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Lower the price of the Guild Flagship


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The problem is that we are only 6 so we get killed when it comes to the commander part, and if we call for help in fleet nobody is interested although we let them to take away their personal Framework, the only way they would help us is if we were willing to pay them a few 0's for the help, which is contraproducent to the final goal.


6 people for a commander is overkill allready. Only thing you need to be safe is 1 tank, 1 healer and 1 dps to speed it up a bit. 1 tank and 1 healer could also do the trick btw.


What you also can do is save up the darkmatters and sell them for the guild. Running 1 HM ops will yield around 5 darkmatters which are each worth 300-400k (last time I checked the prices that is). Earn 2mil per HM run isn't to bad. I assume you guys are running at least 1 HM ops per week so it would take you 25 weeks to get enough cash. Granted this is still half a year but most likely this won't be the only way you are generating cash.

In my own case my guild is running about 2 HM opses per week (sometimes a bit more depending what the prio ops is). If you do some commanders on the side you should have your guildship within 1,5-2 months, even as a small guild like yours

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6 people for a commander is overkill allready. Only thing you need to be safe is 1 tank, 1 healer and 1 dps to speed it up a bit. 1 tank and 1 healer could also do the trick btw.

The named ones are quite tough actually. With good players it may be possible to do them with 1T 1H 1D, but it will take ages. The generic ones on the other hand are pushovers.


Also consider that everyone in the group gets their own loot. If you kill a commander with three people, you get three encryptions (or frameworks in case of a named one). If you have 16 people, you get 16 items. Of course if the extra people get to keep their own loot it won't gain more items for the guild, but it still makes the kill go faster.

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