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Everything posted by TRFWesVos

  1. Learning Curve: It's steep, but I think most of that is because of the lack of either a good tutorial or a PvE area. Add either of those, and the issues with the learning curve disappear. Ideally, a group PvE area would be perfect, as it would allow veteran players to train newbies who need training without having the pressure of a time crunch or opposing veterans vaping the newbies before they can get any instruction. Ship Balance: I addressed this in the other thread, but I think the biggest issue with balance right now is that strikes are weak, mostly because missiles are weak. And gunship/bomber clusters are bad for the game in TDM (or even Domination, for that matter). They discourage players whose style is to dogfight while encouraging a sniping war. There needs to be a way for a certain ship type to be able to break up gunship clusters/walls without extreme coordination (which you really can't get in a PUG, particularly with newbies). Something New: Always happy to have something new, but that's not keeping me from playing. I think if something new were to be added, I would like to see a few new maps for the current game modes as well as a few new game modes. The one I've seen suggested I like most is some form of capital ship attack. It would act like Domination in a way, but with clear attacker/defender delineation. The defenders would be escorting a capital ship, perhaps a crippled one, that has some anti-fighter turrets (like domination turrets). The attackers would have to destroy certain points on the ship in order to achieve victory. Then sides would swap. Or, alternatively, each side has a capital ship to escort, and they have to split their forces between attacking and defending. The first team to destroy the capital ship three times wins. Matchmaking: The matchmaker is awful. Not sure how to fix it, but something needs to be done. I will let others address this, as they are more knowledgeable than me in that area. Character v. Legacy: Before the changes to requisition, this was a problem. Now it doesn't bother me, though having some legacy requisition would be nice.
  2. I agree with those who have said that no ship is truly overpowered. If you start nerfing ships, it could have very unpredictable results. Instead, I would suggest buffing strikes (particularly the T2 strike) and buffing certain components. In particular, missiles (except clusters) need a huge buff. Others can give specifics, but right now missiles are far too easy to evade and too hard to land a lock with. They're basically useless
  3. 1) Definitely need the ability to display our mastered ships in our strongholds. If we master a ship, we should get it unlocked as a decoration. Maybe even add a room onto strongholds that is designed as a hangar bay? Also, the ability to display mastered ships on a guildship would be excellent, too. There are already hangar bays on the guild ships; letting GSF guilds display their ships there would be a huge perk. 2) Various flight suits available for purchase would be great for those of us who play GSF and RP. I know that some of us get the generic suits as a subscriber reward, but some variation would be nice. 3) Before the change to requisition, I would have said add legacy requisition tokens, but I'm not sure they're needed now. Still, they might be nice to have for those of us who have multiple toons and don't like starting from scratch. 4) Ship customization. Paint jobs, laser colors, etc., should be available to be purchased for those who have mastered ships. These should be custom and different from what's on the CM, so as not to cut into the revenue stream. Included in this, I'd like some way to display kills on the paint job of each ship. So if I get, say, 100 kills with a scout, I should be able to paint that on the nose of my scout. 5) Related to that, GSF achievement decorations for strongholds would be great. Just something small, but it would go a long way to decorating a pilot room.
  4. The bolded parts got me to resub. Seriously, the best part of this game is GSF, and it's finally getting some love. I don't PvP (other than GSF), I don't raid, and the Eternal Empire story bored me. So Devs, thank you thank you thank you for finally updating GSF, even in little ways. Now, if we could just add some bug fixes and a faction-wide hangar, things would be golden! EDIT: As a note, I'm also (along with others) hoping very strongly for a return to class stories. I don't care if they are coupled with flashpoints (though not operations, please, for those of us who don't have time to do long group content - I usually only have less than an hour at a time to play), but please give us class stories again.
  5. I'm having the same issue on my end. Launcher comes up, I try to log in, and I get the spinning circle. Any sort of update on this would be appreciated.
  6. Not the place, but I can answer it anyway. You'll need to turn your graphics settings down. Mine was doing the same thing on Chapter 2, and a few subsequent chapters, but lowering my graphics settings did the trick.
  7. Hey, I put this in the suggestion box, but I want to know what the rest of the community thinks of it: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=867177
  8. Agreed, it would be somewhat expensive, but probably no more so than making a new GSF map and a new PvP map - everything else is already in the game. You could probably recycle most of the VO, maybe with just a few new additions. The turret models already exist - just port them off the domination maps and stick them in a building. PvP has a ship-based game and at least two turret-based ground games, so those are there. They could probably port a good chunk of the ground maps in from places like Alderaan, Tatooine, Hoth, Voss, and Corellia. Of course, I guess getting everything to be three-dimensional might take some work. But I'd say it's worth it for the sheer pleasure of playing such a game. True, gunships probably would be better turret killers. But strikes would be in a bit of a better spot than they are now. There'd at least be something for them to do, since you couldn't really mine the ground turrets. Bombers wouldn't have much of a place in the game, except to set up gunship nests.
  9. Bioware has been forcing me to PvP if I want to pick up Pierce or M1-4X. I don't like PvP. However, being in matches has given me an idea, which was well received by the GSF community on TEH, at least. The idea is this: create a PvP game type that combines elements of ground PvP and GSF. One possibility would be a large map with several ground-to-air turrets. Ground PvPers would have the responsibility of taking and holding the turrets, while GSFers would have to fly cover and attempt to destroy enemy turrets (and enemy players) from the air. Turrets would run on a similar AI to current GSF domination matches, so they'll be shooting at the fighters trying to take them out. There are also other possibilities - a ship assault, for example, where ground PvPers are the assault team, taking and holding hard points, while GSFers fly cover and attempt to take out enemy hard points. ADVANTAGES: 1) Creates some more interest in GSF. 2) Gives Strike Fighters a role in space combat, as they would be the primary turret destroyers. 3) Creates a very Star Wars style atmosphere, with ground and space forces collaborating. 4) Gives PvPers a new map. 5) Gives GSFers a new map and game style. 6) Creates a bridge between the two versions of PvP in the game. DISADVANTAGES: 1) Large map size (at least for the first suggestion). For ground PvP, this is bad, as they'll spend a lot of time running from place to place. A counter to this could be to allow speeder piloting for ground forces, or to allow some sort of transportation system from point to point. That could give GSF pilots another target/defense point. 2) Requires GSF and PvP to work together. Hopefully, this wouldn't be a disadvantage for long, but at first the two communities probably would not mesh well. 3) Takes resources. Everybody complains about Bioware pulling resources from their favorite area to expand the game in another area. Not much I can say to this, except that GSF hasn't had a bone thrown to them in a long while, and PvP could use something new as well. This would make both communities quite pleased. So, thoughts?
  10. What Class are you attempting the Chapter on? Were you in the Chapter prior to today's maintenance? If so, how far into it? Consular (sage) 65 I had just started the chapter last night, prior to the maintenance. When I logged on today, it kicked me out of the story onto the fleet, and I had to restart the chapter.
  11. Scout (Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy). A Jedi without a lot of power in the Force, and yet she manages to accomplish things at which other more experienced Jedi fail.
  12. It's because I haven't flown with or against you recently. Yeah...but once you factor in a house payment, student loans, groceries, internet bills, self-employment taxes (since I'm self-employed), business expenses, and supporting a family, that $15 a month is precious.
  13. Verain, I can't agree with you here. What you are saying would be true if there was a large enough player base for queues to constantly be popping. In that case, then everyone would be having a good time regardless of the outcome because good players would inevitably be on both sides and, even if there was one lopsided match, you could get a better one a few minutes after the end. However, we don't have that player base at the moment. All of us in the GSF community should be focused on building that base so that, when we want to have a good match, we can. Steamrolling newbie teams doesn't help us build the player base; therefore, it is counterproductive not only to the other team having a good time, but to your team's enjoyment as well. Yeah...there's a lot I could say here, but I'll pass. Apparently you're not queuing in the morning on Ebon Hawk, then. Every time I have done so recently, as an Imp, I've ended up on a team with mostly newbies (the occasional vet, but mostly newbs) and am getting steamrolled by Visaeris (or Daeneris, or whatever Game of Thrones moniker he's using this week) and his buddies. I like to flatter myself into thinking that with a decent team and upgraded ships, I could at least not get steamrolled by that group, but with a bunch of newbies who don't even know how to shoot, I've got no chance. I'm no Nem or Drako, with the ability to carry a team, and when I'm the best pilot on the team by far, against that...yeah, there's no chance. Matches end 950+ to 50- or 45+ to 5-. And people stop queuing. Since TOR is my only MMO (seriously, what kind of job do you have that you can afford more than one sub? I want it), I can't comment much on this except to say that, yes, I wish we'd get cross-server queues, and no, it's not happening anytime soon. Which is a shame. Again, can't comment much except to say that more people playing is good.
  14. I don't know about the missile. I have a NovaDive equipped with an upgraded EMP just for this purpose, though - if there are a bunch of mines on a sat, I'll suicide in to set off the EMP and let the rest of the team clean up.
  15. Tactic 1 requires a bomber, which is just about as undesirable as a gunship. Tactic 2 requires a great deal of coordination, particularly from a PuG without voice, whereas a gunship wall requires next to no coordination - everyone just jumps in their gunships and starts blasting. Still waiting for Tactic 3. Wait, nerfing GS into the ground isn't desirable? I beg to differ. A sound tactic, but again it requires a good deal of coordination as well as a team made up completely of veterans - one or two newbs kills it because they simply rush into the wall, and the GS just stay back and shoot. Also, non-contributing is a problem. You can pick up boosts, but that creates its own problems (namely, finding them and flying between them while also trying to run a screen & retreat game.
  16. I'm interested to discover how to kill a Sheep wall without creating your own Sheep wall. I refuse to participate in those. That said, I'm going to expand on #3 of my post (just in case the devs do read this): Map 1 & 2: TDM over Coruscant/Dromund Kaas. Obstacles would be capital ships and space debris, like Denon, but with the planet in the background and (if possible) turrets scattered either on the capital ships or on stationary satellites (non-capturable). They'd be low-accuracy, bad tracking, but high damage (about half a standard slug railgun hit) to make them an actual threat. You could even add in points for killing turrets. Map 3 & 4: Combined with the fleet assault idea, make a fleet assault map for Korriban/Dromund Kaas as well.
  17. 1) Significant nerf to bombers and gunships when more than one of each are present in a match. So long as that is implemented, nerf BLCs. The only reason they're needed as is right now is to smash gunships. 2) Add more scout and strike types. There's always more you can do with scouts and strikes. 3) Add more maps. 4) More gameplay styles, particularly a capital ship assault. Included in this would be allowing a queued group to select to, instead of flying, man a small corvette-type ship, with each group member getting a different station. 5) Legacy Requisition, maybe at 1/5 of Fleet Requisition, and with CC conversion available.
  18. Actually, the latter is a specific example of what I was saying is not a good reason for quitting a match. If you quit because you're getting killed, or because you won't top the boards, or because the other team is winning, I think you're wrong to do so. But if you're that type of player, I'd rather you quit than self destruct or not contribute. That huts the team far worse. If my team is losing, or I'm getting killed, etc., I stick with the match until the end, even if the other team is the Bastion Gunsheep squad and we're getting crushed (though I might, after the match, swap sides to ask them to play nicer). It is when my own team starts to roll out the gunship or bomber full squad that I request them to play with a little more class, then quit in protest of the match. My goal is not to punish anyone, but rather a statement that I won't participate in classless play. I have better things to do with my time than support a bunch of jerks (which is what I consider rolling out a full squad of bombers/gunships to be). In addition, some of us enjoy the game for more than just the competitiveness of it, though that is a factor. I enjoy the community on TEH, the chance to fly a space fighter...and I do like matching wits and skill with other pilots. But that said, I'm not (as someone said in another thread, or maybe GSF chat), I'm not a kid out of school who has nothing to do with my time. When something comes up IRL, I have responsibilities that I have to take care of. The game should not punish that.
  19. I have to disagree with you on this point. There are times for some of us that Real Life takes precedence over the game. I know for me, there are times where I have to take care of things outside the game and have to quit matches because of it. In addition, there are some times that certain players quit a match to make a point. I know a few Ebon Hawk players (myself included) who will quit a match if their own team rolls out a gunship or bomber festival (which I define as more than 1 or 2 bombers/gunships per squad), on the principle that those matches are fun for no one on either side except those who need to stroke their own egos by demolishing the opposition. So their are legitimate reasons to quit a game that is in progress. If you are rage quitting because you are getting curb-stomped, or because you are getting focused, or just shot up, that is a problem, but do you really want that player on your team anyway?
  20. Domination: Meghwyn - Starguard - No Guild - Ebon Hawk - 20 Kills and Assists Medals: Meghwyn - Starguard - No guild - Ebon Hawk - 15 medals Objectives: Meghwyn - Starguard - No guild - Ebon Hawk - 140 Objective Points Strike Domination: Meghwyn - Starguard - No Guild - Ebon Hawk - 20 Kills + Assists Meghwyn - Starguard - No Guild - Ebon Hawk - 140 Objective Points Meghwyn - Starguard - No Guild - Ebon Hawk - 38537 Damage
  21. Shoutout to Keli. New transfer to TEH, and he's already topping leaderboards. Well done.
  22. I'm certainly no ace, but I'm moderately decent when supported. I'm willing to help teach (though I could probably benefit from some teaching myself, too).
  23. Actually, I don't play Huttball. Even so, Huttball at least has lore behind it. There's a story point to it, even if the story point is silly (which, IMO, it is). Powerups don't. In addition to the previous point, what's wrong with a killball? Whenever I see a killball, it's frustrating to me as a solo player (I have no mic, so I'm out of luck when it comes to fighting with or against a well-organized voice-chat pre-made squadron), but that is the heart of this game. The purpose is to form and use squadron tactics, not just solo dogfighting. Whenever I come up against a killball, I tip my cap and try to stay to the outside and pick off the ones who aren't part of it. That tells me they're using good tactics. Powerups, and damage overcharge in particular, are defeating the purpose of good squadron tactics.
  24. This. So much this. Bombers and gunships I can deal with. I think they need to be modified to better fit their niche role, but I can accept them. Powerups, though, have no place in this game unless there is a justifiable story reason for them to be there. Otherwise I'm just playing an arcade game, which is not why I'm paying Bioware every month.
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