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Companion role balance


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So, i picked up ashara today, whom i enjoy as a companion.

However, trying to run her in tank or damage roles is a nightmare.

The healing role, is MASSIVELY stronger in comparison, i can pull large groups of silver and gold mobs without a care in the world. With damage or tank, ill be lucky if i down a couple of them.


Either the healing role needs a nerf, or damage and tank needs a buff.


Healing=Invincible juggernaut of i win

Tank=fair fight

damage=lol go home

Edited by xkrxdragoon
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That's actually my experience with all companions so far now. Setting them to Healing makes you a godly killing machine. Setting them to DPS is a deathwish.


Naah, a death wish is setting the Nexu companion to tank role. :rolleyes:


For those that does not know:

Nexu companion come with the feature tank role had at release of 4.0.... multie-grapple attack that effects all foes (no matter of they are in a fight with you or not) in a cone in front of the Nexu. It also have fun way of not keeping aggro in Tank role (guess it does not like to be hurt :p ).

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So, i picked up ashara today, whom i enjoy as a companion.

However, trying to run her in tank or damage roles is a nightmare.

The healing role, is MASSIVELY stronger in comparison, i can pull large groups of silver and gold mobs without a care in the world. With damage or tank, ill be lucky if i down a couple of them.


Either the healing role needs a nerf, or damage and tank needs a buff.


Healing=Invincible juggernaut of i win

Tank=fair fight

damage=lol go home


Funny, when I tried it out I get:

Healing = kills just about anything that is not made for a large group.

Damage = My companion kills about anything with good DPS

Tank = ....... Eh, is this really tanking? Low damage compared to other roles and the healing strike does not heal all that much on tank. Damage mitigation is rather low as well. Can not hold area aggro.


In defence of my tank companion I should add that I mostly play gunslingers or snipers, so they have a lot of aggro to handle. Most companions can handle single target aggro reasonably well (with exception of the Nexus that is broken in tank role).

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Im finding tank is relatively alright for my mellee padawan companion, except for the fact that her main ability is *********** broken....

She holds agro relatively well provided shes sent in first.


But yea, tank needs a buff, and dps...well i suppose if i was playing a healer then using a dps would be alright, but any other situation, seems to be garbage.


And yea, healing is godlike, anything meant for a group is easily solo able when using it, being forced to run my light saber wielding companion as a healer with her dual sabers shoved into her face while casting is, massively annoying.

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Naah, a death wish is setting the Nexu companion to tank role. :rolleyes:


For those that does not know:

Nexu companion come with the feature tank role had at release of 4.0.... multie-grapple attack that effects all foes (no matter of they are in a fight with you or not) in a cone in front of the Nexu. It also have fun way of not keeping aggro in Tank role (guess it does not like to be hurt :p ).

You do know you can toggle the companions abilities off?

I toggle off the multi-grab ability on my tanks, and I toggle off the 8sec crowd control ability healers have (a waste of cast time when I'm AoEing everything)


Not experienced much of an issue with the Nexu. It gets the job done running dailies and the basic H2s, and that's at influence 10 (about as much as I'm willing to spend on Scooby snacks).

About the only thing I did pick up was that one of the ability descriptions (think it's in tank stance) refers to 'Ack dog' rather than 'your creature'.

Besides that, having a companion that can't hold threat against mobs is a nice training experience for what to expect in PUGS ;)

It also has a lot to do with whether you are spamming the area with AoE (a Sniper with suppressing fire, my tank companion loses the interest of mobs a lot) or staying focused on a single mob at a time (an Assassin making backattacks benefits from a tank companion).


Treek seems to have suffered a bit in the transition over to 4.0 companions. Her unique selling point of being able to tank and heal, with the ability to switch stance in combat has gone. And the devs attempts to keep some uniqueness to the abilities she uses means she seems to underperform the generic companions.

I know my influence 50 Treek on my main doesn't feel any better, and at time worse, than an influence 1 companion.


I know there's some issue with the spread of abilities that seem to be spread across force and tech.


Healer companions have always been an issue, even pre-4.0.

How do you get the same abilities to be balanced for a squishy DPS character running with a healer companion that may see some significant damage spikes if they engage a group of silver and gold mobs in a H2, to a tank that is able to mitigate a big part of the damage before the healer gets to it.

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