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Story progression flowchart question


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I just started playing a few days ago and I've had trouble finding an updated story flowchart (4.0). I've found several older ones and although most of the info is relevant some of it isn't. For example; they mention that hammer station can be done after the capital planet (recom level 17), so I initiate the flashpoint and my level is sync to 65. I was at level 30 and assumed I could solo the flashpoint. After some searching I found that with version 4.0 this flashpoint only has a tactical mode. Has anyone come across an updated version of a story flowchart? Thanks
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The storyline flowchart is still basically the same. However, the original layout of the flashpoints meant they were tuned for specific level ranges, while now they are all "Tactical" flashpoints in the style of Kuat Drive Yards - you all get bolstered to 65 (or synched down to 10, in the case of Esseles and Black Talon), and with a small number of exceptions they have no specific position or order in which they should be completed - they are effectively self-contained short stories independent of your class story.


The exceptions to that include Esseles/Black Talon which, as previously, the game assumes you will tackle between leaving your starter planet and getting to your Capitol world, plus a small handful such as Taral V/Boarding Party, Maelstrom Prison/The Foundry, Directive 7 (at least I *THINK* so), and the Ilum Flashpoints. These are considered to be integral to the overall story arc as you progress through the Galaxy, and could be considered as a Galactic storyline arc along with the individual planetary story arcs, and which give some background to the events taking place in the Galaxy as a whole, and introduce characters you will see later, particularly in Shadow of Revan.


Those storyline flashpoints are, with the exception of the Esseles/Black Talon FPs, marked with a purple quest icon the same as your class story and core planetary arcs, and I believe they all have Solo modes a well as Tactical and Hard modes (the Hard modes unlock when you get to lvl 50).


Having said that they are part of a Galactic story arc, they are entirely optional, and the additional background information they give you really only becomes relevant when you are going through the later content. So there is no definitive need to tackle them at a particular point in your class story or at a specific level - they are available from around the original target character level, and will bolster you to 65 to run them, with the difficulty being determined by your choice of Solo/Tactical/Hard modes.


(Note that Solo mode is almost exactly the same as Tactical, but you get a pet tank/healer Combat Support Droid for the duration of the FP, and some of the mechanics are adjusted slightly, in instances where the FP mechanics would make something impossible (such as pressing two buttons on opposite sides of a room at the same time).

Edited by Erevan_Kindelar
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