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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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I fixed the issue. Just go watch a youtube video of someones SWTOR gameplay. Unplug your keyboard and press the keys you would press. The response is off, but if you ignore the fact that you aren't really playing its almost like you are.



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They offer EU servers located in the EU, run on EU time. The can be patched separately to the US time frame without a problem. They are separate servers, they can patch one server at a time if they want (the reason it's not always all servers up or all servers down...........).


We have lost 1 day of the early access that we pay for, making it a 50% loss.

Give me one other reason to subscribe. Early access is the only thing that can't be bought with cartel coins.


As for taking the day off work, get you *********** priorities straight people. It's a *********** game!


As an added bonus from this it would be easier to patch the US servers later since they would already discovered the problems when patching EU servers.

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hello Devs?


Can we pleae get an update on Twitter please?


that last update was like 5 hours ago.



Thank you.


The last one was about an hour ago, actually. When they brought the servers back down after the short-lived startup. You can see it for yourself at

where it says "1hr" under the bit where it keeps track of how long it's been since things were posted.
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I find it hilarious how many people are complaining. ESPECIALLY grown adults who should have lives. You all sound like spoiled brats that live in their parents basement. Here is an idea, Why don't YOU try to make the new content, why don't YOU make patches and games. Because you don't know how or can't. STOP complaining about something you can't control. And don't expect compensation for something that was to be expected. You want to complain about lack of content and how the game is down so long after a large patch, GO! Go play a different game. Spend your crappy money elsewhere, let everyone else enjoy the game. We are all being patient with the people who work hard to make this game possible while you are sitting there whining like 2 year olds. Grow up already.


Thanks! :) :) :):wea_01:


Good hunting!

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Stop, does it mean that I should have get a letter from LS Jaesa when I`ve chosen to make a child with her?




Nah man, she's gonna dodge you for a couple years, then you're gonna owe her a ******** of credits in back child support. Best of luck.

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I find it humorous how much, and how many, people get upset over, at most, 50 cents.


It's not 50 cents. The game is obviously worth more than that to the people complaining or else they, y'know, wouldn't pay for it.


Unscheduled maintenance isn't something I'm going to lose sleep over, but similarly I don't see why people get so uppity about others wanting compensation for it. Do they ask for more than the problem warrants? Sure, but if it encourages the developers to ensure events like this happen less frequently then how exactly is that a bad thing?

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