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Implement a Mercy Rule.


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As Destiny does when it comes to PvP matches, when it's clear that one team is infinitely better than the other, end the match early, and break that team up.


So so so so many of the PvP matches here on SWTOR are one-sided slaughterfests; right out of the gate, you can tell which team will win that match, and there's absolutely nothing the other team can do. Like, a recent Civil War match, the enemy captured and held all three turrets for the entire game. When it's obvious that there's not even a glimmer of hope that the other team can win, that game should be ended, and that team should be broken up (Meaning that the members of that team won't be matched with eachother for the next match).

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Yes, so many times yes. But as I've seen this request before and still nothing, maybe, give a 10% exp, credit, valor, to the team that gets the win? It's mercy for the team getting slaughtered, and either makes those who try fight harder so its not a slaughter, or those that slaughter fight harder to try and get through more matches.


/signed in my blood I want this so much!

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Punish people for playing the game well? That sounds......fun?:rolleyes:


Let's do that in sports too. The football team at the top of the league has to disband and give their players to different teams, and reform with players no-one else wants. No-one is actually allowed to Win the league, because then that'd mean everyone else loses, and at the end of every game everyone gets a medal and someone telling them how good they were. And some ice-cream.

Edited by CrazyCT
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Punish people for playing the game well? That sounds......fun?:rolleyes:


Let's do that in sports too. The football team at the top of the league has to disband and give their players to different teams, and reform with players no-one else wants. No-one is actually allowed to Win the league, because then that'd mean everyone else loses, and at the end of every game everyone gets a medal and someone telling them how good they were. And some ice-cream.


That's why I said for the winning team that they beat so bad they implented mercy rule, that they gain more then a standard win.

When you're in a pug, and against a premade, it not fun and makes me not want to continue pvping, enough people like that and you can no longer get qs. Happened on my old server before I transferred, wait 80 minutes for a Q, match over in 7 minutes due to a premade. Rinse and repeat until I just gave up on PvP.

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I recommend that they don't reward players that just give up and just stay at the turret node/pylon that they just cap throughout the rest of the matches. I hate it when they do that while I'm the only one heading towards the middle turret and I'm getting jumped by 3 or more enemy players. A few of them would say "I'm just gonna give up and earn medals at our turret/pylon." That was a load of crap, but I rarely ever see that now since I'm at the PVE server on the republic side. This happened a lot during my previous years before I quitted the game before 2015 of January, but then I came back after witnessing that flashpoints had solo mode after I got back on around 2015 of December. The designers of this game should not reward players that don't want to put effort into this game by complaining and expecting players like me to pull their weight around. The only thing that's dumb annoying, which I don't let it get to me since I only play in moderation now, is that players that favor the empire more would get on my team in the republic side and throw out the matches with dumb comments that they expect to aggravate someone. They behave like a bunch of irresponsible infants, the same kind that get the butts whooped either by authority or someone who is disciplined, but at an older age. They need to grow up.
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Punish people for playing the game well? That sounds......fun?:rolleyes:


You only say that because you enjoy your one-way slaughterfests from the winning side. Whether you liked it or not, it was clearly not a fair match. SWTOR needs to understand what a good match is and isn't. When people queue up for pvp, they hope to win, or at least hope the teams are evenly matched. But, when it's clear right out of the gate that all hope is lost, why should people bother to queue anymore? Maybe that's why PvP queues take so long, sometimes, because it's been a one-way roflstomp too many times in a row, and the only people queueing are the 4-man premade hoping to continue the rampage.


Well, the rest of us are tired of being gang-raped. And maybe we'd feel more comfortable with pvp with we knew the matches were more evenly matched.

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Winning a one sided-match isn't fun.


Matches should end the moment they can be determined one team wins. Civil War is the most easy to do this in.


Basically, if one team's score doubles the other team's score at any point, then the team with the halved score no longer is able to win unless they manage to control all 3 turrets. Something that's not likely to happen if the score is already that lopsided.

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Just be aware that some matches are like this because of M1-4X , the loss of Conquest points from crafting changes with 4.0 and not being able to solo hard mode flashpoints, duo old OPs anymore. Those changes have stopped smaller guilds from participating in most Conquests now making it frustrating for them if their only purpose for doing so was just to open up and decorate their guild ship. Edited by Tulmara
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This has been a problem since launch. And regardless of people's reasons for doing PvP, people always play the same way. So the influx of players doing PvP for other reasons is not a reason for being bad at the game mode.


The only exception to this is if the person is purposely not putting forward an effort.


But, regardless, the issue at hand has been around since launch.

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