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An End to the Exarchs - Completed but Achievement Not Granted


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I have defeated all 6 of the exarchs (the pre-requisite) but I didn't get the <An End to the Exarchs> achievement.


Here are the completion dates:


Defeat Zar Draya, 11/05/2015 8:51:16 PM

Defeat Forta Gair, 01/23/2016 9:57:09 AM

Defeat Jom Vanten, 01/23/2016 12:42:45 PM

Defeat Lesin Tyn, 01/23/2016 2:59:03 PM

Defeat Tarso Gren, 01/23/1016 4:09:52 PM

Defeat Andur Melor, 01/24/2016 9:04:39 PM


When I look at the achievement in the interface it shows all 6 pre-requisites complete as above but when I click the achivement icon itself it only shows Andur Melor as complete.


I created CS Ticket 23235761 but all the droid there said was, "This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service."


So not terribly helpful.


Anything I can do to properly get the achievement? I have defeated the exarchs multiple times but to no avail.


EDIT: Screenshot link removed as issue is resolved now.



Edited by Sythlien
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I had/have a similar problem. Except it unchecked the Tatooine one. I then earned Voss, and the next day it unchecked that one. The next day I noticed that the End to the Exarchs one was cleared completely, even though I still had all of the other ones checked off (except Voss and Tatooine). I went back and did Voss and Tatooine again, and got the single achievement for both of 'em. This allowed the End to the Exarchs to check off the Voss and Tatooine ones.


I thankfully had placed one of the decorations before the achievement cleared. So even though it has been cleared I'm glad I at least still have the decorations.


I too submitted a ticket and got the exact same response you got. It literally is just a copy paste response as I've saved the emails from other tickets to verify that. I then attempted to just earn the ones again. The problem, though, is that since I still have all the single exarch achievements checked off/complete, it doesn't check off the An End to the Exarch ones even though I've killed, for example, Hoth again.


In short it's something that can only be fixed by CSRs or such. Since it's tied to legacy it doesn't matter if you kill 'em on another character. After about a month I recently had a CSR restore my Bounty Hunter Act 3 achievement, so it definitely can be done.


There are other versions of this bug to watch out for too. Alliance rank achievements are clearing (I lost the Underworld one myself). Others have reported losing the achievement where you kill the exarch w/o buffs.


Wish I had better news to offer you, but all I can say is keep submitting tickets and be sure to reference the fact others have had their achievements restored. It eventually worked, after several closed tickets and a month, for my BH one. Good luck!

Edited by GoneGalt
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It's unfortunate that you also have experienced such issues, but I thank you for your reply!


Perhaps I was being naive initially as I thought a CS representative might have some sort of tool that would allow them to verify I had done the prerequisites and then grant the achievement. Surely this information is stored in a database of some nature, right?


Anyway, I'll keep trying to chase it down and see where it leads!

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I'll give this one bump since CS directed to post on bug forum. I don't know that it will get a response from Bioware or if anything will ever happen to it. I'm not so much disappointed that this looks to be a bug as I am that CS, apparently, can do nothing about it.
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As a follow-up... after (finally!) getting the 4.1 patch applied today the achievement was granted upon login.


I guess I will chalk this up as "all's well that ends well" (at least for now).


Just wanted to add that I experienced the same. This one was fixed, and the other ones too. Hopefully they've got it worked out for good!

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