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Dear Bioware. Two weeks I have waited, and some even longer


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Hai! I'm not really interested in you telling me to "unsubscribe if you're not happy, crybaby", "do something else in the game then, plenty of sh**t to do" or "start a new character". No. I won't for the following reasons:

1. Only subscribers get help. Fact.

2. No. I want to play through this specific story - I don't need you to tell me what to do.

3. I spent several million credits on cosmetic items that have now risen in price. Not interested in regrinding for the next weeks.


I'm not going to call the customer support in the UK. Calling out of the country is a pricy thing, and from what I've read around the forums the people you talk to can't help with in-game issues.


And don't come taking the piss by telling me your wikipedia information on legal definitions and what I have agreed to and not. Not interested. This is about a principle. I know there is a thread in the bug-report section, and I have added my character to the endless list, but nothing seems to get done.


Finally, I know plenty of people complain about CS ticket-time in the forums. I don't care. I have an opinion too.


Dear Bioware.

For two weeks I have waited for your so-called customer support. Some people even longer, and with the same issue that you have aknowledged to exist. Why is this taking so long? When I subscribed I did so because I was promised, from reading on your site, a class story line through all the plantes, and customer support. I have neither.


Are you really going to take my money without giving me what you pride yourself on giving? Isn't this the MMO known for it's story line for all classes? Isn't this false advertising when you cannot guarantee your customer will receive what's advertised?


Two weeks ago this weekend I was casually enjoing my sith inquisitor. Upon finishing Nar Shaddaa I was supposed to be giving the quests for Tatooine and Alderaan - which I did not. Something clearly bugged out (here I know the "AS IS" clause in your ToS comes in handy for your lawyers). When I was supposed to send in a ticket, as you do when having problems - the system was down. I had to wait, as the rest of the community needing help, a day to submit it. Since it was only a day, it wasn't really a big deal. When it came back up, I sent a ticket under what I would consider to be the approperiate category: bug report (now in hindsight I know this was a mistake - trust me). 48 hours later I get a response saying the CS doesn't read these tickets and that I had to submit a new one in the "approperiate section".


48 hours later, and thousands of ticket further back in the system I finally submitted a "valid ticket" that.. should get read. Regardless, it's been over a week since it was submitted and no response.


When does your low-staffed support team stop qualifying to be support? Although not widely advertised, can't you say this is false advertisement?

If you're a subscriber and you require assistance with an issue inside the game, you can create an in-game ticket by clicking on the "Customer Service Help Request" Main Menu option (or by pressing "Ctrl + /") and following the instructions on the "Request Help" tab.


Are you still going to call it "customer service" after taking months to respond? Where does it end? In all my years of dealing with a company's CS, I have never had to wait this long - not even low-staffed firms.


I'm not happy, and I have every right not be. This is not how you treat paying customers. I am not a given and neither should any of your other customers be. It's disgraceful, and it is a horrible business practice. Deep down I truly hope you don't go to work in the morning feeling proud of what you're not doing.



A badly treated customer

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Okay, this is really fascinating because I've been waiting about a month for the EXACT SAME ISSUE. I also have a sith inquisitor that can't advance and is stuck right after Nar Shaddaa with no further class missions. No response for over a month, but what I find even more interesting is that it's EXACTLY the same issue, which means there may be a serious connection as to why it's happening.


At least we know this now. I know customer service doesn't care, but hey, at least we understand there's something happening here.


I ended up just leaving the ticket open in hopes that one day they might answer it. Ended up having to play completely different characters because that character is basically dead until customer service gets around to fixing it, which I suspect the never will. I am seriously expecting a closed ticket with no comment in the next few weeks (as it's been over a month now).


And I am definitely a subscriber

Edited by sarbonn
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Okay, this is really fascinating because I've been waiting about a month for the EXACT SAME ISSUE. I also have a sith inquisitor that can't advance and is stuck right after Nar Shaddaa with no further class missions. No response for over a month, but what I find even more interesting is that it's EXACTLY the same issue, which means there may be a serious connection as to why it's happening.


At least we know this now. I know customer service doesn't care, but hey, at least we understand there's something happening here.


I ended up just leaving the ticket open in hopes that one day they might answer it. Ended up having to play completely different characters because that character is basically dead until customer service gets around to fixing it, which I suspect the never will. I am seriously expecting a closed ticket with no comment in the next few weeks (as it's been over a month now).


And I am definitely a subscriber


In addition to your ticket, did you post it on the Customer Service forum? That seems to get some issues looked at (or at least answered.)


I recently took a Sith Inquisitor through that quest (by recently, I mean last weekend) with no issue. You don't get Tatooine directly after Nar Shaddaa. You get Tatooine after you do Kallig's quest back on Korriban. There should have been a cut scene on your ship with Kallig (The ancestor from the Dark Temple) telling you some information about Zash and then sending you to Korriban in search of something. After you do that, it opens up Tatooine and Alderaan.


Did you get that cut scene? If you got the cut scene, did you finish the quest on Korriban?


If you didn't get the cut scene, try flying to Dromund Kaas or over to Korriban, for giggles, just to see if it pops.

Edited by Devlyne
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I recently took a Sith Inquisitor through that quest (by recently, I mean last weekend) with no issue. You don't get Tatooine directly after Nar Shaddaa. You get Tatooine after you do Kallig's quest back on Korriban. There should have been a cut scene on your ship with Kallig (The ancestor from the Dark Temple) telling you some information about Zash and then sending you to Korriban in search of something. After you do that, it opens up Tatooine and Alderaan.


Did you get that cut scene? If you got the cut scene, did you finish the quest on Korriban?

You're right about the Kallig quest before Tatooine. My bad. I can only answer for me - so no. ''Zash'' told me to head for Balmorra - a planet I already had completed.


Regardless, I know my character was created before 4.0 and I've seen a bunch of other guys with characters from before 4.0 that gets disappearing class lines. Don't know if that's it or not. I'll just do as sarbonn. Leave it and hope they get around to it. Still this should never have been an issue for this long. The very fact they continue to expand the game without fixing gamebreaking bugs is just taking the piss.

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You're right about the Kallig quest before Tatooine. My bad. I can only answer for me - so no. ''Zash'' told me to head for Balmorra - a planet I already had completed.


Regardless, I know my character was created before 4.0 and I've seen a bunch of other guys with characters from before 4.0 that gets disappearing class lines. Don't know if that's it or not. I'll just do as sarbonn. Leave it and hope they get around to it. Still this should never have been an issue for this long. The very fact they continue to expand the game without fixing gamebreaking bugs is just taking the piss.


That sucks. I wish it had at least been helpful. :-(

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Yeah, this was for a character created some time ago and only recently played, so I think a lot of the similarities are probably what's causing this. I had a brand new character go through the sith inquisitor line and complete the whole class story line (when I couldn't play that other one through). But that other character is still stuck at that spot with no ability to move forward and no customer service to fix it.
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I agree, 2-4 weeks response time to CS tickets is deplorable. However, this is not a problem specific to BW/EA. I've also had occasions where I waited 2-3 weeks for a response from Blizzard CS.
That Blizzard are equally crap at taking care of their customers really doesn't change BW's position in all of this. BW is aware of the issue, and have been for months. There is simply no excuse or other's shoddy business practices able to justify this. When they knew 4th of December last year they were "very behind" on answering tickets, they should've outsourced some people to help deal with the clog instead of forcing their 2 support staff to deal with it all - as should Blizzard if they knew they had problems dealing with it. However, we're currently having a problem with SWTOR, and not WoW. (Not trying to sound like an ***. Just kinda upset spewing money into waiting.)
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Question for ya. At any point near the end did you use travel options to go to your stronghold or another planet? I did this on a toon and for a week or so I couldn't figure out why my class quest wasn't updating and I eventually gave up for a while.


What had happened was that I was given a quest to go to another planet so I just used my stronghold to travel. Turns out there was an event that triggers on the space station on the previous planet that I needed to trigger to proceed (the quest did not state this.) The way I avoided this in the future was to travel through the class stories like I would have had to do before strongholds and not use planet quick travels.


I hope your issue gets resolved soon.


Edit: TL;DR have you tried to go back to the ground Nar Shadda space port and take a shuttle to the planetary space port then hop on your ship?

Edited by vishino
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Question for ya. At any point near the end did you use travel options to go to your stronghold or another planet? I did this on a toon and for a week or so I couldn't figure out why my class quest wasn't updating and I eventually gave up for a while.


What had happened was that I was given a quest to go to another planet so I just used my stronghold to travel. Turns out there was an event that triggers on the space station on the previous planet that I needed to trigger to proceed (the quest did not state this.) The way I avoided this in the future was to travel through the class stories like I would have had to do before strongholds and not use planet quick travels.


I hope your issue gets resolved soon.


Edit: TL;DR have you tried to go back to the ground Nar Shadda space port and take a shuttle to the planetary space port then hop on your ship?


I'm pretty sure I did, but you know, it probably can't hurt to try it, so I'll probably do exactly that this weekend just to make sure. It's not like customer service is going to get back to me before that.

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An update: I tried traveling back to the planet and physically going to any place the mission would have triggered. Nothing. It's just broken.


Yep we all tried that.


Same setup, older toon made before 4.0. Stuck in the cantina in Balmorra with no class quest for my Inquisitor there(think I had done it partially before 4.0), did Nar Shad, but cut scene said finish Balmorra and come back to Master then. Sigh.


My girl is turning in to a lush sitting in the cantina for a month.


Did make new Inquisitor toon and ran the the same class quest with no problems.


They should just reset these "Classless" toons. :confused:


Ticket: 22395099. 12-23-2015.

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