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Companion Customization


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Is there any word on whether we will EVER be able to customize the new companions? I find myself shying away from the new companions fro this reason. I'd love to use Lana but every time I bring he out I run by someone who has her out they look identical and it throws me off. Did the Devs say anything about this that I might have missed? Is this temporary? I was thinking that they would unlock all of the companions for customization after all of the KOTFE chapters were done(all 16) but haven't heard anything official.
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Is there any word on whether we will EVER be able to customize the new companions? I find myself shying away from the new companions fro this reason. I'd love to use Lana but every time I bring he out I run by someone who has her out they look identical and it throws me off. Did the Devs say anything about this that I might have missed? Is this temporary? I was thinking that they would unlock all of the companions for customization after all of the KOTFE chapters were done(all 16) but haven't heard anything official.


That's the exact reason I don't use any of the new companions myself. Unfortunately BW has been quiet as a ****** in church about the subject. :confused: They haven't (to my knowledge) even acknowledged the issue exists.

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All I can tell is that this is just a part of the standardization the game is now pushing. Even if you change color crystals, etc., it'll stay the scripted version that BW had set during the cutscenes.


Companions really are just reskins of the normal "companions" that we all own. Maybe one day we'll be teased with a CM customization pack or RNG carrot, but honestly, I'd just max one of the KotFE to 50, and then stock pile on gifts for the class companion you want in the future (pending if you are sticking to not using the companion terminal or not).

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for me at least I like the new companions I always have Lana out with me since my sage got Lana to be in a romantic relationship with him, sure it would be nice if can customize even give the new companions gear and hopefully we will be able to do that. Speaking of customization I noticed on Lana that her customization slot is open/active and that can put a customization out on that slot for Lana and not sure about the other new companions but if the slot for customization is open like it is on Lana does that mean that eventually customizations will come out for the new companions
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Even if you change color crystals, etc., it'll stay the scripted version that BW had set during the cutscenes.


Say what? (Haven't played KotFE yet).


So in the cutscenes, the jedi (for example) only have a blue lightsaber? Or what?

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Say what? (Haven't played KotFE yet).


So in the cutscenes, the jedi (for example) only have a blue lightsaber? Or what?


Oh no dude. They meant on Lana's lightsaber. If you change HER lightsaber crystal color THAT will still show up as red in the cutscenes. You will still be whatever equip in cut scenes.

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+1 for this idea. I want to be able go give them outfits and there to be 2-3 character customizations for each.


Heck put them in packs, make them gold, make money BW, but at least make it possible, how is that bad.

Edited by mrcheap
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  • 6 months later...
What I want to know is if we will ever be able to get customizations for the companions of the opposite faction. You rarely see the one you want on gtn, and the ones from the vendors bind on pickup.


I have a dumb question. Are they BoP? If not, couldn't you just buy it and place it in legacy storage?

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Is there any word on whether we will EVER be able to customize the new companions? I find myself shying away from the new companions fro this reason. I'd love to use Lana but every time I bring he out I run by someone who has her out they look identical and it throws me off. Did the Devs say anything about this that I might have missed? Is this temporary? I was thinking that they would unlock all of the companions for customization after all of the KOTFE chapters were done(all 16) but haven't heard anything official.


It actually just seems like the companions who are in the cut scenes are the ones you cannot customize. I assume after KoTFE you will be able to. Any other companion you gain you can customize, as far as I'm aware.

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It actually just seems like the companions who are in the cut scenes are the ones you cannot customize. I assume after KoTFE you will be able to. Any other companion you gain you can customize, as far as I'm aware.

The companions from the main story that return are a little funky with their outfits. When you equip, it'll show as something different but it'll be correct for cut scenes. Thankfully the actual customization works like it should mostly. I think Scorpio and T7 might be wonky in the first couple of chapters tho.

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The companions from the main story that return are a little funky with their outfits. When you equip, it'll show as something different but it'll be correct for cut scenes. Thankfully the actual customization works like it should mostly. I think Scorpio and T7 might be wonky in the first couple of chapters tho.


I just meant the NEW companions you get through KoTFE

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More so than just customizations for Lana, Theron, etc, I'd like to be able to purchase customizations for some of the cross-faction companions. For example, my Republic characters can't buy customizations for Kaliyo, my Imperial characters can't buy customizations for Aric, etc.
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i am still waiting for us to be able to customize the companions (all of them) ....

i wouldn't even mind if they slip in their original dress while in cutscene . we have so much armor, all of those collections , i would love to personalize my companions.


and i would love if they could finally get rid of that annoying "companion naked in the stronghold bug"

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