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10 Good
  1. Yep, same - Australian based here, stuck at 2.84 gb - nice work again... checked the free space on the HD where the game is stored, had less than the rest of the patch, cleared 17.5 gb of files, now the patch is working... although not fast it is at least patching
  2. In my mind the wise course of action would be to firstly; 1) Merge the APAC servers into one. 2) Give time for the dust to settle. 3) If for some reason it simply isn't providing the gaming experience players on the APAC servers are accustomed to, or a large part of the population abandons the game (which from what I've seen in the chat is going to happen anyway if they merge to NA westcoast servers), then and only then, merge to the NA servers. At least they will have given the APAC regional players a chance to play on a local server, and not just close up shop and loose half the player base here... because of an unwanted merge...
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