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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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You must go through lots of games, ISP's etc, if you complain every single time and move to another.. If you can do better, then please, do so. Otherwise accept that things happen. Your life is not at risk, just your time....


Time is life....life is time! Everything in life is measured by time...which I guess they are taking away part of our lives.

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You guys are seriously having a cow over a few hours? You know how childish that is? So what if things aren't working perfectly? All those people who have been playing the 'you expect a product to work' card need to go change their diapers and get their bottles and go back to sleep. There's issues that have been around since launch that still aren't fixed. And your complaining over a few hours that every MMO can go though on patch day? Seriously cry somewhere else.


You know. I said that exact same thing in the ER room just the other day when the power went out. I swear. People... What can you do with them.

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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




So no chance that Europeans get it on 9th February as promised. Good night then.

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Fun fictions or possibly realities:


- Waiting on server maintenance will have taken more of our time than completing chapter X.

- Regardless of all our moans and threats, the vast majority will not stop throwing cash at EA.

- To EA everything that we are is recorded as a singular monetary value on a regional directors account spreadsheet.

- Despite our beliefs in how valuable our subscriptions are to EA, they are a mere drop in the ocean of EAs multitude of revenue streams. if we managed to somehow unite and unsubscribe in mass and if in turn that somehow managed to directly affect EA's overall share price, a director may get a slap on the wrists and be made to buy everyone's drinks at the next golf meeting.

- When the dollar figure turns from black to red, this game will be canned as EA is a multinational publically traded company with a sole interest in profit. They are not a charity, they are not passionate about gaming, they are a business.


The above, is just business.


As a side: I find it hilarious that a few people have posted they are gonna hop over to "battlefront" way to show EA by promoting and playing another EA game!

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If you think early access is a "big" part of why people sub, you're delusional. How often does the opportunity for "early access" to content even occur? Not very. And so what? You saw something two days before the teeming masses.
Yeah you're right. all these subscription thingies are just a bonus. i subscribe because it gives me the best quality of life ingame.
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i voted this thread excellent because ive only read 30 pages and am still laughing. they just need to fix it now. and where does time start? who gets to 12 am first? i live in america where they dont teach us important information like that not that half of these people can read a regular clock. :D
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You guys at BioWare need to run updates/expacs thoroughly through your Test Server before anything goes Live. Then FIX the problems. THEN release it after all bugs are fixed!


I love this game, but you could take some cues from CCP. They know how to keep things pretty much bug free when they release their EVE expacs. By the time their expansions go Live, they're 99% - 100% bug free.

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So many patches, so much maintenance time....AND YOU GUYS STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE HANG OF IT? I'm starting to think everyone that is part of the dev team is just a freakin monkey and they're all holding Musco captive.


I have lost an entire day of early access due to this and at this point, I'm more dissapointed than mad. I just want to play the damn game :(


AGREED :mad::rak_01:

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I kind of feel bad for the employees. They probably worked pretty hard to get this thing ready and now this is happening. If you look at the time it's almost 8pm PST which means they haven't gone home yet. They are missing dinner while we complain that a video game is down. It sucks for everyone. I hope we get compensated, sure; but I really hope that THEY get compensated.

As I write this, it is nearly 11pm CET, so it is nearly, um, 2pm PST, i.e. early afternoon. No special compensation for them for working during the working day.

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You guys at BioWare need to run updates/expacs thoroughly through your Test Server before anything goes Live. Then FIX the problems. THEN release it after all bugs are fixed!


I love this game, but you could take some cues from CCP. They know how to keep things pretty much bug free when they release their EVE expacs. By the time their expansions go Live, they're 99% - 100% bug free.



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