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Solo player trying to get into ops.


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Bru.... Fyi....it's not fear, I just know "me". I don't like most people in general. I'm the first to admit that in person I'm a sarcastic, unapologetic, quick tempered, a-hole. My mentality is gorilla. And that's on a good day. I can count my "friends" on one hand and still have fingers left.


And I'm actually a guild master


"Imperial Order 66" - a guild for solo players who just want the xp bonus. Help others if you like, but we mostly leave each other alone. ;)


I'm interested on that, in which server are you? Are you many people?

Edited by MiguelGx
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Really? So y'all telling me the fights tell the story, but watching the fights won't spoil the story. :confused: ooooooooooo...k


It's all good tho... I really should thank you Vegas. Because if I gotta go thru more than DF/DP to see what happens (I don't even know what EC is..lol ), I'm not interested anymore. I'm not about to spend the little gaming time I have studying guides & trying to form groups for content I'm only slightly curious about. I'll just play one of my 30+ alts & ignore the Dreadmasters storyline from here on out. :cool:


OP....good luck bro!


*drops mic and bows out of thread


Ooooo shots were fired. All's good man. I tought I clue you in since you were complaining about the Dread Master story arc and stuff. But whatever. However let me point out that you were not paying attentiont to the story, you know the thing that you are so focused on. Anyway have a good game fam!

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