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small explosion and smoke on leaving ship to go planetside?


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As I leave my ship to go planet side, there is small explosion (and i mean a big firecracker) and some small amount of smoke in the last section that includes the door to the planet or destination; this seems to happen as I advance past 30 or 35. :rak_confused:


Simple monkey curiousity :rak_02: - any one know what this is or what it signifies?



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As I leave my ship to go planet side, there is small explosion (and i mean a big firecracker) and some small amount of smoke in the last section that includes the door to the planet or destination; this seems to happen as I advance past 30 or 35. :rak_confused:


Simple monkey curiousity :rak_02: - any one know what this is or what it signifies?



Ninjas are hiding in your ship, waiting for the signal to assassinate you. The explosions are when they have to quickly get out of your way.


Seriously, it's something weird that happens. I only see it on the Sith ship, although I've heard it on one of the others. My 65-trooper never sees it nor hears it. There are claims that it is caused by someone in another instance of the same ship type opening crates and stuff like that.

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