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Trust me, my KotFE romance option is bugged


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Hey everyone,


We have seen quite a few reports about the Romance system being broken, and I wanted to clarify a few things. A number of the issues being reported are not, in fact, bugged.


I have also seen mention of not being able to romance one of the new characters (Lana, Theron, Koth) being a bug. As far as we can tell, this is not bugged at this time. In order to romance these characters, you must consistently choose flirt options with them throughout KOTFE (having a relationship with Theron or Lana back in Shadow of Revan also contributes to their romances, but is not required) and you must choose a particular option in Chapter IX to pursue a full romance with one of them. If anyone finds that this is not the case for their character, definitely let us know!






Romances with KotFE companions are not bugged? I respectfully disagree. I have completed the story on different characters and each one flirted with Lana at every single opportunity - two Republic and two Imperial. My two Imperial characters flirted with Lana during Shadow of Revan but the Republic ones did not. None of the four characters got the flirt option in the cantina regardless of whether Lana approved or disapproved of my actions earlier in the story. In fact, I have a friend that kneeled before Valkorian and took his power each time yet was still able to lock in a romance with Lana. This makes me believe that choices don't matter yet in terms of romancing Lana.


It seemed odd to me that I would not get the romance option on four different characters. In order to test my theory that my account was somehow bugged, I created a second account and used my instant 60 token. She completed the story pretty much the same way that my other characters did. Guess what happened? I got the flirt option in the cantina and I am now locked into a romance with Lana!


To say that I am frustrated is an understatement. I refuse to take any other character that I wanted to have romance Lana through the rest of the KotFE story. I find it pointless. I have one character that is in the middle of Chapter 2 that will complete the story so that she can progress through all future content. She was not going to romance anyone so it is not an issue.


It is my understanding that Bioware will not merge the two accounts. I have a recurring subscription with my primary account, all of my achievements, titles, unlocks, etc. The “test” account has a 60 day subscription and will bump down to preferred status in March. She already has limited access to certain things because she is starting from scratch – no legacy perks, no reputation.


Please fix it so that anyone that had a problem with romancing a companion for whatever reason gets a second chance. Some of us actually value our companions so it should be taken seriously.

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  • 3 months later...

Same for me. I flirted with Lana at EVERY opportunity, and have proof of this on bandicam screen recordings.


What I did wrong was not complete the romance before patch 4.2. I started KOTFE and was at perhaps chapter 5 when the patch hit.


Patch 4.2 caused something to be reset, so that my previous flirt choices were not remembered. This caused me to not get credit for flirting with Lana, and so I received zero flirt options at the Chapter 9 cantina scene.

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I'm pretty sure this is what happened to me with Theron. I stopped in the middle of play -- WHICH SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM -- but something got jacked with one of the updates and when my Jedi Knight got to Odessen, she never got the Flirt option. I reset the chapter numerous times, no change. I have not proceeded any further in the game.


TBH, this is just going to get ignored here. I would suggest posting to SWTOR on Twitter and Facebook until they acknowledge it and give us a reset option.


Some people have noticed that when they played straight through the 9 chapters in one sitting, they didn't have the problem, but if they did stop and restart, they had the problem.


PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE THIS, BIOWARE. Your choices only matter if you get to make them!

Edited by AnisaBadgett
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Same for me. I flirted with Lana at EVERY opportunity, and have proof of this on bandicam screen recordings.


What I did wrong was not complete the romance before patch 4.2. I started KOTFE and was at perhaps chapter 5 when the patch hit.


Patch 4.2 caused something to be reset, so that my previous flirt choices were not remembered. This caused me to not get credit for flirting with Lana, and so I received zero flirt options at the Chapter 9 cantina scene.


One thing you HAD to do with Lana was tell her about Valkorion being in your head while you were in the swamp in that early chapter, you know when you went out to look for fresh water.


But this ISN'T a problem with Theron. And I've heard some ppl never get the flirt option with Koth even if they ask to speak to him first. So I will continue to believe that some Lana situations are bugged as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Any word if the flag has been corrected for 4.5? Both my Jedi Knight and my Imperial Sniper romanced Lana (sor and kotfe) and did ALL the flirt options and yadayada, and yet at the end of chap 9 there was no flirt option and neither are now considered in a romance lock in with Lana.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Agree with other posts here. I too picked flirt option EVERY TIME with Lana on all my characters except the few already in romances which were few. But several of my instance 60 characters did not get the option to romance Lana even after doing all the flirting options. Would our characters really just give up in any case and not try flirting again. Poor writing if this is the case.


Also the ones that have entered the romantic option. Once you enter the romance that's it? no more flirting, no mention of said romance ever again unless you do the brake up option by going back to an old romantic interest. Not that I have in any case but have read this in other threads.


Have to say this is a little disappointing. Probably the only let down in KotFE as far as I am concerned. Speaking for myself here and not other players.


Note, this is on over all my accounts the issue with Lana, and not just this one.

Edited by Nevaeh-Heaven
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