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“Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons.” and the Organa legacy


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There's an NPC on the republic side somewhere who says that he would rather see Alderaan blown to pieces than see it handed over to the Empire. I nearly choked on my coffee when I heard him say that.


Actually its in the Imp story arc. The final guy you fight in the tunnels of Thul castle.

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If you mean Genghiz Khan, then there cannot be any descendants with such a name - as "Khan" is not a name, but a title.

But again, it is not too surprising in Star Wars universe - there are lots of examples. These are the mild ones; if we take Warhammer 40k universe, for instance, there are families with history of ten millenia.


Analyst, it is much like the problem with Christopher Columbus; his bones were shipped from Cuba to Spain and the archeologists now do not know weither those bones are those of himself or his son.....worse yet there is no family of Christopher Columbus for the archealogists to do modernday comparisons with. Certain Families are "distantly related" to Christopher Columbus but no family living today is direct relatives. The man is greatly unknown and an whole group of tales regarding the explorer grew up around him but nothing has been proven about him in the modern era.

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Let's say Alderaan is Scotland, it may be peaceful now, but hasn't always been the last 3000 years.


Funny effel you mention that relationship of Alderaan being much like Scotland was? In Reallife I am a Genealogist specializing in my own Brewster Family Tree.....I have spent about 35 Years in understanding it; what if I told you that there was a family that had been around for 1,900 years being Irish, Scottish, English, abit French and Norse??! What if instead of our surnames being Organas we were once called "Breheny" or "Brehons". The name meant "Warrior Historian Justicar Guardians". In many Irish Clan Tribes you would have atleast 1 Brehon whom would start a family in the clan he was trying to protect. My ancestors were linked with the MacFergusson Clans. It is abit odd that my very character being a Grey Shadow Knight thinks of himself as both a historian and Justicar Guardian.

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I just checked Satine Kryze`s page on Wookiepedia, both canon and legends articles, and there`s no mentioning that she might be a Thul noblewoman http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Satine_Kryze#Legacy


Your right she was not a Thul but for a time the New Mandalorians were exiled just like the Thuls, Satine Kryze had a daughter whom disliked both the Sith and the Republic those that had interfered and failed the Kryzes as she and her followers tracked down and Avenged themselves against those that had killed her mother and worked directly or indirectly in the New Mandalorian doiwnfall.

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There are different claims in the old Star Wars EU about exactly when Alderaan got rid of all its weapons. Some say it was at the start of Palpatine's Empire, others say it was up to a century before the movies. In any case, they supposedly packed all their weapons onto a huge starship and sent it to randomly jump around the galaxy until the sovereign of Alderaan recalled it.



Now, as for the various houses, there are centuries left for their fortunes to rise and fall. There's a Thul Jedi in the New Jedi Order books and it seems that House Thul left Alderaan before it was destroyed.


They did, just like the SWs TOR Game, they were forced into exile. My character PC tried to have the Prince and the Princess become part of my crew but she refused saying that I could not be able to protect them on the Privateer Light Freighter......I had no Republic Army or Commandoes at my command, true I did not but I believed that I could protect her and her brother.

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A lot can happen in 3000 years. Maybe Alderaan's warring nobles eventually put aside their differences and learned to co-exist for the greater good. Maybe House Organa just happened to be primus inter pares, which is why they were able to secure Leia a place in the Senate. Or maybe it was House Organa's turn to represent the world after the House X's term ended.


Or whatever.


In terms of Organa-Thul, think of it in terms of the Habsburg-Hohenzollern struggle for leadership in Germany. Hohenzollern Prussia even won out and formed the German Empire, but the Habsburgs continued to stick around and even became allies. Perhaps the same can be said about Organa-Thul.


Eurydemus, you could think of it in broader terms too, The Hapsburgs and Holenzollems were a very good example but it could be abit more encompassing than that. Hummmmm the French Kings and English Kings for example along with the German Kings meddling in world affairs and trying to create their destinies in Europe might be the same kinds of manipulations that the Thuls and Organas were doing, Queen Elizabeth 1st is an example of this, and my ancestors paid a deep price for her manipulations since we were subordinants to her reign and helped managed her estates and ran them.

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