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Download stuck at 2.8 GB left - error 310


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I have this download error problem.

It says "patchdata download error- trying again (310)"


Download stopped when I had 2.8 GB left to download, and it doesn't continue anymore, can't download any further. :confused::mad::(


Yeah bro me, along with several others are having this very same issue. Its a problem on their end again. Stay updated on the developer tracker and DO NOT try to repatch the launcher. Wait until its done being fixed to re-patch, if it even has to be re-patched, theirs a chance it might not have to be according to the developer.

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Yep, same - Australian based here, stuck at 2.84 gb - nice work again...


checked the free space on the HD where the game is stored, had less than the rest of the patch, cleared 17.5 gb of files, now the patch is working... although not fast it is at least patching

Edited by Diakilla
seeming resolve for the issue...
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