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SWTOR PvP & PvE issues


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Devs, please read.


I hate the fact that we are stuck with +41 crystals. This killed the Artifice crew skill. Now we are stuck with level 50 crystals. This can be fixed and it may piss some people off but you guys piss people every day anyways so what would it matter. Introduce level 64 or 65 crystals. Yes this would have to change in the cartel market; in fact I would take it out altogether. Additionally, I highly doubt this would make a dent in sales regarding cartel market items. This would bring life back to Artifices and drive people to make crystals. Introduce missions, not crew skill missions, which allow an Artifice to obtain a schematic to make rare color crystals or other players to find schematics and sell them on the GTN.


Dev’s this can be done. I believe a small amount of people will be pissed that crystal would be taken off the cartel market but I honestly believe if you introduce an upgraded crystal, more people would be excited. You can do this, it can be done. Regarding the legacy crystals, the ones rewarded from Ranked PvP and the purple ones can just be automatically upgraded to the current level but after the next level cap, re-issue new ones. Not hard. You guys have even admitted that the +41 crystal debacle was a huge mistake. Well, you can fix it.


PvP. I’m not a big fan of WoW but I do love what they have done with PvP. Yes that game has been out for years but you, Bioware, EA, and Devs should have learned from them and expounded from what they did and you have to some extent. You are giving us only ONE new warzone after what, two years??? This can be fixed as well. Dedicate people to create 2-3 more arena warzones, create 3-4 8v8 warzones but make two of them massive. Introduce a 16v16 warzone where it takes tactics and teamwork to win the objective. You can introduce an open world PvP ZONE, key word, zone; where 16, 20, or 24 players meet outside of an area on a planet and wait to battle it out. Now there could be alerts that are displayed system wide, and by system I mean where ever you are you will see an alert saying something to the effect of, Republic/Imperial Forces are convening on said location(s). Players, guildies, head to that location and wait for the event to start. I’m sure someone smarter than me could perfect this and make it work. This is just an idea. In an open world PvP area, i.e. Ilum, I would say allow players to earn 30-50 WZ comms for killing another player. Of course is someone gets ganked by two people then whoever gets the killing blow get the commendations.


Please, please add an additional slot on the character screen where you can store the PvP gear, where you just have to click on it, and it takes like 5 seconds or however many seconds to switch to PvE or PvP gear. This can definitely be done and would open more storage space.


Upon introducing new WZs, create an additional window where you can pick 2 WZs that you don’t want to play, like in WoW. Also PLEASE for the love of the Almighty, balance the teams. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. A good team of 8 DPS can take out a team that has 4 freaking healers and 4 DPS. But that is RIDICULOUS!!!! There are quite of few players who don’t understand objective based PvP and think it’s nothing but team Deathmatch. I can’t stand players who don’t play as a team. For instance, I primarily play a sorc (madness), sniper, and DPS merc. My job is not just taking out targets but to also assist other players. For instance, if I see melee classes are wrecking a healer on my team, I run over there and KNOCK THEM AWAY!!! Stun, knock back, other players so that your teammates can cap an objective. Some players do this but a lot don’t.


I personally, would love to see a third tier of PvP gear, where you can reintroduce Ranked Coms. The ranked season is approaching and it seems that there is death to ranked WZs because there is no benefit to them until the season begins. I think that you should have 3 tiers of ranked WZ gear. 204, 208, and 216. The only way to get ranked 216 gear is to play ranked preseason matches. During this time you earn ranked Coms and complete dailies to grind. This will keep like to ranked arenas active all year to play challenging top tier team work matches. You find too much that just because they have 2018 rating that they are in ranked WZ wearing 204 gear. Make it to where you can only play in ranked WZ with 216 gear, and that gear isn’t purchased by trading in 208 gear. This keeps life to regular WZs because you would need to play them to get your 208 gear in order to get in to preseason ranked WZs so you can grind and get your ranked coms. I see too much that people just go in to WZs with no gear which makes it less about the quality of the players and makes the pug grind miserable. If you make 204 for regulars, then you can trade that gear in to get 208 gear. You can use 208 for regulars and for the preseason WZs in order to earn ranked coms to get 216 gear. The 216 gear is for Ranked season only to prevent people from going in to regular WZs with dominating stats and unbalancing the WZs. Also I think it would be good to create PVP augments which provide additional mastery and make it to where you have all PVP gear in order to compete in Ranked WZs. You can make these augments purchasable with ranked coms just like the gear.


Now this is crazy, but like WoW where they incorporated a challenge event where you cant do a certain dungeons without completing the event, this should be in SWTOR, for PvE and PvP. I know some won’t agree but it would keep the bads out. You’ve made getting ranked PvP gear way to easy now. I hated the grind but at least people knew that if I was min/maxed in Ranked PvP gear that I have done my fair share. Yes, I understand this doesn’t mean a player is good, but at least that player would have had to complete a large amount of WZs.


Another thing I think is feasible which XBOX and PS4 do is add some kind of chat feature where you can actually talk to other player on your team or maybe work something out with Mumble, Teamspeak, or Vent to incorporate this feature. I really have no clue how to make this work but I believe in this day and age it can be done. Oh, if you can afford a $15 dollar a month subscription, you should be able to afford cheap headphones. I know all people can’t but come on. I would to get into warzones where I can talk to everyone, instead of having to stop playing and type a message.



I really don’t need to reiterate what people are already complaining about, i.e. new operations, more content, etc, etc.

BUT, since LAUNCH why the hell are we still stuck at the 35% mount speed increase?!?!?

Why don’t we have flying mounts??? I’m sorry but this game should have flying mounts, its STAR WARS FFS!!!!

Why are we stuck with certain stances when holding a lightsaber? Why can’t mara’s hold their lightsabers like Starkiller held his in The Force Unleashed II. I wish my Jedi Guardian could hold his lightsaber like my Jugg holds his.

Vanguards and Operatives, why do they hold their rifles the way they do. I’ve served in the military and I’ve been to Afghanistan multiple times and have been in fire fights. When you are engaging a target, you DO NOT hold your rifle like they do in this game; it is pointed at the target while you advance on them or pointed in their general direction.

Why do the weapons glitch when you engage a highlighted object. This has been an issue for years. Why hasn’t this been fixed.


One last note, there is this thing called humbleness. You admitted you screwed up the Crystals and the great companion nerf. You fixed the nerf. Well admit you’ve made some mistakes and fix them. Bring back the SWTOR that founders loved. I really wish there were professional competitions for PvP, like WoW, LoL, and DOTA: Reborn, has. I’m sure this is falling on deaf ears or blind eyes, but this is just what I would like to see changed. As subscribers we pay 15$ a month to play. There are approximately 750,000 to 1,000,000 subscribers on the game. That is between 11.25 Million and 15 Million dollars a month! I understand you have salaries to pay, maintenance, and server cots. But you make a substantial profit from subscribers and not to mention from the sometimes unreasonably priced cartel market. I don’t see our money being invested into bettering this game at all. As subscribers I see us basically as your investors and our money is not being turned into a better game. These live casts and forums are being absolutely ignored when we are telling you as the players what we want from this game. Most of which is reasonable to ask because you see WoW providing these things already. If you start having live streams to ask players what they want instead of telling us how you are working on things I feel there would be better development for the game. You have been saying for years it would be released for MAC and have yet to get that pushed out which would increase more subscribers as well.


Ok seriously, the last point. You guys have SERIOUSLY gotten lazy on endgame gear design. Come on, the old school armor for PvE and PvP was great but now, they all look the same and is pure laziness!!!

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This game has so much potential but just seems like the Devs could care less what the players who actually pay them to make this game have to say.


Warzones: I feel like there should be way more warzones for a game that has been out this long. I also feel that there should be choices. Instead of telling me i can only play objective based game to PVP give us a arena option also for regulars. You have made so many people angry with the forced objectives that nobody wants to run regulars once they have ranked gear unless they are in pre mades. I also think that you should make sure that teams are balanced. Its crazy when you see a team with 4 healers or with no healers when the other team has 4. I agree with the 3 tier system. I feel like its fair to all the players involved and also brings life back to the ranked world outside of the season.


Gears/ Augs: I think you should have slots for me to put my pvp gear so i can just click and be wearing it much like WoW has. It makes sense and saved players room in a already small and limited inventory. Augs should be adjusted to the current gear level. We should have 216 augs at the least. I feel like you leave certain things in place because they will "do" for the time being. Put more effort into fixing the gear. Crystals should be level based and current to the levels we are at. To have crystals that are level 10 is ridiculous. The artifice skill has been ruined and you seem unwilling to fix this issue.


We are players who enjoy this game and trying to help you keep it from becoming the game that nobody remembers. Tap the potential. Listen to the players and make it better.

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