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Everything posted by Fate-

  1. ..any suggestion for a MMOG alternative ?
  2. Go GO Johnny B. Go(od) Enjoy a bit and lets easy the pain
  3. <Sine Qua Non> pre-revan small social mature PvE guild is now recruiting casual/new 1st char(s) players. We also be filling spots for our 8man HM/NiM progression group soon, teaching guildies desiring to raid (so no external recruiting open for raiding). I'm now reviving the guild after 8 months we stopped playing. We used to have 30 guildies with average 14 online every night. I was guildmaster and raid leader for 2 years, and just come back after 6 months offline, so im now starting to revive the guild, contacting old guildies and recruiting new players again. Our guild is a small size guild, social, focused in recruiting only new players, teach and run all PvE content.. including end game raiding via an 8man progression group. Our support servers: Mumble (guild voice server) Teamspeak (runs when raiding with non guildies spotfillers). Website: mainly we only use homepage as facebook wall. And we stick our own ops tactics in forum. Best way to contact me/us is to send a pm to me (Budha) or one of our officers: http://swtor-sinequanon.enjin.com/members note: Im active every night, and since I play 12 Alts pm Budha in enjin is really the best way to contact me. I do care about recruiting friendly and mature players. I do follow recruiting, guildies close in order to understand how they area, teaching and suggesting them regarding game mechaniques, and run/show guildies to all game content (including end game raiding via a 8man progression group with slow pace progression SM > HM > NiM (we did full DF8hm/DF8hm 5/5 and DF8nim/DP8nim 2/5. So despite guild is mostly relaxing and focused in just new players, we 8 of us part of the progression group will enjoy all end game hard stuff. If you an experienced player, you out of our recruiting target, but still do contact me for a chat so we can eventually give a chance. So rather focusing in building from ground up the guild - well reviving it - due to new expansion, then to rush get the "numbers" in order to raid.. nope.. we slowly recruiting friendly players.. then we will together and slowly raid all ops like we did during last 2 years. Yours, Budha
  4. UPDATE: I checked windows network TCP/IP was not sending/receiving packets (or like 2 sent,3 received..) so I clicked QUIT game, and just after relaunched game quick login, quick character screen appearing and now all my alts show as playable. ..and im ingame
  5. UPDATE: Launched changed to Character list screen showing: "Quick Play Mode" While you play, the game continues to download. If you finish the starting planet before it completes, you may start a new character and play one of the other 7 class stories. When the download completes, you can access the entire game. i see empty progression bar with little green 0.00% If I click in any of my alts, it shows "NOT READY".. Oh well.. now its not clear if something is being downloaded or not... as the green 0.00% has not changed since 20 mins.. well once again i will resist the temptation and will just not kill the app or whatever.. it shall be doign something ig uess/hope.. it could probably feedback a more meanfull feedback so we could know whats happening tho.. even just for say "trying operation XX for the 10th time or restarting bla ble".. you know.. dev logs type of thing.. at least we could see game is trying to do something
  6. ..UPDATE: after 30mins, new window appeared showing NEWS COMMUNITY on top, video in middle and now I can see in bottom: 1) ST "Reorganizing data.. " and was fast took only 2s per 1% (took around 2 mins or so). 2) and then new message "Verifying" also fast 100% in 30s or so. 3) and then "Installing" seems to have started at 50% , and shows Updating with speeds 512.00KB/s, but most of the times I see between 6MB/S and 20MB/s Will update this post then it changes/completes. Hope a clear step by step log, would be more usefull for most of us then just complaining. I also suggest not to kill stuff, repair and starting doing workaround i guess.. otherwise you can make things worse based in the dark side afflictive pain in desiring playing fast again .. I know it hurts.. but keep faith. UPDATE: Completed .. took 1h or so. *spoiler* i got 240Mbits optical connection, and didnt killed anything or tried any smart workaround. Cya ingame
  7. Hi all, I just double clicked SWTOR shortcut, and after typing password and click button Log In, I see a blue circle rotating on the right side of the login fields.. and some 20mins already passed. Im afraid to kill this so i dont break anything.. but I dont know whats happenning with this spinning blue thing.. maybe trying to just login ? Because Im still in login window, and i dont see any %, or message So maybe if its stuck trying to login, maybe could be safe to kill the app and try again login ? Thanks
  8. history: Our "Sine Qua Non" guild started in December 2013 as a 8man DF/DP hm raiding progression group, and after playing together for almost 8 months, we decided to take the next step and move our selfs into creating this guild, invite new players to the game to help them sharing our experience. important: We also organizing our progression group, since focus in the guild we look for Raiders to be active in guild and not only join us for raiding. Sine Qua Non meaning: its Latin for ..how can i say "that special ingredient" that makes things possible.. or "the condition/thing" ..I prefer the "special" explanation which in our case means the cool spirit we have in our group/guild Progression Group: raiding nights: mon, tue and thurs - 20h..22h30 UK time - and our progression is: DF8hm full, DP8hm1..4-practicing council (note: we already practicing nim tactics while running our hm runs for first 2 bosses in both DF and DP) website: ..you can just "join website" swtor-sinequanon.enjin.com (not needed by Recruits, but needed to get promotion to Member) .. only need to apply using JoinUs application in case you 55 and you interested in raiding OPs within our progression group. contact: ..shall you wanna contact me send message to "Budha" via @ http://swtor-sinequanon.enjin.com/members, i play with so many alts, that pm via enjin is the best way May the Force be With Us, Budha
  9. Just received following reply confirming this to be a bug and requesting me to report it as bug. But since we have this thread I wonder if its necessary to open a new ticket "Bug Report" ? What do you all think ? - -- - -- - -- - -- - --
  10. Hi all, Opening "Guild Window", we got used to organized all our alts by using same nick in "Officer Note". But since today patch 2.9, a strange thing happened.. "Officer Note" option doesnt appear in the options popup for the most right column in "Guild Window", but as Guildmaster we can still managed rank permissions to this field "Officer Note", so I wonder whats going on ? Thanks, Budha
  11. Update We have 1 fixed spot open for a Healer - pm me "Budha" in Enjin for a chat on details about us. Our website is: http://swtor-sinequanon.enjin.com/ Cheers, Budha
  12. Greetings All, Will just copy/paste ingame recruiting as it says all as well <Sine Qua Non> a new mature PvE guild created by raiders of a progression group, is now recruiting both social players and also Raiders or Spotfillers. Check more info @ http://swtor-sinequanon.enjin.com Cheers
  13. "Havoc Squad" guild started in December 2013 as a raiding progression group, and after playing together for almost 8 months, we decided to take the next step and move ourselfs into creating a guild where we want to offer the same friendly and mature "Havoc Spirit" we been experiencing to other SWTOR players. By expand the raiding group into a guild we desire to recruit all types of players, and we interested in teaching new players become become better players in our off-duty times - aka when we not raiding Our website is: http://swtor-havocsquad.enjin.com/ We currently raiding our progression every Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 20h till 22h30 UK time. As we expanding/recruiting casual PvE players, we will plan to run lower OPs and some other special game contents for the fun.
  14. Havoc Squad is the 3rd 8hm progression group in Spark of Insanity and due to 3 of us went afk cause of real life situations, we now have following 3 fixed spots open: Off-tank 1 melee dps - sentinel, guardian or shadow 1 range dps - commando or sage Our progression till 2 weeks ago before the afks event is DF4/5 and DP4/5, with 95% in brontes almost kill. We now continuing raiding in cooperation with another progression group DP8hm and DF16hm, while we slowly recruit stable and friendly raiders.. we not stressing rushing with the recruiting tho, since we really wanna be sure recruits fit our friendly group spirit. Raiding nights - I adapt given everyone preferences - so with new 3 recruits I would re-confirm, but times always start at 19h30 uk time: Tuesday 19h30..21h30 - fun run, but will be used for either brontes or council when we finishing recruiting. Friday 19h30..22h30 - here we doing DP8hm Saturday 19h30..22h30 - here we doing DF16hm Send me pm via enjin.com to: Budha for more information, quick chat in our TS. Thank you ~ Budha
  15. Greetings, We experience great performance in past 2 months when a new OT joined us during Corruptor zero in DF8hm, then we simply sky rocket all DP bosses in single-night-boss kills, having cleaned DP8hm1..4 in just 2 weeks. But then in past 2 weeks some cosmic-murphy-rl-stuff-happens, we lost this great OT (decided to quit gaming and focus in university), 1 of our healers (changed his RL work location and with no gaming net capability) and couple days ago 1 dps. So we now have 4 fixed spots open: 1 OT 1 healer 1 melee 1 ranger Im raid leader and MT and im actively looking to fill in the spots. A bit overview on Havoc, we friendly since I care a lot about not retaining drama people or elitist-ego type of players. I have been recruiting from the level 53 non experienced raider all the way to full DF78/186 geared experienced raiders, but bottom line is they all need to pass social/non-drama trial.. The other 50% of winning the trial to get fixed spot is of course performance. We help players become better players, since we have a rich base of very experienced raiders in all types of specs/adv. classes in the guild. If you are the raider enjoying to learn, able to listen, used to google in order to achieve better performance but you also enjoy a friendly mature environment then you will feel well with us. We have 3 active 8 man progression group in the guild, and sometimes we also run 16hm DF/DP runs using raiders from the 3 groups. If interested apply in our community website - and inform you aplying for Havoc Squad group so we know: http://sparkofinsanity.enjin.com/ If you wanna chat a bit with me, please pm on enjin - my user is: Budha (1444684) Cya ingame, Budha
  16. Hi TAC, Thanks so much for your feedback. After checking your 2 specs, Im now trying the "Alternative" one and already boosted a lot .. im now getting more stable DPS and also higher between 3.7k and 4k. I went into the "alternative" cause after reading the not used balance points, i realized they would not be so interesting.. increase dot damage.. increase health.. only the force registente from force in balance could be a bit interesting. Been practicing the "alternative" rotation.. and i already got the hang of it.. it brings a high APM (abilities per minutes).. but i really enjoying higher damage and still the mobiity. Regarding project .. i guess one use it as fill up ? but.. not sure.. cause the rotation seems so much filled already that i wonder if adding project as filler i guess.. Going to try it more.. and eventually will do a detailed map in excel or something trying to optimize the rotation.. now that i know the priorities, order ot abilities (example: disturbance+force wave combo always together, etc..) and cds .. Thank you, Budha
  17. In my previous post i shared my current hybrid spec, and now i share what I think should be the curent 2.7 rotation that would like what you think/using> 1. cast mind crush > weaken mind > force in balance > 2. telekinetic throw@3xpresenceMind > 3. disturbance@instant > force wave@instant + telekinetic throw@2x REPEAT 3 & refresh mind crush/weaken/mind/for in balance if needed What do you hybrids think ? Thanks, Budha
  18. Hi all, Can you guys share 2.7 balance builds and rotation you using ? I started many years ago with teleki spec then Kephess fght in tfb made me try balance.. and then 2 months ago another sage dps suggested me hybrid would be fun. So ive been playing with hybrid.. but dps kinda spikes a lot.. from 2k into 4k or 6k or even greater then 20k when aoe and procs and adrenals and relics.. so i just would like to check how other hybrid sages doing with 2.7. my build is: http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/jedi-sage/19/?build=000000000000000000000000000000000203121202120010000000000000000003020322013100210122031000000000&ver=20 Thanks, Budha
  19. I'm raid leader of Havoc Squad, one of the 3 Sparks of Insanity progression groups raiding DF/DP8 hm. Fixed spot (must attend at least 80% of monthly events - it means 6 out of 8 at least - since we raiding twice a week for the moment): - 1 DPS for main group (Gunslinger ideally) Spotfiller spots: - Offtank possible to be promoted to Offtank in main group. - 2 dps spots. normally we need 0, 1 or 2 max per raiding nights depending on real life of the 8 raiders in main group. Spotfillers sign in any Havoc's event and have the same loot rights as main raiders when missing. Its a good change for players gearing up and wanting to learn more if they are interested. Apply in: http://sparkofinsanity.enjin.com/ and inform in your application "Havoc Squad". We currently raiding at Wednesdays and Fridays from 19h.21h30 GMT-0. We normally raid at saturdays as well, but since we supporting guild wide farm runs in DP/DF16hm, we skiping saturday for the moment in our DF/DP8hm. Thanks and see you ingame, Budha
  20. Hi, I'm raid leader of one of the 3 OP's progression groups in Sparks of Insanity [Republic guild], and I got following spots open: - 1x fixed spot for Sentinel. - 2x spotfillers spots for dps/tank (spotfillers join if 1 of the 8 mains can't attend). Our progression is now at Corruptor Zero in DF 8 hm. Raiding nights: - Tuesdays 19h..21h30 GMT-0 - Friday's 19h..21h30 GMT-0 - Saturday 19h..21h30 GMT-0 (this night is in standby since we supporting the Guild wide 16 man Hard modes running at the moment at the Weekend, so we only raiding 2x times(week). Apply in our website, by cliking in the recruiting box on homepage the spot you want to fill: http://sparkofinsanity.enjin.com/ May the Force be With Us "HAVOC'S SQUAD RULES: - attend 80% of planned raids in a month (that will be 10 out of 12 if we raiding 3x times per week, or 6 out of 8 if we raiding 2x times per week. - Inform us in advance if you can't attend a planned raid - via post on the event, ingame message to a raid leader (Budha or Sparrow), etc. ** Remember: its more important the social side and friendly respect with commitments to other people then your gear or how much damage/heal or mitigation you able to play. "
  21. Yes, I see some wisdom in your message.. i guess its important to fully evalutate all uses some feature can bring.. good or bad as you mention.. I know social interaction via chat, voice is important, so whoever is interested always popup socially asking questions and things/events eventually happen with time. Care must be taken to not provide management tools ubber featured, as this can kill the much needed social interaction. Merging both feelings of yours and mine, I think a nice workaround could be to bioware open little api and support development of addons that would access existing information. Im surely would be happy to develop a guild management addon and a raid addon so i can stop taking notes in paper when trying to fill in spots for raids, gear of people, knowledge of people.. etc. Yes, a calendar is withoudoubt the first feature needed.. something simple enough but with enough management features to help guild management. "Event type"= (datacron+10, ops DF 8 hm, guild event, etc..) "spec" = tank, healer, mDPS, rDPS (and combinations: respecing of same char and/or use of alts) "notification"= send email notifications to create event in my google calendar for example. etc.. Thanks
  22. MajikMyst, seems all your points are getting perceived from a wrong perspective. I only suggest sharing of information [period] what GM, RL or Officers do with the information its up to them. So i dont think you cleared your mind enough to feel the core of my suggestions. Sorry to say but you only provided imature example on what can one do with the new information fields - shall community and Bioware would find interesting this sharing of already existent information. ---- again. 1. knowing crafting skill is obvious, whoever needs something could easy know. 2. raid xp based in achievements information of bosses down: I imagined myself as a way to do exactly the opposite of what you said.. for me it would extremely usefull and save a lot and a lot of time knowing in advance the fights each one done or not, so i could mix and help less experienced raiders to raid. And not imagining the information would be to filter out non experienced guildies as you mention. 3. I can feel your call to attention that sometimes information can be used in wrong way.. but that its out of the scope of my suggestions here. Again we only providing/sharing existent information to guild window and nothing else. In the end of the day, its all about the maturity level, guild organization and guild strategy to help all guildies or not evolve and enjoy more the game. Maybe you can *also* propose suggestions and ideas non the behalf of this thread.. then everybody would help grow up some ideas. If you have many years of experience as GM, RL and Officer great, let us know what features would be nice to develop, and/or improve existent features on the context of Guild Management ofc. Everyone is a bit different from everyone ofc, me for example also got many years as GM, RL and Officers with mature guilds, and despite all this years of raiding more or less hard core, i love all the social side of helping guildies catching flowers, running with them Flashpoints so i can explain tactics, bring them to TS to check if they are playing well their rotation, if they are aware of the gear stats caps and even like doing and content quest chains and so on. BUT there are also RL that think on the narrowed principle in just raiding with only 8 or 12 most closed mates and dont care about all the others 200 or 300 guildies. and etc.. So, instead of suggesting bad uses for the displaying of information in guild windows, lets try to hear from all experienced RL, Officers and GM what things they would like to see changed.. im sure each one have 1 or 2 ideas im sure. Cheers
  23. - remember my post is to be felt from the Raid Leader or Guild Officers players mainly. - "raid xp" = report existing information about each boss down, so at least we know that player was "there" and felt more or less the tactics for that boss at least. Idea is for RL to quickly see how many 1st timers he have and so on. - "crafting" its easy one, display also already existent information. - regarding the "main spec" and "alt specs": and since people can dual spec on the fly manually ofc, i would suggest for these 2 not an automatic information, but something player can choose from a list. Meaning the spec list would have to contain the combos, so something like: Tank, Healer, mDPS, rDPS, Tank+mDPS, Healer+rDPS, Healer+mDPS * this list contains current game possbibilities, but Bioware could provide all possibilities arranged in 2 to plan for future game updates. - "alts specs" I agree this one maybe too much, but again, on the perspective of a raid leader trying to fill in the spots, would be very usefull.. imagine you have 20 guildies online and with their main spec either on my new proposed column or in current game Members Note or Officer note.. but imagine 20 all mDPS or rDPS.. when in reallity taking in account the alts we could see that online are human players able to log in 5 tanks, 4 healers for example.. this would save a lot a lot of time in guild chat / team speak trying to figure out what alts exist for online guildies. Last but not least, I always think from end to start, I know as raid leader or guild master the informations I miss from guildies, im keeping lots of things in excel files tabular format and so on.. thats why i decided to propose this boost in guild management ingame. MN) As for Member note: it should be for guildies to freely use for whatever they like. ON) As for Officer note, should be .. well to keep officer infos. Ofc most organized officers use Member Note and Officer Note to fill in the missing columns like crafting, or mainchar name or spec.. thats how these 2 fields are used on most mature and organized guilds.. THAT MEANS we wasting both fields for what they should be used for like I said in MN) and ON) Would like to hear more from RL and officers, hope this thread could grow in intereste so guild management can become more easy for Officers and for Raid/OPs Leaders.
  24. 1. add column in guild window "main spec" with options (tank, healer, mDPS or rDPS. so it makes easy to know what roles are online. 2. add column in guild window "crafting" automatically showing our char crafting skill. 3. add column in guild window "raid xp" showing somehow someinformation to allow raid leaders knowing experience of online guildies.. it could be global ranking like "little ops experience", "average knowledge", "high knowledge" or "top notch raider" based in the ammount of boss's down achievements maybe.. and when mouse overing this column on a specific online guildie would display tooltip with boss's down achievements for the guildie like: 8sm 8hm 8nm EV all all 3/5 KP etc.. 4. add column in guild window showing alts "main specs".. so we know some online guildie dps have a Tank alt for example.. this avoids lenghty guild chat interactions trying to form groups or find ops fillers. i can imagine more.. but would nice to hear from the community what they think about the above ideas. Of course, for each column is fully editable for ach guild rank, visible yes or no, editable ys or no. Thanks
  25. At the moment, after leaving some combat i stay with my laser saber Unsheathed, whici i found a bit annoying. I suggest an option in menu to enable to disable heathed automatically after finishing some combat. So i dont have to all the times i leave combat manually have to guard saber laser.
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