but it doesn't answer any of the questions I asked in comparison to this pack.


11.) Not Hindered at all? 41 Cubes vs. 19 New Items when before I would be promised 60 New Items isn't hindered? C'mon you're not even trying to make any sense.


You're implying the cubes drop rate hindered you from getting new items from THIS pack. THIS pack has only silver/gold items in it thus only drop from a silver/gold roll - a bronze roll that now gives you cubes instead. The new items you keep talking about don't exist - stop pretending like they do.


12.) That poster fails to realize that I have a lot of those items already and they only appear as not known because I either cannot equip said item or I haven't unlocked the item in my collection or I haven't re-learned the collected items. Even then I would much rather still have new bronze items than all of that because that's what I've come to enjoy about pack buying and opening, getting something new from the pack.


You shouldn't have bought this pack then nor made this statement:


"before today I fully knew about the upcoming changes regarding these "Grand Chance Cubes". Now before today, my opinion of these were that it was a good idea but was going to be terribly, horribly implemented."


Nonsensical to say the least. You knew you weren't getting all new items, you knew the bronze items now dropped a cube, you knew it as possible to get 2 cubes yet you thought it was a good idea even though you think you should only get new items ... funny stuff. :)


I wonder if your opinion would have been better had you got a new lightsaber, a rancor and a revolution mount from your 1 crate. Guess we'll never know.

13.) 800-1200 is a fair price for a Gold Pack for a full set of armor/etc.


Bot after weeks of these cubes it won't be and the items are more common than ever on the GTN.


14.) Again, they change stuff to change stuff. They've been doing it since 4.0 launched.


Says you ... and that's about it.

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It's not about what someone has earned, its about which market is bigger and thus potentially a larger source of revenue.


That being said, if you're releasing a product that is less attractive specifically to those who have already proven they will buy a lot of your stuff, then the size of the potential market might not offset the lost revenue from these high-intensity buyers (i.e., pissing off the whales you already had on the hook because you're hoping to get a lot of whole lot of new guppies and/or a few new whales might not work out in the end).


Might/might not - we have no metrics what so ever to even begin to argue for or against this due to their ideally being 3 different sets of people who buy packs. "Got it all only want new items" , "Wow I don't have any of this stuff I'm buying more" and "Just give me credits for my cash the better it sells in game the more I'll buy and sell".


I may be missing someone but we don't know the metrics supporting sales of any of those crowds is but imo this change does cater well to the last 2 groups and will lead to increased sales from them.

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I don't buy Hypercrates or Packs from the Cartel Market. I prefer to just buy exactly what I want from the GTN with credits. However, I get that people like to collect stuff and more power to them. The extra $$$ they spend helps to keep the game running.


But this Chance Cube thing really looks bad. I mean, if all the Chance Cube does is give you old stuff, then doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of buying new packs and hypercrates? The logic just doesn't follow.


Anyone buying mass amounts of the new hypercrates and packs likely already purchased the old ones en masse and have that old stuff in their collections. It would seem BW is sticking it to it's best CM customers by working that older stuff into the mix.


Maybe I'm off base here, but if I were a Collector, I'd be pretty upset.


Until changes happen, I'm not buying anymore packs.




I am one of those people with 100% of all previous items......the cubes are garbage for me. Period. If I wanted old items I'd prefer to get the gold packs which guarantee I don't get crap. I called in and got a refund. sure Ill buy more coins....but not until they remove cubes.



Furthermore. Why not forget the cubes and just leave the grand packs up all the time?

Edited by Nommak
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Stupid question, but did the cube rewards correspond with the crate type you bought, or were they completely random?


Like, did a cube from an armor crate give you an armor item, or did it give you a ball toss because getting what you paid for shouldn't be a thing?


Not to be a jerk dude, but it sounds like nobody has the answer. Better luck next time, I guess?

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You really didn't.


I'm not worried, just sick of poor logic to try call these packs "trash" when they are really great. Just no for you and a few others.


No it shouldn't, you don't make the rules on what it should or should not contain. BW do that, if you didn't like this you shouldn't have bought any.


Again this was mentioned by BW before you bought it. Yet you stated you thought this was a good idea but would be poorly implemented? They implemented EXACTLY as they said they would so how did you then think it was a good idea if you think it should only contain new items? You contradict yourself far too easily.


Words - give examples or you're just talking trash. Don't pretend you're not.


Your answer was wrong. Sorry.


Posting doesn't mean that in the slightest. Else we could argue you too are only concerned with profit because you keep posting .. .that would be a stupid argument to make though ... yet you're making it. ;)


I care about getting unique items I don't have already or items that I can sell in place of the duplicate trash I got before. I want the most value to me personally be it in credits or useable goods. You might not be able to accept this because in your world people are only happy if it's a new item supposedly but that's really not the reality of the situation ( otherwise no one would be buying these packs and they're already flying off the GTN ).


If a player doesn't have an item it's a new item to them. There are more players who don't have all the old stuff than do, thus more new stuff is being introduced into the community.


That's why you like BSG packs but it doesn't answer any of the questions I asked in comparison to this pack.


You're implying the cubes drop rate hindered you from getting new items from THIS pack. THIS pack has only silver/gold items in it thus only drop from a silver/gold roll - a bronze roll that now gives you cubes instead. The new items you keep talking about don't exist - stop pretending like they do.


You shouldn't have bought this pack then nor made this statement:


"before today I fully knew about the upcoming changes regarding these "Grand Chance Cubes". Now before today, my opinion of these were that it was a good idea but was going to be terribly, horribly implemented."


Nonsensical to say the least. You knew you weren't getting all new items, you knew the bronze items now dropped a cube, you knew it as possible to get 2 cubes yet you thought it was a good idea even though you think you should only get new items ... funny stuff. :)


I wonder if your opinion would have been better had you got a new lightsaber, a rancor and a revolution mount from your 1 crate. Guess we'll never know.


Bot after weeks of these cubes it won't be and the items are more common than ever on the GTN.


Says you ... and that's about it.


1.) I really did. Learn to read and comprehend, you're making yourself look foolish by not doing so.


2.) You're going to have to accept that other people have opinions that you're not going to like. Welcome to real life.


3.) That's how feedback and criticism works. I know you're upset that people don't like this and would much prefer it the old way but you're just going to have to deal with it.


4.) Because someone needed to see how this would work out. This pack ha dnew items in it that I wanted to try and get and since I have free CC laying around that I don't pay extra for, I made the decision to run a test and see if my opinion of these cubes could be swayed. That's how tests work.


5.) Saying B/S/G packs were going to be a permanent thing and then vanishing and being backtracked when found out. Removing Planetary Vendors and changing Heroic rewards and Flashpoint Loot for zero reason. NiM Loot, removing NiM modes. Seriously you have to be blind to have missed all of this.


6.) My Answer is right, Sorry.


7.) I'm posting feedback with examples for my feedback, all you've done is what exactly? Say no, you're wrong? I guess you would know about making stupid arguments. ;)


8.) Again you continue to prove that you're wanting to make a profit.


9.) But if they buy a specific pack for an item in that pack and end up with double cubes containing old items they already have it's going to deter them from buying more packs. And the less people buying packs the less new items from that pack come to be for everyone to have a easier time getting on the GTN. It's a terrible change.


10.) You asked where the value is, stop trying to back track because you don't like the answers given. I mean seriously do differing opinions bother you this much, lol?


11.) You continue to prove, that after all this conversation you still do not get it. "People buy new packs for the new items in that pack not for old items." 41 cubes vs. 19 new items is a terrible ratio. If it was a different ratio where the amount of new items was slightly higher than the cubes, than I wouldn't have had a problem. 41 Cubes vs. 19 new items is an unacceptable ratio. 25 Cubes vs. 35 New items would have been much better.


12.) I already stated my original reason for buying this hypercrate in my original post and in this post again. You need to improve your comprehension skills.


13.) Same response as Answers 1 and 12 and in the OP. You're just talking circles trying to say the same thing in different ways at this point.


14.) My opinion would have been different if I didn't end up with 41 Cubes vs. 19 New items. Because I buy new packs for the new items within not the old items.


15.) Old Bronze items from Cubes that will flood the market and buying Gold items from Gold category specific Grand Packs are not the same thing.


16.) Actually it's not just me, it's anyone who pays attention to what's going on in this game, which apparently doesn't include you.

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1.) I really did. Learn to read and comprehend, you're making yourself look foolish by not doing so.


Learn to make sense and not contradict yourself.


2.) You're going to have to accept that other people have opinions that you're not going to like. Welcome to real life.


I get that ... even if they do support their opinions with nonsense such as you enjoy doing lately.


3.) That's how feedback and criticism works. I know you're upset that people don't like this and would much prefer it the old way but you're just going to have to deal with it.


No I really don't see because I can go buy a pack right now from the CM, get new items and old items and be happy. Can YOU go buy a pack and get all new items? No? Oh well guess you'll just have to deal with it. ;)


4.) Because someone needed to see how this would work out.


Pretty sure people can do that for themselves without your bias. :)


This pack ha dnew items in it that I wanted to try and get and since I have free CC laying around that I don't pay extra for, I made the decision to run a test and see if my opinion of these cubes could be swayed. That's how tests work.


Swayed? You said it was a good idea ... your opinion going in states you liked the idea yet then state that this pack should only give new items ... how can you think it's a good idea if you know it's not giving you only new items?


Want a digger to help you dig that hole a little faster?


5.) Saying B/S/G packs were going to be a permanent thing and then vanishing and being backtracked when found out. Removing Planetary Vendors and changing Heroic rewards and Flashpoint Loot for zero reason. NiM Loot, removing NiM modes. Seriously you have to be blind to have missed all of this.


Zero reason or just a reason they have not bothered to announce? Fairly sure there will be a reason, they just felt they don't need to tell anyone.

None of this proves "changes for the sake of change" at all ... it just reeks of more things you are sore about.


6.) My Answer is right, Sorry.


Nope, sorry. My test and you failed it. ;)


7.) I'm posting feedback with examples for my feedback, all you've done is what exactly? Say no, you're wrong? I guess you would know about making stupid arguments. ;)


That statement has what to do with me "only being out for profit" exactly? Strawman much?



8.) Again you continue to prove that you're wanting to make a profit.


Prove doesn't mean what you think it means, complete opposite possibly.


9.) But if they buy a specific pack for an item in that pack and end up with double cubes containing old items they already have it's going to deter them from buying more packs. And the less people buying packs the less new items from that pack come to be for everyone to have a easier time getting on the GTN. It's a terrible change.


Most people don't have most items ... to most people it will be fresh material. Best change in a long time .... just not for you and select few others.


10.) You asked where the value is, stop trying to back track because you don't like the answers given. I mean seriously do differing opinions bother you this much, lol?


Go back and read what I actually asked and try again. Strawmanning what I said into what you wished I said to make your answer correct doesn't help your argument what so ever.


11.) You continue to prove, that after all this conversation you still do not get it. "People buy new packs for the new items in that pack not for old items." 41 cubes vs. 19 new items is a terrible ratio. If it was a different ratio where the amount of new items was slightly higher than the cubes, than I wouldn't have had a problem. 41 Cubes vs. 19 new items is an unacceptable ratio. 25 Cubes vs. 35 New items would have been much better.


"SOME People buy new packs for the new items in that pack not for old items."


I corrected your statement for you to make it more accurate and factual, thank me anytime. ;)


12.) I already stated my original reason for buying this hypercrate in my original post and in this post again. You need to improve your comprehension skills.


Oh you mean you wanted to buy a pack that had cubes that you thought were a good idea even though you don't want packs that have old items in them ... yup makes real sense. ;)


13.) Same response as Answers 1 and 12 and in the OP. You're just talking circles trying to say the same thing in different ways at this point.


I'm waiting for you to at least attempt to talk yourself out the blaring contradiction that is your logic ... fail so far.


14.) My opinion would have been different if I didn't end up with 41 Cubes vs. 19 New items. Because I buy new packs for the new items within not the old items.


Yes you do, you bought this pack and you knew it had old items in it. You even said you thought it was a good idea. Funny that ... reeks of being upset at not getting the drops you wanted.


15.) Old Bronze items from Cubes that will flood the market and buying Gold items from Gold category specific Grand Packs are not the same thing.


Gold items drop the cube too, you even got 1 from 1 single crate ... imagine how many more there will be now with all the crates that are selling.


16.) Actually it's not just me, it's anyone who pays attention to what's going on in this game, which apparently doesn't include you.


That's not proof ... that's more unfounded "words". :)

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And MeNaCe, or however you spell your name, you need to realize, and I'm being friendly here, that only about 1% of the people on these forums are reading those titanic walls of text you usually post. How do you have so much time on your hands to make those monumental posts? LOL
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Learn to make sense and not contradict yourself.


I get that ... even if they do support their opinions with nonsense such as you enjoy doing lately.


No I really don't see because I can go buy a pack right now from the CM, get new items and old items and be happy. Can YOU go buy a pack and get all new items? No? Oh well guess you'll just have to deal with it. ;)


Pretty sure people can do that for themselves without your bias. :)


Swayed? You said it was a good idea ... your opinion going in states you liked the idea yet then state that this pack should only give new items ... how can you think it's a good idea if you know it's not giving you only new items?


Want a digger to help you dig that hole a little faster?


Zero reason or just a reason they have not bothered to announce? Fairly sure there will be a reason, they just felt they don't need to tell anyone.

None of this proves "changes for the sake of change" at all ... it just reeks of more things you are sore about.


Nope, sorry. My test and you failed it. ;)


That statement has what to do with me "only being out for profit" exactly? Strawman much?


Prove doesn't mean what you think it means, complete opposite possibly.


Most people don't have most items ... to most people it will be fresh material. Best change in a long time .... just not for you and select few others.


Go back and read what I actually asked and try again. Strawmanning what I said into what you wished I said to make your answer correct doesn't help your argument what so ever.


"SOME People buy new packs for the new items in that pack not for old items."


I corrected your statement for you to make it more accurate and factual, thank me anytime. ;)


Oh you mean you wanted to buy a pack that had cubes that you thought were a good idea even though you don't want packs that have old items in them ... yup makes real sense. ;)


I'm waiting for you to at least attempt to talk yourself out the blaring contradiction that is your logic ... fail so far.


Yes you do, you bought this pack and you knew it had old items in it. You even said you thought it was a good idea. Funny that ... reeks of being upset at not getting the drops you wanted.


Gold items drop the cube too, you even got 1 from 1 single crate ... imagine how many more there will be now with all the crates that are selling.


That's not proof ... that's more unfounded "words". :)


1.) I already did. Not my fault you're incapable of understanding.


2.) It's not nonsense to someone who knows how to understand things.


3.) That's why I made this feedback thread and considering the Dev's responses from the live stream to the feedback to this, even they acknowledge that they want more feedback on this matter.


4.) Judging by the responses in this thread, I'd say a good amount of people are glad I did my test for them. That's how feedback and product reviews work when making a questionable purchase.


5.) If you're seriously suggesting people who have formed a decision regarding something can't have their decisions changed by trying something like you are with this comment, then you need to get out more.


6.) Ever hear of "If it's not broken, don't fix it?" There was nothing wrong with any of it and it was changed for no reason whatsoever. And you know what happened? It caused a lot of negative reactions because it appeared very bizarre and questionable. I know because I'm on these forums daily and I can easily see how people react when something is changed just to be changed. And it's not good. Tho the way you are responding, you must be pretty blind to everything going on here.


7.) Your test was garbage like these cubes.


8.) You keep mentioning how much you're going to sell all these wonderful bronze items from the cubes you're getting and how you wish you bought more. Pretty plain as day to see.


9.) That's what the B/S/G packs were for.


10.) You asked why I thought the value of the B/S/G packs were better than the cubes. You don't like my answer so you're trying to type in a circle until I say something you like. Pretty sad that you can't handle other people's opinions.


11.) More like most. Some would be like you only looking to make a profit.


12.) Once again proving your lack of reading comprehension.


13.) What contradiction would that be? Because there is none, my reasoning was written clear as day for anyone to read and understand, well almost anyone. You obviously have a comprehension problem.


14.) Aw, are you upset that my feedback is running the risk of ruining your attempts at making profits. You poor, baby.


15.) I am imagining.... not a whole lot. Just mostly old bronze items.


16.) Lol, you truly are blind, you sad child.

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And MeNaCe, or however you spell your name, you need to realize, and I'm being friendly here, that only about 1% of the people on these forums are reading those titanic walls of text you usually post. How do you have so much time on your hands to make those monumental posts? LOL


How? Meh call it a hobby :p I note Reno replies similarly so I guess we must both have a similar amount of time to spend doing so. :)

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If these damn ugly cubes were set up to give you stuff from all of the old packs, I'd rather you just release all of the previous packs.

Then people would just go after the stuff they wanted and of course, rage quit when they didn't get it after blowing $40 down the drain.

To hell with buying a hypercrate for 15 plus million for an old pack, let alone 1 million for 1 single pack.

there is nothing in this game worth 15 million, not even that damn crate-o-matic.

and to the Donald Trump person who bought the Arbiter saber for 50 million, don't forget to build a giant shield to keep the UFOS from Mars and Jupiter from invading the Earth.



Edited by IslanderRebel
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1.) I already did. Not my fault you're incapable of understanding.


No, you never cleared up any contradictions. Saying so doesn't make it true.


2.) It's not nonsense to someone who knows how to understand things.


I understand you are posting contradictions and I find those to be nonsense. ;)


3.) That's why I made this feedback thread and considering the Dev's responses from the live stream to the feedback to this, even they acknowledge that they want more feedback on this matter.


I thought it was your personal review thread? Feedback can go to the official Bioware thread on the changes where Bioware are more likely to see it.

"Mixed" reviews I found quite positive since many negative forumites seem to think it's a resounding "anti" feeling towards this pack and just can't accept that actually a lot of people like this new pack regardless of their rage.


4.) Judging by the responses in this thread, I'd say a good amount of people are glad I did my test for them. That's how feedback and product reviews work when making a questionable purchase.


What is a "good amount of people"?


5.) If you're seriously suggesting people who have formed a decision regarding something can't have their decisions changed by trying something like you are with this comment, then you need to get out more.


That response doesn't address your contradiction either. You're attempts at skipping around your blunder are both poor and obvious I'm afraid. :(


6.) Ever hear of "If it's not broken, don't fix it?" There was nothing wrong with any of it and it was changed for no reason whatsoever.


Again, got any facts to support that? Just sounds like more butthurtness to me.


And you know what happened? It caused a lot of negative reactions because it appeared very bizarre and questionable




I know because I'm on these forums daily and I can easily see how people react when something is changed just to be changed. And it's not good. Tho the way you are responding, you must be pretty blind to everything going on here


Ah the old "forums are proof" routine ... no they're not, not even close. Come on you want to make a statement on changes for the sake of change ... back it up. People posting on forums doesn't prove this. A quote from Bioware stating so would though ... have you got any? Anything at all?


7.) Your test was garbage like these cubes.


Yet you failed, go figure.


8.) You keep mentioning how much you're going to sell all these wonderful bronze items from the cubes you're getting and how you wish you bought more. Pretty plain as day to see.


I said I would sell or keep them and that either way they are better value to me than before. How does that prove what you're endeavouring to say? Oh right it doesn't, much like most of the nonsense you post.


Also if the packs are going to make all items in game more common ... how does devaluing my 2600+ inventory items help me get richer exactly? Common sense might help your argument but then if you could demonstrate any of that you wouldn't have tried to make it in the first place. ;)


9.) That's what the B/S/G packs were for.


Now that's what cubes are for, it's the evolution of the cartel market. Get with the times or get left behind though I'm sure you'll be getting buying the items or these packs you want with credits either way ( if not CC ) ... that still inadvertently supports these packs. Well done Bioware. ;)


10.) You asked why I thought the value of the B/S/G packs were better than the cubes. You don't like my answer so you're trying to type in a circle until I say something you like. Pretty sad that you can't handle other people's opinions


I asked:


"You could get roughly 3-4 gold packs for the price of a new hypercrate ... how is that going to be better value to get old items than this? How is that bringing in more supply to the GTN for those that don't buy packs and rely on the in game economy to buy their items? How was that providing great resell value to those that wanted to buy packs to turn to credits vs these packs where you get much more older items cheaper ( replacing practically 0 resale value bronze items ). Where is this better value?"


All you've done is mentioned what is good about the BSG packs ... NOT how they are better value or addressed any of the other questions put to you. As I said, try again or just keep avoiding the questions with strawman arguments as you always do. :)


11.) More like most. Some would be like you only looking to make a profit.


Prove it.


12.) Once again proving your lack of reading comprehension.


Not at all, it's what you actually said. If you want to mean something else then post something more accurate.


13.) What contradiction would that be? Because there is none, my reasoning was written clear as day for anyone to read and understand, well almost anyone. You obviously have a comprehension problem.


Soo saying you think the cubes were a good idea then saying you only buy packs with new items in them even though this pack drops cubes that have old items in them isn't a huge contradiction in your world. Heh ok chief.


14.) Aw, are you upset that my feedback is running the risk of ruining your attempts at making profits. You poor, baby.


Your feedback and this thread won't do much more than your lessen your reputation of being able to hold a logical argument without reverting to tired old diatribe like that I'm thinking but whatever floats ya boat. ;)


15.) I am imagining.... not a whole lot. Just mostly old bronze items.


along with silver and gold that many a happy consumer is purchasing up this very moment from the GTN glad they don't have to pay as exorbitant prices for the items as they did a couple of days ago. Thanks Bioware!


16.) Lol, you truly are blind, you sad child.


More diatribe, I can see things are beginning to go downhill for you fast now. I can't wait to see what your next "mature" response is going to be. :D

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