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GSF/PvP combo Suggestion


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Hey, I put this in the suggestion box, but I want to know what the rest of the community thinks of it:


Bioware has been forcing me to PvP if I want to pick up Pierce or M1-4X. I don't like PvP. However, being in matches has given me an idea, which was well received by the GSF community on TEH, at least. The idea is this: create a PvP game type that combines elements of ground PvP and GSF. One possibility would be a large map with several ground-to-air turrets. Ground PvPers would have the responsibility of taking and holding the turrets, while GSFers would have to fly cover and attempt to destroy enemy turrets (and enemy players) from the air. Turrets would run on a similar AI to current GSF domination matches, so they'll be shooting at the fighters trying to take them out. There are also other possibilities - a ship assault, for example, where ground PvPers are the assault team, taking and holding hard points, while GSFers fly cover and attempt to take out enemy hard points.




1) Creates some more interest in GSF.

2) Gives Strike Fighters a role in space combat, as they would be the primary turret destroyers.

3) Creates a very Star Wars style atmosphere, with ground and space forces collaborating.

4) Gives PvPers a new map.

5) Gives GSFers a new map and game style.

6) Creates a bridge between the two versions of PvP in the game.




1) Large map size (at least for the first suggestion). For ground PvP, this is bad, as they'll spend a lot of time running from place to place. A counter to this could be to allow speeder piloting for ground forces, or to allow some sort of transportation system from point to point. That could give GSF pilots another target/defense point.

2) Requires GSF and PvP to work together. Hopefully, this wouldn't be a disadvantage for long, but at first the two communities probably would not mesh well.

3) Takes resources. Everybody complains about Bioware pulling resources from their favorite area to expand the game in another area. Not much I can say to this, except that GSF hasn't had a bone thrown to them in a long while, and PvP could use something new as well. This would make both communities quite pleased.


So, thoughts?



Edited by TRFWesVos
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